require 'friendly_id' module ActiveRecord module Acts #:nodoc: module MuckContent #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_muck_content(options = {}) default_options = { :sanitize_content => true, :enable_auto_translations => true, :enable_solr => false, :enable_comments => false } options = default_options.merge(options) acts_as_nested_set :scope => [:contentable_id, :contentable_type] acts_as_taggable acts_as_commentable if options[:enable_comments] validates_presence_of :title validates_presence_of :body_raw validates_presence_of :locale belongs_to :contentable, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :creator, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'creator_id' has_many :content_permissions, :dependent => :destroy has_many :content_translations, :dependent => :destroy named_scope :by_newest, :order => "contents.created_at DESC" named_scope :recent, lambda { { :conditions => ['contents.created_at > ?', 1.week.ago] } } named_scope :by_alpha, :order => "contents.title ASC" named_scope :public, :conditions => "contents.is_public = true" named_scope :by_parent, lambda { |parent_id| { :conditions => ['contents.parent_id = ?', parent_id || 0] } } named_scope :by_creator, lambda { |creator_id| { :conditions => ['contents.creator_id = ?', creator_id || 0] } } named_scope :no_contentable, :conditions => 'contents.contentable_id IS NULL' # include the '/' in case the user forgets. Note 'get_content_scope' will add the '/' so # if we don't include it here the content won't be found as the scope won't match up. named_scope :by_scope, lambda { |scope| { :conditions => ["slugs.scope = ?", File.join('/', scope)], :include => [:slugs] } } has_friendly_id :title, :use_slug => true, :scope => :get_content_scope if options[:sanitize_content] before_save :sanitize_attributes end before_save :ensure_locale_is_string # TODO add states - draft, published # maybe move content body_raw -> body_draft -> body # then you could be working on a revision without it being live # TODO add versions # if options[:git_repository] # versioning(:title) do |version| # version.repository = options[:git_repository] # version.message = lambda { |content| "Committed by #{}" } # end # end if options[:enable_auto_translations] after_save :auto_translate end if options[:enable_solr] require 'acts_as_solr' acts_as_solr({ :fields => [ :search_content => 'string' ] }, { :multi_core => true, :default_core => 'en' }) end class_eval <<-EOV attr_accessor :uri_path attr_accessor :custom_scope # prevents a user from submitting a crafted form that bypasses activation attr_protected :created_at, :updated_at, :creator, :body EOV include ActiveRecord::Acts::MuckContent::InstanceMethods extend ActiveRecord::Acts::MuckContent::SingletonMethods end end # class methods module SingletonMethods # Look up all contents for contentable def find_contents_for_contentable(contentable_type, contentable_id) find(:all, :conditions => ["contentable_type = ? and contentable_id = ?", contentable_type, contentable_id], :order => "created_at DESC" ) end # look up a contentable object given the contentable class name and id def find_contentable(contentable_type, contentable_id) contentable_type.constantize.find(contentable_id) end # Builds a path based on a contentable object. # This is the value used to generate scope for the content object. def contentable_to_scope(obj) File.join('/', obj.class.to_s.tableize, obj.to_param) end def id_from_uri(uri) File.basename(uri) end def scope_from_uri(uri) File.dirname(uri) end end # All the methods available to a record that has had acts_as_muck_content specified. module InstanceMethods # Uri that will identify this content on the website # Splits up a uri into a path part and a key part that will automatically be assigned to the title. # For example: # given /faq/widgets/the_green_one # will assign uri_path = faq/widgets # and return the key the_green_one def uri=(val) self.title = self.class.id_from_uri(val) if self.title self.title = self.title.titleize end self.uri_path = self.class.scope_from_uri(val) end # The model must be saved before uri becomes valid. It is calculated using # the model's scope and id def uri File.join(self.scope, self.to_param) end # get scope from the slug def scope self.slug.scope end # TODO for some reason if valid? fails even before save an exception is being thrown. # Uncomment this method if you figure out why. # if contentable is blank then a uri that identifies this content must be specified # def valid? # if !valid_uri? # errors.add_to_base(I18n.t('muck.contents.no_uri_error')) # end # end def valid_uri? !self.contentable.blank? || !self.uri_path.blank? end # Setup the scope for this content object def get_content_scope if !self.custom_scope.blank? File.join('/', self.custom_scope) # make