require 'rubygems' require 'xmlsimple' require 'color' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/token_list" require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/rgb_contrast_methods' module RMThemeGen class GeanyFixer < RMThemeParent attr_reader :xmlout #a huge structure of xml that can be given to XmlSimple.xml_out() to create that actual color theme file def initialize # @rand = @iterations = 0 @iterations = ARGV[0].to_s.to_i puts "geany_fix - puts a new (random) color theme into your geany directory" puts " David Heitzman 2011 " puts " Note: if you want to put back your old Geany colors, go to ~/.config/geany/filedefs/ and" puts " copy the corresponding _old_xxx file back onto, eg. filetypes.html, etc. " puts " Restart geany to see new colors " begin @dir = (File.expand_path "~/.config/geany/filedefs/") @filelist = Dir.glob(@dir+"/filetypes.*") # puts @dir+"filetypes.*" # puts @filelist.inspect t @extstring = # rescue # raise "Sorry. There was trouble accessing the files in " + @dir end @italic_candidates = ["STRING", "SYMBOL", "REQUIRE"] @bold_candidates = ["KEYWORD","RUBY_SPECIFIC_CALL", "CONSTANT", "COMMA", "PAREN","RUBY_ATTR_ACCESSOR_CALL", "RUBY_ATTR_READER_CALL" ,"RUBY_ATTR_WRITER_CALL", "IDENTIFIER"] # with code inspections we don't color the text, we just put a line or something under it . @code_inspections = ["ERROR","WARNING_ATTRIBUTES","DEPRECATED", "TYPO","WARNING_ATTRIBUTES", "BAD_CHARACTER", "CUSTOM_INVALID_STRING_ESCAPE_ATTRIBUTES","ERRORS_ATTRIBUTES", "MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES"] @cross_out = ["DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES" ] @unders = %w(-1 0 1 2 5 ) @underline_candidates = ["STRING"] @italic_chance = 0.2 @bold_chance = 0.4 @underline_chance = 0.3 @bright_median = 0.85 @min_bright = @bright_median * 0.65 @max_bright = [@bright_median * 1.35,1.0].max @min_bright = 0.0 @max_bright = 1.0 # if we avoid any notion of "brightness", which is an absolute quality, then we # can make our background any color we want ! #tighter contrast spec @cont_median = 0.85 @min_cont = @cont_median * 0.65 @max_cont = [@cont_median * 1.35,1.0].max #broad contrast spec @min_cont = 0.32 @max_cont = 1.0 @schemeversion = 1 @background_max_brightness = 0.16 @background_grey = true #if false, allows background to be any color, as long as it meets brightness parameter # @foreground_min_brightness = 0.4 @backgroundcolor= randcolor( :shade_of_grey=>@background_grey, :max_bright=>@background_max_brightness)# "0" end #initialize def randthemename out = " " while out.include? " " do out = @@adjectives[rand * @@adjectives.size]+"_"+@@nouns[rand * @@nouns.size] end return out end def randfilename(existing = "") if existing != "" then out=existing else ar=["a","b","f","h","z","1","5"] ar.shuffle! out ="" ar.each { |n| out << n } end return "rmt_"+out+".xml" end def randcolor(opts={}) df= { :r=>nil, :g=>nil, :b=>nil, #these are the usual 0..255 :bg_rgb => nil, :min_cont => @min_cont, #if a backrgb (background color) is supplied this will be used to create a minimum contrast with it. :max_cont => @max_cont, :max_bright => @max_bright, :min_bright => @min_bright, # :bright_median => 0.5, :shade_of_grey => false} #forces r == g == b df = df.merge opts df[:bg_rgb] = Color::RGB.from_html(df[:bg_rgb]) if df[:bg_rgb] color = brightok = contok = nil; while (!color || !brightok || !contok ) do r = (df[:r] || rand*256)%256 #mod for robustness g = (df[:g] || rand*256)%256 b = (df[:b] || rand*256)%256 g = b = r if df[:shade_of_grey] == true color =,g,b) #puts "bg" + @backgroundcolor if df[:bg_rgb] #puts "color "+color.html #puts "contrast "+color.contrast(df[:bg_rgb]).to_s if df[:bg_rgb] contok = df[:bg_rgb] ? (df[:min_cont]..df[:max_cont]).include?( color.contrast(df[:bg_rgb]) ) : true #puts "contok "+contok.to_s brightok = (df[:min_bright]..df[:max_bright]).include?