class Restly::Connection < OAuth2::AccessToken attr_accessor :cache, :cache_options delegate :resource, :resource_name, :base_path, to: :client # TODO: Refactor with subclasses that have their own tokenize methods. def self.tokenize(client, object) if object.is_a?(Hash) from_hash(client, object) elsif object.is_a?(Rack::Request) from_rack_request(client, object) elsif object.is_a?(OAuth2::AccessToken) from_token_object(client, object) elsif object.is_a?(Restly::Middleware) /(?\w+)$/i =~ object.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] return from_rack_request(client, object) if token token_hash = object.env['rack.session'][Restly::Configuration.session_key] || {} from_hash(client, token_hash) else new(client, nil) end end def initialize(client, token, opts={}) self.cache_options = opts[:cache_options] || {} self.cache = opts[:cache] super end def self.from_hash(client, token_hash) super(client, token_hash.dup) end def self.from_rack_request(client, rack_request) /(?\w+)$/i =~ rack_request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] from_hash(client, { access_token: token }) end def self.from_token_object(client, token_object) from_hash(client, { access_token: token_object.token, refresh_token: token_object.refresh_token, expires_at: token_object.expires_at }) end def to_hash { access_token: token, refresh_token: refresh_token, expires_at: expires_at } end alias_method :forced_request, :request def request(verb, path, opts={}, &block) path = [base_path.gsub(/\/?$/, ''), path.gsub(/^\/?/, '')].join('/') if cache && !opts[:force] request_log("Restly::CacheRequest", path, verb) do cached_request(verb, path, opts, &block) end else request_log("Restly::Request", path, verb) do forced_request(verb, path, opts, &block) end end end def id_from_path(path) capture = path.match /(?[0-9])\.\w*$/ capture[:id] if capture end def cached_request(verb, path, opts={}, &block) id = id_from_path(path) cache_options = self.cache_options.dup options_hash = { path: path, verb: verb, token: token, opts: opts, cache_opts: cache_options, block: block } options_packed = [Marshal.dump(options_hash)].pack('m') options_hex = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(options_packed) # Keys collection_expire_key = [resource_name, "*"].compact.join('_') instance_expire_key = [id, resource_name, "*"].compact.join('_') cache_key = [id, resource_name, options_hex].compact.join('_') # Force a cache miss for all methods except get cache_options[:force] = true unless [:get, :options].include?(verb) # Set the response unless verb.to_s.upcase =~ /GET|OPTIONS/ # Expire Collections cache_log("Restly::CacheExpire", instance_expire_key, :yellow) do Rails.cache.delete_matched(collection_expire_key) end # Expire Instances cache_log("Restly::CacheExpire", instance_expire_key, :yellow) do Rails.cache.delete_matched(instance_expire_key) end end response = Rails.cache.fetch cache_key, cache_options.symbolize_keys do cache_log("Restly::CacheMiss", cache_key, :red) do forced_request(verb, path, opts, &block) end end cache_log("Restly::CacheExpire", cache_key, :yellow) { Rails.cache.delete(cache_key) } if response.error raise Restly::Error::ConnectionError, "#{response.status}: #{status_string(response.status)}" if response.status >= 500 # Return the response response end def request_log(name, path, verb, color=:light_green, &block) site = URI.parse( formatted_path = ["#{site.scheme}://#{}", path].join("/") ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("request.restly", url: formatted_path, method: verb, name: name, color: color, &block) end def cache_log(name, key, color=:light_green, &block) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("cache.restly", key: key, name: name, color: color, &block) end def status_string(int) Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[int.to_i] end end