% @page_heading = _('Write') %> <% subtabs_for(:settings) %> <% form_tag :action => 'update' do %>
<%= check_box(:setting, :send_outbound_pings) %>
<%= _("When publishing articles, Typo can send trackbacks to websites that you link to. This should be disabled for private blogs as it will leak non-public information to sites that you're discussing. For public blogs, there's no real point in disabling this.")%>
<%= text_area(:setting, :ping_urls, :rows => 3, :class => 'small medium') %>
<%= text_field(:setting, :geourl_location, { :class => 'small medium'})%> <%= _("Display")%> <%= _("your lattitude and longitude")%> (<%= _("exemple")%> 47.774,-122.201)
<%= _("The below settings act as defaults when you choose to publish an enclosure with iTunes metadata")%>.
<%= text_field(:setting, :itunes_author, { :class => 'small medium'}) %>
<%= text_field(:setting, :itunes_subtitle, { :class => 'small medium'}) %>
<%= text_area :setting, :itunes_summary, :rows => 3, :class => 'small medium' %>
<%= text_field(:setting, :itunes_email, {:class => 'small medium'}) %>
<%= text_field(:setting, :itunes_name, {:class => 'small medium'}) %> ** <%= _("Not published by Apple")%>
<%= text_field(:setting, :itunes_copyright, {:class => 'small medium'}) %>
<%= check_box(:setting, :itunes_explicit)%>