#!/usr/bin/env bash unset rvm_auto_flag install_source_path=$(dirname $0) if [[ -d "$install_source_path/scripts" ]] && [[ -s "$install_source_path/scripts/utility" ]] ; then builtin cd $install_source_path fi source scripts/version source scripts/utility usage() { echo -e " Usage: ${0} Options: --auto : Automatically update shell profile files. --prefix : Installation prefix directory. --help : Display help/usage (this) message --version : display rvm package version " } if echo "$*" | grep -q 'trace' ; then echo "$*" ; env | grep '^rvm_' ; set -x ; fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do token="$1" ; shift case "$token" in --auto) rvm_auto_flag=1 ;; --prefix) prefix_path="$1" ; shift ;; --version) rvm_path="$(pwd)" ; __rvm_version ; unset rvm_path ; exit ;; --help|*) usage ;; esac done if [[ -z "$rvm_prefix" ]] ; then __rvm_load_rvmrc if [[ "root" = "$(whoami)" ]] ; then rvm_prefix="/usr/local/" else rvm_prefix="$HOME/." fi fi if [[ -z "$rvm_path" ]] ; then rvm_path="${rvm_prefix}rvm" ; fi source scripts/initialize __rvm_initialize # # Setup # item="$(tput setaf 2)* $(tput sgr0)" question="\n$(tput setaf 2)$(tput sgr0)" cwd=$(pwd) source_path="${source_path:-$cwd}" # State what is required to use rvm echo -e "\nInstalling rvm to $rvm_path/ ..." rvm_archives_path="${rvm_archives_path:-"$rvm_path/archives"}" rvm_src_path="${rvm_src_path:-"$rvm_path/src"}" rvm_log_path="${rvm_log_path:-"$rvm_path/log"}" rvm_bin_path="${rvm_bin_path:-"$rvm_path/bin"}" rvm_gems_path="${rvm_gems_path:-"$rvm_path/gems"}" rvm_rubies_path="${rvm_rubies_path:-"$rvm_path/rubies"}" rvm_scripts_path="${rvm_scripts_path:-"$rvm_path/scripts"}" rvm_config_path="${rvm_config_path:-"$rvm_path/config"}" rvm_hooks_path="${rvm_hooks_path:-"$rvm_path/hooks"}" rvm_tmp_path="${rvm_tmp_path:-"$rvm_path/tmp"}" rvm_symlink_path="${rvm_symlink_path:-$rvm_prefix/bin}" mkdir -p $rvm_archives_path $rvm_src_path $rvm_log_path $rvm_bin_path $rvm_gems_path $rvm_rubies_path $rvm_config_path $rvm_hooks_path $rvm_tmp_path $rvm_symlink_path $HOME/.gem/cache for file in README LICENCE ; do cp -f "$source_path/$file" "$rvm_path/" done # # Scripts # for dir_name in config scripts examples lib hooks ; do mkdir -p "$rvm_path/$dir_name" if [[ -d "$source_path/$dir_name" ]] ; then cp -Rf "$source_path/$dir_name" "$rvm_path" fi done ; unset dir_name if [[ ! -s "$rvm_config_path/user" ]] ; then mkdir -p "$rvm_config_path/" echo '# Users settings file, overrides db file settings and persists across installs.' >> $rvm_config_path/user fi scripts="monitor match log install color db fetch log set package" for script_name in $(echo $scripts) ; do chmod +x $rvm_scripts_path/$script_name done # # Bin Scripts # # Cleanse and purge... for file in rvm-prompt rvm rvmsudo ; do rm -f "$rvm_bin_path/$file" cp -f "$source_path/binscripts/$file" $rvm_bin_path/ done chmod +x $rvm_bin_path/* # # RC Files # if [[ ! -z "$rvm_auto_flag" ]] ; then echo -e "Checking rc files... ($rvm_rc_files)" if [[ "$rvm_loaded_flag" != "1" ]] ; then for rcfile in $(echo $rvm_rc_files) ; do if [[ ! -f $rcfile ]] ; then touch $rcfile ; fi if [[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] ; then if ! grep -q '.profile' "$rcfile" ; then echo " Adding 'if [[ -s \$HOME/.profile ]] ; then source \$HOME ; fi' to $rcfile." echo -e "\n# rvm-install added line:\nif [[ -s \$HOME/.profile ]] ; then source \$HOME/.profile ; fi\n" >> $rcfile fi fi if ! grep -q "scripts\/rvm" "$rcfile" ; then echo " Adding 'if [[ -s $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ; fi' to $rcfile." echo -e "\n# rvm-install added:\nif [[ -s $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ; fi\n" >> $rcfile fi done fi fi # # Migrate ~/.rvm/ruby-X,jruby-X,... to ~/.rvm/rubies/ for 0.1.0. # rvm_rubies_path="${rvm_rubies_path:-"$rvm_path/rubies"}" mkdir -p "$rvm_rubies_path/" for ruby in $rvm_path/ruby-* $rvm_path/jruby-* $rvm_path/mput-* $rvm_path/rbx-* $rvm_path/maglev-* $rvm_path/ree-* ; do if [[ -d "$ruby" ]] ; then mv "$ruby" "$rvm_rubies_path/" new_path="$rvm_rubies_path/$(basename $ruby)" for file in gem rake ; do if [[ -s "$new_path/bin/$file" ]] ; then sed -i.orig -e '1,1s=.