# Copyright Cloudinary require 'cloudinary/carrier_wave/process' require 'cloudinary/carrier_wave/error' require 'cloudinary/carrier_wave/remote' require 'cloudinary/carrier_wave/preloaded' require 'cloudinary/carrier_wave/storage' module Cloudinary::CarrierWave def self.included(base) base.storage Cloudinary::CarrierWave::Storage base.extend ClassMethods base.send(:attr_accessor, :metadata) base.send(:attr_reader, :stored_version) override_in_versions(base, :blank?, :full_public_id) end def retrieve_from_store!(identifier) if identifier.blank? @file = @stored_version = @stored_public_id = nil self.original_filename = nil else @file = CloudinaryFile.new(identifier, self) @public_id = @stored_public_id = @file.public_id @stored_version = @file.version self.original_filename = sanitize(@file.filename) end end def url(*args) if args.first && !args.first.is_a?(Hash) super else return super if self.blank? options = args.extract_options! options = self.transformation.merge(options) if self.version_name.present? Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_url(self.full_public_id, {:format=>self.format}.merge(options)) end end def full_public_id return nil if self.blank? return self.my_public_id if self.stored_version.blank? return "v#{self.stored_version}/#{self.my_public_id}" end def filename return nil if self.blank? return [self.full_public_id, self.format].join(".") end # public_id to use for uploaded file. Can be overridden by caller. Random public_id will be used otherwise. def public_id nil end # If the user overrode public_id, that should be used, even if it's different from current public_id in the database. # Otherwise, try to use public_id from the database. # Otherwise, generate a new random public_id def my_public_id @public_id ||= self.public_id @public_id ||= @stored_public_id @public_id ||= Cloudinary::Utils.random_public_id end def recreate_versions! # Do nothing end def cache_versions!(new_file=nil) # Do nothing end def process!(new_file=nil) # Do nothing end SANITIZE_REGEXP = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.respond_to?(:sanitize_regexp) ? CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.sanitize_regexp : /[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\+_]/ def sanitize(filename) return nil if filename.nil? filename.gsub(SANITIZE_REGEXP, '_') end # Should removed files be removed from Cloudinary as well. Can be overridden. def delete_remote? true end class CloudinaryFile attr_reader :identifier, :public_id, :filename, :format, :version def initialize(identifier, uploader) @uploader = uploader @identifier = identifier if @identifier.include?("/") version, @filename = @identifier.split("/") @version = version[1..-1] # remove 'v' prefix else @filename = @identifier @version = nil end @public_id, @format = Cloudinary::CarrierWave.split_format(@filename) end def delete Cloudinary::Uploader.destroy(self.public_id) if @uploader.delete_remote? end end def self.split_format(identifier) last_dot = identifier.rindex(".") return [public_id, nil] if last_dot.nil? public_id = identifier[0, last_dot] format = identifier[last_dot+1..-1] return [public_id, format] end # For the given methods - versions should call the main uploader method def self.override_in_versions(base, *methods) methods.each do |method| base.send :define_method, method do return super() if self.version_name.blank? uploader = self.model.send(self.mounted_as) uploader.send(method) end end end end