require 'spec_helper' describe 'Puppet::Type::Service::Provider::Upstart', unless: || Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do let(:manual) { "\nmanual" } let(:start_on_default_runlevels) { "\nstart on runlevel [2,3,4,5]" } let!(:provider_class) { Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:upstart) } let(:process_output) {'', 0) } def given_contents_of(file, content), 'w') do |f| f.write(content) end end def then_contents_of(file) end def lists_processes_as(output) allow(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execpipe).with("/sbin/initctl list").and_yield(output) allow(provider_class).to receive(:which).with("/sbin/initctl").and_return("/sbin/initctl") end it "should be the default provider on Ubuntu" do expect(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystem).and_return("Ubuntu") expect(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystemmajrelease).and_return("12.04") expect(provider_class.default?).to be_truthy end context "upstart daemon existence confine" do let(:initctl_version) { ['/sbin/initctl', 'version', '--quiet'] } before(:each) do allow(Puppet::Util).to receive(:which).with('/sbin/initctl').and_return('/sbin/initctl') end it "should return true when the daemon is running" do expect(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute).with(initctl_version, instance_of(Hash)) expect(provider_class).to be_has_initctl end it "should return false when the daemon is not running" do expect(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute) .with(initctl_version, instance_of(Hash)) .and_raise(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "initctl failed!") expect(provider_class).to_not be_has_initctl end end describe "excluding services" do it "ignores tty and serial on Redhat systems" do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('RedHat') expect(provider_class.excludes).to include 'serial' expect(provider_class.excludes).to include 'tty' end end describe "#instances" do it "should be able to find all instances" do lists_processes_as("rc stop/waiting\nssh start/running, process 712") expect( {|provider|}).to match_array(["rc","ssh"]) end it "should attach the interface name for network interfaces" do lists_processes_as("network-interface (eth0)") expect( eq("network-interface INTERFACE=eth0") end it "should attach the job name for network interface security" do processes = "network-interface-security (network-interface/eth0)" allow(provider_class).to receive(:execpipe).and_yield(processes) expect( eq("network-interface-security JOB=network-interface/eth0") end it "should not find excluded services" do processes = "wait-for-state stop/waiting" processes += "\nportmap-wait start/running" processes += "\nidmapd-mounting stop/waiting" processes += "\nstartpar-bridge start/running" processes += "\ncryptdisks-udev stop/waiting" processes += "\nstatd-mounting stop/waiting" processes += "\ngssd-mounting stop/waiting" allow(provider_class).to receive(:execpipe).and_yield(processes) expect(provider_class.instances).to be_empty end end describe "#search" do it "searches through paths to find a matching conf file" do allow(File).to receive(:directory?).and_return(true) allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:exist?).and_return(false) expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/init/foo-bar.conf").and_return(true) resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => "foo-bar", :provider => :upstart) provider = expect(provider.initscript).to eq("/etc/init/foo-bar.conf") end it "searches for just the name of a compound named service" do allow(File).to receive(:directory?).and_return(true) allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:exist?).and_return(false) expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/init/network-interface.conf").and_return(true) resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => "network-interface INTERFACE=lo", :provider => :upstart) provider = expect(provider.initscript).to eq("/etc/init/network-interface.conf") end end describe "#status" do it "should use the default status command if none is specified" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => "foo", :provider => :upstart) provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).to receive(:status_exec) .with(["foo"]) .and_return("foo start/running, process 1000", 0)) expect(provider.status).to eq(:running) end describe "when a special status command is specifed" do it "should use the provided status command" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :provider => :upstart, :status => '/bin/foo') provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) .with(['/bin/foo'], {:failonfail => false, :override_locale => false, :squelch => false, :combine => true}) .and_return(process_output) provider.status end it "should return :stopped when the provided status command return non-zero" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :provider => :upstart, :status => '/bin/foo') provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) .with(['/bin/foo'], {:failonfail => false, :override_locale => false, :squelch => false, :combine => true}) .and_return('', 1)) expect(provider.status).to eq(:stopped) end it "should return :running when the provided status command return zero" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :provider => :upstart, :status => '/bin/foo') provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) .with(['/bin/foo'], {:failonfail => false, :override_locale => false, :squelch => false, :combine => true}) .and_return(process_output) expect(provider.status).to eq(:running) end end describe "when :hasstatus is set to false" do it "should return :stopped if the pid can not be found" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :hasstatus => false, :provider => :upstart) provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:getpid).and_return(nil) expect(provider.status).to eq(:stopped) end it "should return :running if the pid can be found" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :hasstatus => false, :provider => :upstart) provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:getpid).and_return(2706) expect(provider.status).to eq(:running) end end describe "when a special status command is specifed" do it "should use the provided status command" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :provider => :upstart, :status => '/bin/foo') provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) .with(['/bin/foo'], {:failonfail => false, :override_locale => false, :squelch => false, :combine => true}) .and_return(process_output) provider.status end it "should return :stopped when the provided status command return non-zero" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :provider => :upstart, :status => '/bin/foo') provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) .with(['/bin/foo'], {:failonfail => false, :override_locale => false, :squelch => false, :combine => true}) .and_return('', 1)) expect(provider.status).to eq(:stopped) end it "should return :running when the provided status command return zero" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :provider => :upstart, :status => '/bin/foo') provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) .with(['/bin/foo'], {:failonfail => false, :override_locale => false, :squelch => false, :combine => true}) .and_return(process_output) expect(provider.status).to eq(:running) end end describe "when :hasstatus is set to false" do it "should return :stopped if the pid can not be found" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :hasstatus => false, :provider => :upstart) provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:getpid).and_return(nil) expect(provider.status).to eq(:stopped) end it "should return :running if the pid can be found" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foo', :hasstatus => false, :provider => :upstart) provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).not_to receive(:status_exec).with(['foo']) expect(provider).to receive(:getpid).and_return(2706) expect(provider.status).to eq(:running) end end it "should properly handle services with 'start' in their name" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => "foostartbar", :provider => :upstart) provider = allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) expect(provider).to receive(:status_exec) .with(["foostartbar"]).and_return("foostartbar stop/waiting") .and_return(process_output) expect(provider.status).to eq(:stopped) end end describe "inheritance" do let :resource do Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => "foo", :provider => :upstart) end let :provider do end describe "when upstart job" do before(:each) do allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) end ["start", "stop"].each do |action| it "should return the #{action}cmd of its parent provider" do expect(provider.send("#{action}cmd".to_sym)).to eq([provider.command(action.to_sym),]) end end it "should return nil for the statuscmd" do expect(provider.statuscmd).to be_nil end end end describe "should be enableable" do let :resource do Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => "foo", :provider => :upstart) end let :provider do end let :init_script do PuppetSpec::Files.tmpfile("foo.conf") end let :over_script do PuppetSpec::Files.tmpfile("foo.override") end let :disabled_content do "\t # \t start on\nother file stuff" end let :multiline_disabled do "# \t start on other file stuff (\n" + "# more stuff ( # )))))inline comment\n" + "# finishing up )\n" + "# and done )\n" + "this line shouldn't be touched\n" end let :multiline_disabled_bad do "# \t start on other file stuff (\n" + "# more stuff ( # )))))inline comment\n" + "# finishing up )\n" + "# and done )\n" + "# this is a comment i want to be a comment\n" + "this line shouldn't be touched\n" end let :multiline_enabled_bad do " \t start on other file stuff (\n" + " more stuff ( # )))))inline comment\n" + " finishing up )\n" + " and done )\n" + "# this is a comment i want to be a comment\n" + "this line shouldn't be touched\n" end let :multiline_enabled do " \t start on other file stuff (\n" + " more stuff ( # )))))inline comment\n" + " finishing up )\n" + " and done )\n" + "this line shouldn't be touched\n" end let :multiline_enabled_standalone do " \t start on other file stuff (\n" + " more stuff ( # )))))inline comment\n" + " finishing up )\n" + " and done )\n" end let :enabled_content do "\t \t start on\nother file stuff" end let :content do "just some text" end describe "Upstart version < 0.6.7" do before(:each) do allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) allow(provider).to receive(:upstart_version).and_return("0.6.5") allow(provider).to receive(:search).and_return(init_script) end [:enabled?,:enable,:disable].each do |enableable| it "should respond to #{enableable}" do expect(provider).to respond_to(enableable) end end describe "when enabling" do it "should open and uncomment the '#start on' line" do given_contents_of(init_script, disabled_content) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(enabled_content) end it "should add a 'start on' line if none exists" do given_contents_of(init_script, "this is a file") provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq("this is a file" + start_on_default_runlevels) end it "should handle multiline 'start on' stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_disabled) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled) end it "should leave not 'start on' comments alone" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_disabled_bad) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled_bad) end end describe "when disabling" do it "should open and comment the 'start on' line" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq("#" + enabled_content) end it "should handle multiline 'start on' stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_enabled) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_disabled) end end describe "when checking whether it is enabled" do it "should consider 'start on ...' to be enabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:true) end it "should consider '#start on ...' to be disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, disabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end it "should consider no start on line to be disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end end end describe "Upstart