( color.to_hsl.brightness ) #puts "brightok "+brightok.to_s end cn = color.html cn= cn.slice(1,cn.size) return cn end def go_fix_geany #goes into the geany directory and kicks some ass. it replaces every single color definition with #something random, of course with a consistent background. @filelist.each do |f| begin # puts f+" -->"+@dir+"_old_"+@extstring+File.basename(f) # IO.copy_stream(f,@dir+"_old_"+@extstring+File.basename(f)) copystring="cp #{f} #{@dir+"/_old_"+@extstring+File.basename(f)}" # puts(copystring) `#{copystring}` rescue backup_problem = true raise "sorry there was a problem backing up the following file: "+f end end ########################################## # copy in our new files from token_list.rb ########################################## @@geany_file_contents.each_key do |key| filename=@dir+'/filetypes.'+key.to_s # puts filename @fout1 =,"w+") @@geany_file_contents[key].each do |c| @fout1.puts c end @fout1.close end @filelist = Dir.glob(@dir+"/filetypes.*") @filelist.each do |f| # puts f.inspect @fin =,"r+") @fout ="/tmp_out_"+rand.to_s,"w+") # puts @fin.inspect while !@fin.eof? do curpos = @fin.pos line = @fin.readline if line[0] != "#" && line.include?("=") && line.include?("0x") then # go in and root out the color and give it a new one. # puts "here is the line I'm working on -- " # puts line r1 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont, :max_cont=>@max_cont).upcase r2 = @backgroundcolor.upcase token = line.split("=")[0] p3 = line.split(";")[2] || "false" p4 = line.split(";")[3] || "false" case File.basename(f) when "filetypes.common" if token == "marker_search" then r9 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.35, :max_cont=>@max_cont).upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r9+";true;true" elsif token == "caret" then r9 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.35, :max_cont=>@max_cont).upcase newl = token +"="+"0xFFFFFF;0x"+r9+";"+p3+";"+p4 elsif token == "current_line" then r9 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont*0.15, :max_cont=>@min_cont*0.3).upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r9+";"+"true"+";"+"false" elsif token == "selection" then r9 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont*0.25, :max_cont=>@min_cont*0.5).upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r9+";"+"false"+";"+"true" elsif token == "brace_good" then rb = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.25, :max_cont=>@max_cont).upcase rf = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>rb, :min_cont=>0.30, :max_cont=>1.0).upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+rf+";0x"+rb+";"+"true"+";"+"false" elsif token == "brace_bad" then rb = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont, :max_cont=>1.0).upcase rf = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>rb, :min_cont=>0.30, :max_cont=>1.0).upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+rf+";0x"+rb+";"+"true"+";"+"false" elsif token.include?("type") then newl ="type=0xffffff;;true;false" elsif token.include?("indent_guide") then newl= "indent_guide=0xc0c0c0;;false;false" else newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4 end when "filetypes.xml" newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4 when "filetypes.ruby" if token=="default" then r3 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont, :max_cont=>@max_cont).upcase #for whatever reason this needs to go in there in a ruby file : pod=0x388afb;0x131313;false;false newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4+"\npod=0x#{r3};0x#{@backgroundcolor};false;false" elsif token.include?("comment") then r1 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont*0.87, :max_cont=>@min_cont*0.95).upcase r2 = @backgroundcolor.upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4 else newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4 end else ############ DEFAULT ############ if token.include?("comment") then r1 = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont*0.77, :max_cont=>@min_cont*0.95).upcase r2 = @backgroundcolor.upcase newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4 else newl = token +"="+"0x"+r1+";0x"+r2+";"+p3+";"+p4 end end @fout.puts(newl) else @fout.puts(line) end end if @fout then # puts "wanting to delete "+@fin.path.to_s # puts "wanting to copy this file onto it:"+@fout.path.to_s File.delete(@fin.path.to_s) File.rename(@fout.path.to_s, @fin.path.to_s ) else puts "there was a problem writing to the new file #{@fout.path.to_s} so I left the old one in place" end @fout.close end end end #class end #module l = l.go_fix_geany