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E. active_record.5E.block in
E.*Set the environment value for the database.6 E.block (2 levels) in
.7.8.9E.block (3 levels) in
.:E.Creates the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:create:all to create all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV or when RAILS_ENV is development, it defaults to creating the development and test databases.. .;. E.Drops the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:drop:all to drop all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV or when RAILS_ENV is development, it defaults to dropping the development and test databases.. E. drop:_unsafe. .. . E.EMigrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog).E._dump.<.=>.?.@E.unknown schema format E. schema:dumpE.structure:dump.E.VERSIONE.Empty VERSION providedE. migrate:downE. migrate:upE.rollbackE.migrateE.db:dropE. db:createE. db:migrateE.VERSION is required.AE.?VERSION is required - To go down one migration, use db:rollback.BE.Display status of migrationsE.+Schema migrations table does not exist yet.E. database: .CE. E.Status.E. E. Migration ID.E. Migration NameE.-.eE.block (4 levels) in
.D.E.E.HRolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n).E.STEPE.db:setupE.$rescue in block (2 levels) in
E.OSorry, your database adapter is not supported yet. Feel free to submit a patch.E.+Retrieves the current schema version numberE.Current version: E. You have E. pending E. migrations:E. migration:E. %4d %sE.>Run `rails db:migrate` to update your database then try again.E.yCreates the database, loads the schema, and initializes with the seed data (use db:reset to also drop the database first)E.db:schema:load_if_rubyE.db:structure:load_if_sql.FE.$Loads the seed data from db/seeds.rbE.abort_if_pending_migrations.GE.Loads fixtures into the current environment's database. Load specific fixtures using FIXTURES=x,y. Load from subdirectory in test/fixtures using FIXTURES_DIR=z. Specify an alternative path (eg. spec/fixtures) using FIXTURES_PATH=spec/fixtures.E.active_record/fixturesE. FIXTURES_DIRE.FIXTURESE.,E. /**/*.yml.E.LABELE.IDE.LABEL or ID requiredE.The fixture ID for "E." is E..E.block (5 levels) in
E.: E. (E.)...HE.VCreates a db/schema.rb file that is portable against any DB supported by Active RecordE.active_record/schema_dumperE.SCHEMAE. schema.rbE.w:utf-8E.(Loads a schema.rb file into the database. E. schema:load.IE.#Creates a db/schema_cache.yml file.E.schema_cache.ymlE."Clears a db/schema_cache.yml file...J. .K.L.ME.fDumps the database structure to db/structure.sql. Specify another file with SCHEMA=db/my_structure.sqlE. structure.sqlE.aE. E.3Recreates the databases from the structure.sql file. E.structure:load.N.OE. db:test:purge.PQE.test:load_schemaE.test:load_structureE.testE.$ensure in block (3 levels) in
E. load_configE.check_protected_environmentsE. test:load..R.S.T...U.V..W.X...Y.ZE.FROM.[.'E. db/migrateE.NOTE: Migration E. from E.? has been skipped. Migration with the same name already exists.E.Copied migration ./.0.\E. ActiveRecordE.InternalMetadataE.BaseE. create_tableE. connectionE.migration_contextE.current_environmentE.[]=E.TasksE. DatabaseTasksE.check_protected_environments!E.MigratorE.database_configurationE.configurations=E.migrations_pathsE.migrations_paths=E. create_allE.taskE.create_currentE.drop_allE.[]E.invokeE. drop_currentE. purge_allE. purge_currentE.migrateE.dump_schema_after_migrationE. schema_formatE.raiseE.reenableE.ENVE.empty?E.!E.check_target_versionE.target_versionE.runE.SchemaMigrationE.statusE.versionE.nameE.centerE.ljustE.putsE. table_exists?E.abortE.connection_configE.*E.migrations_statusE.eachE.descE.stepE.to_iE.rollbackE.forwardE.charset_currentE. NoMethodErrorE.$stderrE.#$!E.collation_currentE.current_versionE.pending_migrationE.%E.pending_migrationsE.openE.any?E.sizeE.>E. load_seedE.FileE.DirE.fE.+E. FixtureSetE.base_dirE. fixtures_dirE. fixture_filesE.requireE. fixtures_pathE.joinE.splitE.mapE.create_fixturesE.YAMLE.ERBE.IOE.keyE.key_idE.identifyE.==E.fileE.dataE.readE.newE.resultE.loadE.each_keyE.labelE.idE.blank?E. SchemaDumperE.dumpE.filenameE.db_dirE.load_schema_currentE.connE.dump_schema_cacheE.rm_fE. namespaceE.dump_schema_informationE.printE.current_configE.structure_dumpE.SchemaE.should_reconnectE.configurationsE.envE.establish_connectionE.connection_poolE.active_connection?E.verbose=E. load_schemaE.purgeE.core#hash_from_aryE.RailsE.railtieE.pathE. railtie_nameE.include?E. respond_to?E.pathsE.firstE.ProcE. migrationE.basenameE. MigrationE.to_loadE.railtiesE.on_skipE.on_copyE. applicationE.migration_railtiesE.copyE. db_namespaceE.dbE.environment:setE. environmentE. load_configE.createE.allE.dropE._dump.W.wE.rubyE.sqlE.upE.downE.databaseE.redoE.resetE.seedE.fixturesE.schemaE.cacheE.verboseE.clearE. load_if_rubyE. structureE. load_if_sqlE.test.%.CE.load_structureE.prepareE.check_protected_environmentsE.charsetE. collationE.abort_if_pending_migrationsE.setupE.installE.db:load_configE.stripE. migrations 2N|,<Xx)BNz $Nn@L9E[u6BNZ"#B`|[$07a 2ZsB^}&2>JVb'n5\t$0<HT`lx2L,DdPl  8 Z v       N o       4 K n       ' @ e z       6 Y z     .Tl'Ea&Iax !9Pj;U|2Tv8^z $D`:Vq Ba)?Ws &?_|8Sp