# port of Python's difflib. module Test module Unit module Diff class SequenceMatcher def initialize(from, to, &junk_predicate) @from = from @to = to @junk_predicate = junk_predicate update_to_indexes end def longest_match(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) best_info = find_best_match_position(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) unless @junks.empty? args = [from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end] best_info = adjust_best_info_with_junk_predicate(false, best_info, *args) best_info = adjust_best_info_with_junk_predicate(true, best_info, *args) end best_info end def blocks @blocks ||= compute_blocks end def operations @operations ||= compute_operations end def grouped_operations(context_size=nil) context_size ||= 3 _operations = operations _operations = [[:equal, 0, 0, 0, 0]] if _operations.empty? expand_edge_equal_operations!(_operations, context_size) group_window = context_size * 2 groups = [] group = [] _operations.each do |tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end| if tag == :equal and from_end - from_start > group_window group << [tag, from_start, [from_end, from_start + context_size].min, to_start, [to_end, to_start + context_size].min] groups << group group = [] from_start = [from_start, from_end - context_size].max to_start = [to_start, to_end - context_size].max end group << [tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end] end groups << group unless group.empty? groups end def ratio @ratio ||= compute_ratio end private def update_to_indexes @to_indexes = {} @junks = {} if @to.is_a?(String) each = " "[0].is_a?(Integer) ? :each_byte : :each_char else each = :each end i = 0 @to.send(each) do |item| @to_indexes[item] ||= [] @to_indexes[item] << i i += 1 end return if @junk_predicate.nil? @to_indexes = @to_indexes.reject do |key, value| junk = @junk_predicate.call(key) @junks[key] = true if junk junk end end def find_best_match_position(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) best_from, best_to, best_size = from_start, to_start, 0 sizes = {} from_start.upto(from_end) do |from_index| _sizes = {} (@to_indexes[@from[from_index]] || []).each do |to_index| next if to_index < to_start break if to_index > to_end size = _sizes[to_index] = (sizes[to_index - 1] || 0) + 1 if size > best_size best_from = from_index - size + 1 best_to = to_index - size + 1 best_size = size end end sizes = _sizes end [best_from, best_to, best_size] end def adjust_best_info_with_junk_predicate(should_junk, best_info, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) best_from, best_to, best_size = best_info while best_from > from_start and best_to > to_start and (should_junk ? @junks.has_key?(@to[best_to - 1]) : !@junks.has_key?(@to[best_to - 1])) and @from[best_from - 1] == @to[best_to - 1] best_from -= 1 best_to -= 1 best_size += 1 end while best_from + best_size < from_end and best_to + best_size < to_end and (should_junk ? @junks.has_key?(@to[best_to + best_size]) : !@junks.has_key?(@to[best_to + best_size])) and @from[best_from + best_size] == @to[best_to + best_size] best_size += 1 end [best_from, best_to, best_size] end def matches @matches ||= compute_matches end def compute_matches matches = [] queue = [[0, @from.size, 0, @to.size]] until queue.empty? from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end = queue.pop match = longest_match(from_start, from_end - 1, to_start, to_end - 1) match_from_index, match_to_index, size = match unless size.zero? if from_start < match_from_index and to_start < match_to_index queue.push([from_start, match_from_index, to_start, match_to_index]) end matches << match if match_from_index + size < from_end and match_to_index + size < to_end queue.push([match_from_index + size, from_end, match_to_index + size, to_end]) end end end matches.sort_by do |(from_index, to_index, match_size)| from_index end end def compute_blocks blocks = [] current_from_index = current_to_index = current_size = 0 matches.each do |from_index, to_index, size| if current_from_index + current_size == from_index and current_to_index + current_size == to_index current_size += size else unless current_size.zero? blocks << [current_from_index, current_to_index, current_size] end current_from_index = from_index current_to_index = to_index current_size = size end end unless current_size.zero? blocks << [current_from_index, current_to_index, current_size] end blocks << [@from.size, @to.size, 0] blocks end def compute_operations from_index = to_index = 0 operations = [] blocks.each do |match_from_index, match_to_index, size| tag = determine_tag(from_index, to_index, match_from_index, match_to_index) if tag != :equal operations << [tag, from_index, match_from_index, to_index, match_to_index] end from_index, to_index = match_from_index + size, match_to_index + size if size > 0 operations << [:equal, match_from_index, from_index, match_to_index, to_index] end end operations end def compute_ratio matches = blocks.inject(0) {|result, block| result + block[-1]} length = @from.length + @to.length if length.zero? 1.0 else 2.0 * matches / length end end def determine_tag(from_index, to_index, match_from_index, match_to_index) if from_index < match_from_index and to_index < match_to_index :replace elsif from_index < match_from_index :delete elsif to_index < match_to_index :insert else :equal end end def expand_edge_equal_operations!