Currently your primary language is <%= I18n.default_locale %>. This language will be used as a reference for all your translation work, you can change it below:
With this option you can export all of your *.yml contents into the database backend
Be aware!! All of your current database translations will be erased
MY GOD!!! You're in PRODUCTION!! You're sure you wanna do this??
<% end %><%= button_to "Run the migration", dump_interpret_tools_path %>
<%= link_to "Download", export_interpret_tools_path %> the current translations for '<%= I18n.locale %>' language as .yml file
Upload your .yml file for '<%= I18n.locale %>' language
<%= form_tag import_interpret_tools_path, :multipart => true do %> <%= label_tag "File:" %> <%= file_field_tag :file %> <%= submit_tag "Upload" %> <% end %>