require 'builder' # require 'erubis' # This class is used to do all the view level bindings. # It allows for seperation between the controller and the view levels. class Mack::ViewBinder attr_accessor :controller # Allows access to the controller. attr_accessor :options # Allows access to any options passed into the Binder. def initialize(cont, opts = {}) self.controller = cont self.options = {:locals => {}}.merge(opts) transfer_vars(@controller) @xml_output = "" @xml = => @xml_output, :indent => 1) end # Returns the binding for this class. def view_binding binding end # If a method can not be found then the :locals key of # the options is used to find the variable. def method_missing(sym, *args) self.options[:locals][sym] end # Maps to the controller's param method. See also Mack::Controller::Base params. def params(key) self.controller.params(key) end def xml @xml end # Handles rendering calls both in the controller and in the view. # For full details of render examples see Mack::Controller::Base render. # Although the examples there are all in controllers, they idea is still # the same for views. # # Examples in the view: # <%= render(:text => "Hello") %> # <%= render(:action => "show") %> # <%= render(:partial => :latest_news) %> # <%= render(:url => "") %> def render(options = {}) app_config.mack.rendering_systems.each do |render_option| if options[render_option] begin rc = "Mack::Rendering::#{render_option.to_s.camelcase}", options) rescue Exception => e raise end return rc.render end end raise end private # Transfer instance variables from the controller to the view. def transfer_vars(x) x.instance_variables.each do |v| self.instance_variable_set(v, x.instance_variable_get(v)) end end class << self # Creates a Mack::ViewBinder and then passes the io through ERB # and returns a String. The io can be either an IO object or a String. def render(io, controller, options = {}) vb =, options) # TODO: find a nicer way of doing this: if ((controller.params(:format).to_sym == :xml) || options[:format] == :xml) && (options[:action] || options[:xml]) return eval(io, vb.view_binding) else return end # return end end end