version < 0.9.0" do before(:each) do allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) allow(provider).to receive(:upstart_version).and_return("0.7.0") allow(provider).to receive(:search).and_return(init_script) end [:enabled?,:enable,:disable].each do |enableable| it "should respond to #{enableable}" do expect(provider).to respond_to(enableable) end end describe "when enabling" do it "should open and uncomment the '#start on' line" do given_contents_of(init_script, disabled_content) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(enabled_content) end it "should add a 'start on' line if none exists" do given_contents_of(init_script, "this is a file") provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq("this is a file" + start_on_default_runlevels) end it "should handle multiline 'start on' stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_disabled) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled) end it "should remove manual stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_enabled + manual) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled) end it "should leave not 'start on' comments alone" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_disabled_bad) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled_bad) end end describe "when disabling" do it "should add a manual stanza" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(enabled_content + manual) end it "should remove manual stanzas before adding new ones" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_enabled + manual + "\n" + multiline_enabled) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled + "\n" + multiline_enabled + manual) end it "should handle multiline 'start on' stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_enabled) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled + manual) end end describe "when checking whether it is enabled" do describe "with no manual stanza" do it "should consider 'start on ...' to be enabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:true) end it "should consider '#start on ...' to be disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, disabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end it "should consider no start on line to be disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end end describe "with manual stanza" do it "should consider 'start on ...' to be disabled if there is a trailing manual stanza" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content + manual + "\nother stuff") expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end it "should consider two start on lines with a manual in the middle to be enabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content + manual + "\n" + enabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:true) end end end end describe "Upstart version > 0.9.0" do before(:each) do allow(provider).to receive(:is_upstart?).and_return(true) allow(provider).to receive(:upstart_version).and_return("0.9.5") allow(provider).to receive(:search).and_return(init_script) allow(provider).to receive(:overscript).and_return(over_script) end [:enabled?,:enable,:disable].each do |enableable| it "should respond to #{enableable}" do expect(provider).to respond_to(enableable) end end describe "when enabling" do it "should add a 'start on' line if none exists" do given_contents_of(init_script, "this is a file") provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq("this is a file") expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq(start_on_default_runlevels) end it "should handle multiline 'start on' stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_disabled) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_disabled) expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq(start_on_default_runlevels) end it "should remove any manual stanzas from the override file" do given_contents_of(over_script, manual) given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(enabled_content) expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq("") end it "should copy existing start on from conf file if conf file is disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_enabled_standalone + manual) provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled_standalone + manual) expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled_standalone) end it "should leave not 'start on' comments alone" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_disabled_bad) given_contents_of(over_script, "") provider.enable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_disabled_bad) expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq(start_on_default_runlevels) end end describe "when disabling" do it "should add a manual stanza to the override file" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(enabled_content) expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq(manual) end it "should handle multiline 'start on' stanzas" do given_contents_of(init_script, multiline_enabled) provider.disable expect(then_contents_of(init_script)).to eq(multiline_enabled) expect(then_contents_of(over_script)).to eq(manual) end end describe "when checking whether it is enabled" do describe "with no override file" do it "should consider 'start on ...' to be enabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:true) end it "should consider '#start on ...' to be disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, disabled_content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end it "should consider no start on line to be disabled" do given_contents_of(init_script, content) expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end end describe "with override file" do it "should consider 'start on ...' to be disabled if there is manual in override file" do given_contents_of(init_script, enabled_content) given_contents_of(over_script, manual + "\nother stuff") expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:false) end it "should consider '#start on ...' to be enabled if there is a start on in the override file" do given_contents_of(init_script, disabled_content) given_contents_of(over_script, "start on stuff") expect(provider.enabled?).to eq(:true) end end end end end end