require 'helper' RSpec.describe HTTP2::Header::Huffman do huffman_examples = [ # plain, encoded ['', 'f1e3c2e5f23a6ba0ab90f4ff'], ['no-cache', 'a8eb10649cbf'], ['Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT', 'd07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff'], ] context 'encode' do before(:all) { @encoder = } huffman_examples.each do |plain, encoded| it "should encode #{plain} into #{encoded}" do expect(@encoder.encode(plain).unpack('H*').first).to eq encoded end end end context 'decode' do before(:all) { @encoder = } huffman_examples.each do |plain, encoded| it "should decode #{encoded} into #{plain}" do expect(@encoder.decode([encoded].pack('H*')))).to eq plain end end [ 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', '', 'cl_b=AB2BKbsl4hGM7M4nH5PYWghTM5A; cl_def_lang=en; cl_def_hp=shoals', 'image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5', 'BX=c99r6jp89a7no&b=3&s=q4; localization=en-us%3Bus%3Bus', 'UTF-8でエンコードした日本語文字列', ].each do |string| it "should encode then decode '#{string}' into the same" do s = string.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) encoded = @encoder.encode(s) expect(@encoder.decode( eq s end end it 'should encode/decode all_possible 2-byte sequences' do (2**16).times do |n| str = [n].pack('V')[0, 2].force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) expect(@encoder.decode( eq str end end it 'should raise when input is shorter than expected' do encoded = huffman_examples.first.last encoded = [encoded].pack('H*') expect { @encoder.decode([0...-1])) }.to raise_error(/EOS invalid/) end it 'should raise when input is not padded by 1s' do encoded = 'f1e3c2e5f23a6ba0ab90f4fe' # note the fe at end encoded = [encoded].pack('H*') expect { @encoder.decode( }.to raise_error(/EOS invalid/) end it 'should raise when exceedingly padded' do encoded = 'e7cf9bebe89b6fb16fa9b6ffff' # note the extra ff encoded = [encoded].pack('H*') expect { @encoder.decode( }.to raise_error(/EOS invalid/) end it 'should raise when EOS is explicitly encoded' do encoded = ['1c7fffffffff'].pack('H*') # a b EOS expect { @encoder.decode( }.to raise_error(/EOS found/) end end end