(_operations, context_size) tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end = _operations[0] if tag == :equal _operations[0] = [tag, [from_start, from_end - context_size].max, from_end, [to_start, to_end - context_size].max, to_end] end tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end = _operations[-1] if tag == :equal _operations[-1] = [tag, from_start, [from_end, from_start + context_size].min, to_start, [to_end, to_start + context_size].min] end end end class Differ def initialize(from, to) @from = from @to = to end private def tag(mark, contents) contents.collect {|content| "#{mark}#{content}"} end end class ReadableDiffer < Differ def diff(options={}) result = [] matcher = SequenceMatcher.new(@from, @to) matcher.operations.each do |args| tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end = args case tag when :replace result.concat(diff_lines(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end)) when :delete result.concat(tag_deleted(@from[from_start...from_end])) when :insert result.concat(tag_inserted(@to[to_start...to_end])) when :equal result.concat(tag_equal(@from[from_start...from_end])) else raise "unknown tag: #{tag}" end end result end private def tag_deleted(contents) tag("- ", contents) end def tag_inserted(contents) tag("+ ", contents) end def tag_equal(contents) tag(" ", contents) end def tag_difference(contents) tag("? ", contents) end def find_diff_line_info(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) best_ratio = 0.74 from_equal_index = to_equal_index = nil from_best_index = to_best_index = nil to_start.upto(to_end - 1) do |to_index| from_start.upto(from_end - 1) do |from_index| if @from[from_index] == @to[to_index] from_equal_index ||= from_index to_equal_index ||= to_index next end matcher = SequenceMatcher.new(@from[from_index], @to[to_index], &method(:space_character?)) if matcher.ratio > best_ratio best_ratio = matcher.ratio from_best_index = from_index to_best_index = to_index end end end [best_ratio, from_equal_index, to_equal_index, from_best_index, to_best_index] end def diff_lines(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) cut_off = 0.75 info = find_diff_line_info(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) best_ratio, from_equal_index, to_equal_index, *info = info from_best_index, to_best_index = info if best_ratio < cut_off if from_equal_index.nil? tagged_from = tag_deleted(@from[from_start...from_end]) tagged_to = tag_inserted(@to[to_start...to_end]) if to_end - to_start < from_end - from_start return tagged_to + tagged_from else return tagged_from + tagged_to end end from_best_index = from_equal_index to_best_index = to_equal_index best_ratio = 1.0 end _diff_lines(from_start, from_best_index, to_start, to_best_index) + diff_line(@from[from_best_index], @to[to_best_index]) + _diff_lines(from_best_index + 1, from_end, to_best_index + 1, to_end) end def _diff_lines(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) if from_start < from_end if to_start < to_end diff_lines(from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end) else tag_deleted(@from[from_start...from_end]) end else tag_inserted(@to[to_start...to_end]) end end def diff_line(from_line, to_line) from_tags = "" to_tags = "" matcher = SequenceMatcher.new(from_line, to_line, &method(:space_character?)) operations = matcher.operations operations.each do |tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end| from_length = from_end - from_start to_length = to_end - to_start case tag when :replace from_tags << "^" * from_length to_tags << "^" * to_length when :delete from_tags << "-" * from_length when :insert to_tags << "+" * to_length when :equal from_tags << " " * from_length to_tags << " " * to_length else raise "unknown tag: #{tag}" end end format_diff_point(from_line, to_line, from_tags, to_tags) end def format_diff_point(from_line, to_line, from_tags, to_tags) common = [n_leading_characters(from_line, ?\t), n_leading_characters(to_line, ?\t)].min common = [common, n_leading_characters(from_tags[0, common], " "[0])].min from_tags = from_tags[common..-1].rstrip to_tags = to_tags[common..-1].rstrip result = tag_deleted([from_line]) unless from_tags.empty? result.concat(tag_difference(["#{"\t" * common}#{from_tags}"])) end result.concat(tag_inserted([to_line])) unless to_tags.empty? result.concat(tag_difference(["#{"\t" * common}#{to_tags}"])) end result end def n_leading_characters(string, character) n = 0 while string[n] == character n += 1 end n end def space_character?(character) [" "[0], "\t"[0]].include?(character) end end class UnifiedDiffer < Differ def diff(options={}) groups = SequenceMatcher.new(@from, @to).grouped_operations return [] if groups.empty? return [] if same_content?(groups) show_context = options[:show_context] show_context = true if show_context.nil? result = ["--- #{options[:from_label]}".rstrip, "+++ #{options[:to_label]}".rstrip] groups.each do |operations| result << format_summary(operations, show_context) operations.each do |args| operation_tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end = args case operation_tag when :replace result.concat(tag("-", @from[from_start...from_end])) result.concat(tag("+", @to[to_start...to_end])) when :delete result.concat(tag("-", @from[from_start...from_end])) when :insert result.concat(tag("+", @to[to_start...to_end])) when :equal result.concat(tag(" ", @from[from_start...from_end])) end end end result end private def same_content?(groups) return false if groups.size != 1 group = groups[0] return false if group.size != 1 tag, from_start, from_end, to_start, to_end = group[0] tag == :equal and [from_start, from_end] == [to_start, to_end] end def format_summary(operations, show_context) _, first_from_start, _, first_to_start, _ = operations[0] _, _, last_from_end, _, last_to_end = operations[-1] summary = "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@" % [first_from_start + 1, last_from_end - first_from_start, first_to_start + 1, last_to_end - first_to_start,] if show_context interesting_line = find_interesting_line(first_from_start, first_to_start, :define_line?) summary << " #{interesting_line}" if interesting_line end summary end def find_interesting_line(from_start, to_start, predicate) from_index = from_start to_index = to_start while from_index >= 0 or to_index >= 0 [@from[from_index], @to[to_index]].each do |line| return line if line and send(predicate, line) end from_index -= 1 to_index -= 1 end nil end def define_line?(line) /\A(?:[_a-zA-Z$]|\s*(?:class|module|def)\b)/ =~ line end end module_function def need_fold?(diff) /^[-+].{79}/ =~ diff end def fold(string) string.split(/\r?\n/).collect do |line| line.gsub(/(.{78})/, "\\1\n") end.join("\n") end def folded_readable(from, to, options={}) readable(fold(from), fold(to), options) end def readable(from, to, options={}) diff(ReadableDiffer, from, to, options) end def unified(from, to, options={}) diff(UnifiedDiffer, from, to, options) end def diff(differ_class, from, to, options={}) differ = differ_class.new(from.split(/\r?\n/), to.split(/\r?\n/)) differ.diff(options).join("\n") end end end end