sure the scope starts with a '/' elsif !self.contentable.blank? self.class.contentable_to_scope(self.contentable) else if self.uri_path self.uri_path else MuckContents::GLOBAL_SCOPE end end end # Returns a title specific to the provided locale def locale_title(current_locale) if self.locale != current_locale setup_locale(current_locale) return @locale_contents[current_locale].title if @locale_contents[current_locale] end self.title end # Returns a body specific to the provided locale def locale_body(current_locale) if self.locale != current_locale setup_locale(current_locale) return @locale_contents[current_locale].body if @locale_contents[current_locale] end self.body end # Provided for solr index. Override this method if you wish to add # other fields/data to the solr index. def search_content "#{body}" end # Called after 'save' if auto translate is enabled def auto_translate begin translate(false) rescue => ex #TODO figure out a way to bubble up the error puts ex # Translations failed, but update the default language translation = translation_for(self.locale) translation.update_attributes!(:title => self.title, :body => self.body) unless translation.blank? end end # Translate title and body using Google def translate(overwrite_user_edited_translations = false) title_translations = Babelphish::Translator.multiple_translate(self.title, Babelphish::GoogleTranslate::LANGUAGES, self.locale) body_translations = Babelphish::Translator.multiple_translate(self.body, Babelphish::GoogleTranslate::LANGUAGES, self.locale) existing_translations = {} self.content_translations.each do |translation| existing_translations[translation.locale] = translation end Babelphish::GoogleTranslate::LANGUAGES.each do |language| if translation = existing_translations[language] if !translation.user_edited || overwrite_user_edited_translations translation.update_attributes!(:title => title_translations[language], :body => body_translations[language]) end else self.content_translations.create!(:title => title_translations[language], :body => body_translations[language], :locale => language) end end end def translation_for(locale) self.content_translations.by_locale(locale).first end # Set the user who is currently editing the content. This is used # to determine permissions def current_editor=(editor) @current_editor = editor end # Get the user that is currently editing the content def current_editor @current_editor || creator end # Sanitize content before saving. This prevent XSS attacks and other malicious html. def sanitize_attributes if self.sanitize_level self.body = Sanitize.clean(self.body_raw, self.sanitize_level) self.title = Sanitize.clean(self.title, self.sanitize_level) else self.body = self.body_raw end end def ensure_locale_is_string self.locale = self.locale.to_s end # Override this method to control sanitization levels. # Currently a user who is an admin will not have their content sanitized. A user # in any role 'editor', 'manager', or 'contributor' will be given the 'RELAXED' settings # while all other users will get 'BASIC'. # # By default the 'creator' of the content will be used to determine which level of # sanitization is allowed. To change this set 'current_editor' before # # Options are from sanitze: # nil - no sanitize # Sanitize::Config::RELAXED # Sanitize::Config::BASIC # Sanitize::Config::RESTRICTED # for more details see: def sanitize_level return Sanitize::Config::BASIC if current_editor.nil? return nil if current_editor.admin? return Sanitize::Config::RELAXED if current_editor.any_role?('editor', 'manager', 'contributor') Sanitize::Config::BASIC end # Override this method to change the way edit permissions are handled on contents # By default the creator or a user in the roles 'editor', 'manager' or 'admin' can edit the object # If the content is owned by some object such as a group or project then you might change this method # to let members of the group or project edit the content. def can_edit?(user) return true if check_creator(user) return true if user.any_role?('editor', 'manager') return true if !self.content_permissions.by_user(user).blank? return true if self.parent && self.parent.can_add_content?(user) false end # Give permissions to a specific user to edit this content def allow_edit(user) permission = self.content_permissions.by_user(user).first if !permission # Make sure the user is only added once permission = self.content_permissions.create(:user => user) end permission end # Remove permissions from a specific user def disallow_edit(user) self.content_permissions.by_user(user).destroy_all end protected def setup_locale(current_locale) @locale_contents ||= {} @locale_contents[current_locale] ||= self.translation_for(current_locale.to_s) end end end end end