module Movier class LMDB DataFolder = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".movier") DataFile = File.join(DataFolder, "data.yaml") attr_reader :movies, :boxes def initialize FileUtils.mkdir_p DataFolder FileUtils.touch DataFile unless File.exists?(DataFile) read_data end def read_data data = Movier.read_yaml(DataFile) @boxes = data ? data[:boxes] : [] @movies = data ? data[:movies] : [] end def write_data(movies = nil, boxes = nil) boxes ||= @boxes; movies ||= @movies; data = { boxes: boxes, movies: movies } Movier.write_yaml DataFile, data read_data end def find_persons(kind = :actors) invalid_kind = @movies.first && !@movies.first.has_key?(kind.to_sym) raise "I don't have any info about #{Movier.titleize(kind.to_s)}" if invalid_kind persons = @params[kind.to_sym] if persons persons.split(",").each do |person|!{ |movie| movie[kind.to_sym].join(", ").downcase.include? person.downcase.strip} end end end def genre genre = [ "Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Biography", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary", "Drama", "Family", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "Game-Show", "History", "Horror", "Music", "Musical", "Mystery", "News", "Reality-TV", "Romance", "Sci-Fi", "Sport", "Talk-Show", "Thriller", "War", "Western" ] Movier.tip_now "Listing all defined genre" puts " " * 20 + "=" * 20 genre.each_slice(6) do |g| puts " "*20 + g.join(", ") end end def lookup(id) @movies.each do |movie| return movie if movie[:id] == id end false end def find(params) # TODO: add support for "find in a box" and "exclude boxes" read_data; @params = params; @params[:verbose] = true if @params[:shuffle] raise "Please, add some movie boxes, before searching in the local movie database" unless @movies.any?!{|movie| movie[:title].downcase.include? @params[:keywords].downcase} if @params[:keywords] [:directors, :writers, :actors, :genre, :tags].each { |kind| find_persons(kind) }!{|movie| movie[:rated] == @params[:rated] } if @params[:rated]!{|movie| movie[:rating] >= @params[:points].to_f } if @params[:points] # filter on tag exclusion tags = @params[:exclude_tags] if tags tags.split(",").each do |tag| @movies.reject!{ |movie| movie[:tags].join(", ").downcase.include? tag.downcase.strip} end end @movies.reject!{|movie| movie[:tags].join(", ").downcase.include? "watched"} unless @params[:tags] && @params[:tags].include?("watched") sort_movies @movies = @movies.slice(0, @params[:limit].to_i) if @params[:limit].to_i > 0 @movies = [ @movies.shuffle.first ] if @params[:shuffle] counter = 1 @movies.each do |movie| nice_name = "#{movie[:title]} [#{movie[:year]}]" if @params[:verbose] Movier.tip_now "%03d" % counter + ") " + nice_name, Movier.titleize(movie[:type]) Movier.tip_now movie[:path], "Path" rating = "#{movie[:rated]} at #{movie[:rating]} points." Movier.say_rated "Rating", rating, movie[:rating] Movier.say_rated "Votes", "#{movie[:votes]} votes", movie[:rating] Movier.say_rated "Genre", movie[:genre].join(", "), movie[:rating], true Movier.say_rated "Runtime", movie[:runtime], movie[:rating] Movier.say_rated "Directors", movie[:directors].join(", "), movie[:rating], true Movier.say_rated "Actors", movie[:actors].join(", "), movie[:rating], true Movier.say_rated "Writers", movie[:writers].join(", "), movie[:rating], true if @params[:writer] Movier.say_rated "Plot", movie[:plot], movie[:rating], true Movier.say_rated "Tags", movie[:tags].join(", "), movie[:rating] if movie[:tags].any? else message = "#{"%03d" % counter}) #{nice_name}" Movier.say_rated Movier.titleize(movie[:type]), message, movie[:rating] rating = "#{movie[:rated]} at #{movie[:rating]} points with #{movie[:votes]} votes." Movier.say_rated "Rating", rating, movie[:rating] Movier.say_rated "Directors", movie[:directors].join(", "), movie[:rating], true if @params[:directors] Movier.say_rated "Actors", movie[:actors].join(", "), movie[:rating], true Movier.say_rated "Tags", movie[:tags].join(", "), movie[:rating] if movie[:tags].any? end puts counter += 1 end return if @movies.empty? filtered = @movies # add some tags to this search if @params[:add_tags] tags = @params[:add_tags].split(",").map{|t| Movier.titleize(t.strip)} read_data filtered.each do |f| @movies.each_with_index do |m,i| @movies[i][:tags] |= tags if m[:id] == f[:id] end end write_data Movier.tip_now "Added tags: '#{tags.join(", ")}' to this search!" end # TODO: remove tags? message = "Do you want me to play #{@params[:shuffle] ? "this" : "some"} movie for you? [enter number from above] " begin; open = ask(message) {|x| x.default = "no" }; rescue Exception; end if open == "no" && @params[:shuffle] find @params elsif open && open.to_i > 0 movie = filtered[open.to_i - 1] # TODO: fix this to use a pure ruby implementation require 'shellwords' nice_name = "#{movie[:title]} [#{movie[:year]}]" movie_dir = Shellwords.escape(movie[:path]) movie_file = `find #{movie_dir} -type f`.strip.split("\n") movie_file ={|f| File.size(f) > 100 * 2**20}.first Movier.tip_now "Opening: #{nice_name} with VLC Player" `open '#{movie_file}' -a VLC &` end end def sort_movies @movies = @movies.sort_by {|movie| movie[:weight] }.reverse end # Update the local movie database, # by revisiting all tracked directories, # and building the database from there. # def update_itself message = "Found no movie box in the local database.\n" message += "Please, run `movier add` to add some movie boxes, before updating me!" raise message if @boxes.empty? @movies = [] write_data @boxes.each { |box| add(box) } end # Add a given directory to the local movie database. # The directory should be pre-organized using the Organize command. # # * *Args* : # - +dir+ -> directory to add to the local movie database # def add(dir = nil) dir = File.expand_path dir raise "No such directory!" unless imdb = Dir.glob("#{dir}/**/imdb.txt") raise 'You should first run `movier organize` on this directory!' unless imdb.count > 0 count = 0 imdb.each do |file| movie = Movier.read_yaml file if in_database?(movie) # TODO: add the path with a "dup" key Movier.warn_with "#{movie[:imdb]["Title"]} - # #{movie[:imdb]["imdbRating"]} - already exists in database!" elsif !in_database?(movie) @movies.push sanitize(movie, dir, file) count += 1 end end @boxes.push dir unless @boxes.include? dir write_data Movier.passed_with "Added #{"%4d" % count} new movies in LMDB from: #{dir}" Movier.tip_now "LMDB now contains #{"%4d" % @movies.count} movies." end def sanitize(movie, dir, imdb_file) imdb = movie[:imdb] nice_name = "#{imdb["Title"]} [#{imdb["Year"]}]" hash = ( << nice_name).to_s.slice(0,8) data = { title: imdb["Title"], year: imdb["Year"], rated: imdb["Rated"], released: imdb["Released"], runtime: imdb["Runtime"], genre: make_parts(imdb["Genre"]), directors: make_parts(imdb["Director"]), writers: make_parts(imdb["Writer"]), actors: make_parts(imdb["Actors"]), plot: imdb["Plot"], poster: imdb["Poster"], _poster: File.join(dir, nice_name, "poster#{File.extname(imdb["Poster"])}"), rating: imdb["imdbRating"].to_f, votes: imdb["imdbVotes"].to_s.delete(",").to_i, type: imdb["Type"], id: imdb["imdbID"], hash: hash.force_encoding("UTF-8"), tags: [], box: dir, path: File.dirname(imdb_file) } data[:weight] = (data[:rating] * data[:votes]).to_i data end def make_parts(string, delimiter = ",") string.split(delimiter).map{|x| x.strip} end def in_database?(movie){|m| m[:id] == movie[:imdb]["imdbID"]}.any? end end def self.read_yaml(file) YAML.load_file(file) end def self.write_yaml(file, data), "w") {|f| f.puts data.to_yaml } end end