require 'rbbt' require 'rbbt/workflow' require 'sinatra/base' require 'rbbt/knowledge_base' require 'rbbt/rest/knowledge_base/helpers' module Sinatra module RbbtRESTKnowledgeBase def self.registered(base) base.module_eval do helpers KnowledgeBaseRESTHelpers #{{{ Children get '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/entity_children/:entity' do name = consume_parameter :name database = consume_parameter :database entity = consume_parameter :entity kb = get_knowledge_base name found = kb.identify database, entity raise ParameterException, "Entity #{entity} was not found" unless found list = kb.children(database, found).target_entity case @format when :json content_type "application/json" halt 200, prepare_entities_for_json(list).to_json when :html end end # List children post '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/entity_list_children/' do name = consume_parameter :name database = consume_parameter :database entities = consume_parameter :entities raise ParameterException, "No 'entities' provided" if entities.nil? entities = entities.split("|") kb = get_knowledge_base name children = {} entities.each do |entity| found = kb.identify database, entity next if found.nil? children[entity] = kb.children(database, found).target_entity end case @format when :json content_type "application/json" halt 200, prepare_entities_for_json(children).to_json when :html end end # Collection children post '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/entity_collection_children' do name = consume_parameter :name database = consume_parameter :database entities = consume_parameter :entities raise ParameterException, "No 'entities' provided" if entities.nil? entities = JSON.parse(entities) kb = get_knowledge_base name entities.each do |type,list| list.each do |entity| found = kb.identify database, entity next if found.nil? targets = kb.children(database, found).target_entity next if targets.nil? or targets.empty? target_type = database children[target_type] ||= [] children[target_type].concat targets end end case @format when :json content_type "application/json" halt 200, prepare_entities_for_json(children).to_json when :html end end #{{{ Neighbours get '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/entity_neighbours/:entity' do name = consume_parameter :name database = consume_parameter :database entity = consume_parameter :entity kb = get_knowledge_base name found = kb.identify database, entity raise ParameterException, "Entity #{entity} was not found" unless found list = kb.neighbours(database, found){|list| list and list.any?}.first list = list.target_entity if list.respond_to? :target_entity list ||= [] case @format when :json content_type "application/json" halt 200, prepare_entities_for_json(list).to_json when :html end end post '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/entity_list_neighbours/' do name = consume_parameter :name database = consume_parameter :database entities = consume_parameter :entities raise ParameterException, "No 'entities' provided" if entities.nil? entities = entities.split("|") kb = get_knowledge_base name children = {} entities.each do |entity| found = kb.identify database, entity next if found.nil? matches = kb.neighbours(database, found){|list| list and list.any?}.first next if matches.nil? or matches.empty? children[entity] = matches.target_entity end case @format when :json content_type "application/json" halt 200, prepare_entities_for_json(children).to_json when :html end end post '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/entity_collection_neighbours' do name = consume_parameter :name database = consume_parameter :database entities = consume_parameter :entities raise ParameterException, "No 'entities' provided" if entities.nil? entities = JSON.parse(entities) kb = get_knowledge_base name neighbours = {} entities.each do |type,list| list.each do |entity| found = kb.identify_source database, entity if found.nil? reverse = true found = kb.identify_target database, entity else reverse = false end next if found.nil? matches = kb.neighbours(database, found)[reverse ? :parents : :children] next if matches.nil? or matches.empty? targets = entity_type = reverse ? kb.source_type(database) : kb.target_type(database) neighbours[entity_type] ||= [] neighbours[entity_type].concat targets end end neighbours.each{|type, list| list.uniq!} case @format when :json content_type "application/json" halt 200, prepare_entities_for_json(neighbours).to_json when :html end end end end end end