*=#!'"$new_path/bin/ruby=" "$new_path/bin/$file" rm -f "$new_path/bin/$file.orig" chmod +x "$new_path/bin/$file" fi done fi done # # End of migration. # if [[ "root" = "$(whoami)" ]] ; then echo -e "\n Symlinking rvm to $rvm_symlink_path/rvm ..." mkdir -p $rvm_symlink_path ln -nfs $rvm_bin_path/rvm $rvm_symlink_path/rvm ln -nfs $rvm_bin_path/rvmsudo $rvm_symlink_path/rvmsudo chmod +x $rvm_symlink_path/rvm chmod +x $rvm_symlink_path/rvmsudo fi echo -e "\n$(tput setaf 2)rvm$(tput sgr0) - shell scripts that allows a user to manage multiple ruby versions in their own account." ./scripts/notes echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)RTFM: $(tput sgr0) http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/" echo -e "\n$(tput setaf 2)HELP: $(tput sgr0) http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=rvm " echo -e "\n********************************************************************************" name="$(awk -F= '/^[[:space:]]*name/{print $2}' ~/.gitconfig 2>/dev/null)" echo -e "\n${name:-"$(whoami)"},\n" echo -e "\nThank you for using rvm. I hope that it makes your work easier and more enjoyable." echo -e "If you have any questions, issues and/or ideas for improvement please hop in #rvm on irc.freenode.net and let me know." echo -e "My irc nickname is 'wayneeseguin' and I hang out from ~09:00-17:00EST and again from ~21:00EST-~00:00EST." echo -e "If I do not respond right away, please hang around after asking your question, I will respond as soon as I am back." echo -e "Be sure to get head often as rvm development happens fast, you can do this by typing 'rvm update --head'." echo -e "\n w$(tput setaf 2)⦿‿⦿$(tput sgr0)t!" echo -e "\n ~ Wayne" echo -e "\n********************************************************************************" if [[ "root" != "$(whoami)" ]] ; then echo -e "\n$(tput setaf 1)You must now finish the install manually:$(tput sgr0)" echo -e "\n1) Place the folowing line at the end of your shell's loading files(.bashrc and then .bash_profile for bash and .zshrc for zsh), after all path/variable settings:" echo -e "\n if [[ -s $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ; fi" echo -e "\n2) Ensure that there is no 'return' from inside the .bashrc file. (otherwise rvm will be prevented from working properly)." echo -e "\n This means that if you see '[ -z "$PS1" ] && return' then you must remove it and split your .bashrc" echo -e "\n Put everything *except the return code line(s)* into your .bash_profile, and everything above that code in your .bashrc." echo -e "\n Be *sure* to REMOVE the '&& return' statement line." echo -e "\n If you wish to DRY up your config you can 'source ~/.bashrc' at the top of your .bash_profile." echo -e "\n4) Then $(tput setaf 1)CLOSE THIS SHELL$(tput sgr0) and open a new one in order to use rvm.\n" fi if [[ -s $HOME/.bashrc ]] && grep '&& return' $HOME/.bashrc ; then echo -e "\n\nWARNING: you have a 'return' statement in your .bashrc, likely this will cause untold havoc. Please remove it and refactor your profiles to be correct. If you have questions about this please visit #rvm on irc.freenode.net.\n\n" fi exit 0