= has_messages
+has_messages+ demonstrates a reference implementation for sending messages between users.
== Resources
* http://wiki.pluginaweek.org/Has_messages
* http://api.pluginaweek.org/has_messages
* http://dev.pluginaweek.org/browser/trunk/has_messages
* http://svn.pluginaweek.org/trunk/has_messages
== Description
Messaging between users is fairly common in web applications, especially those
that support social networking. Messaging doesn't necessarily need to be
between users, but can also act as a way for the web application to send notices
and other notifications to users.
Designing and building a framework that supports this can be complex and takes
away from the business focus. This plugin can help ease that process by demonstrating
a complete implementation of these features.
== Usage
=== Adding message support
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
This will build the following associations:
* +messages+
* +unsent_messages+
* +sent_messages+
* +received_messages+
If you have more specified needs, you can create the same associations manually
that +has_messages+ builds. See PluginAWeek::HasMessages::MacroMethods#has_messages
for more information about the asssociations that are generated from this macro.
=== Creating new messages
message = user.messages.build
message.to user1, user2
message.subject = 'Hey!'
message.body = 'Does anyone want to go out tonight?'
=== Replying to messages
reply = message.reply_to_all
reply.body = "I'd love to go out!"
=== Forwarding messages
forward = message.forward
forward.body = 'Interested?'
=== Processing messages asynchronously
In addition to delivering messages immediately, you can also *queue* messages so
that an external application processes and delivers them. This is especially
useful for messages that need to be sent outside of the confines of the application.
To queue messages for external processing, you can use the queue! event,
rather than deliver!. This will indicate to any external processes that
the message is ready to be sent.
To process queued emails, you need an external cron job that checks and sends
them like so:
Message.with_state('queued').each do |message|
== Testing
Before you can run any tests, the following gem must be installed:
* plugin_test_helper[http://wiki.pluginaweek.org/Plugin_test_helper]
== Dependencies
* plugins_plus[http://wiki.pluginaweek.org/Plugins_plus]
* state_machine[http://wiki.pluginaweek.org/State_machine]