require 'spec_helper' describe Datagrid::Filters do it "should support default option as proc" do test_report do scope {Entry} filter(:created_at, :date, :default => proc { } ) end.created_at.should == end it "should stack with other filters" do Entry.create(:name => "ZZ", :category => "first") report = test_report(:name => "Pop", :category => "first") do scope { Entry } filter(:name) filter(:category, :enum, :select => ["first", "second"]) end report.assets.should be_empty end it "should not support array argument for not multiple filter" do report = test_report do scope {Entry} filter(:group_id, :integer) end lambda { report.group_id = [1,2] }.should raise_error(Datagrid::ArgumentError) end it "should filter block with 2 arguments" do report = test_report do scope {Entry} filter(:group_id, :integer) do |value, scope| scope.where(:group_id => value) end end lambda { report.group_id = [1,2] }.should raise_error(Datagrid::ArgumentError) end it "should initialize when report Scope table not exists" do class ModelWithoutTable < ActiveRecord::Base; end ModelWithoutTable.should_not be_table_exists class TheReport include Datagrid scope {ModelWithoutTable} filter(:name) filter(:limit) end => 'hello').should_not be_nil end it "should support inheritence" do parent = do include Datagrid scope {Entry} filter(:name) end child = do filter(:group_id) end parent.filters.size.should == 1 child.filters.size.should == 2 end describe "allow_blank and allow_nil options" do def check_performed(value, result, options) $FILTER_PERFORMED = false report = test_report(:name => value) do scope {Entry} filter(:name, options) do |_| $FILTER_PERFORMED = true self end end == value report.assets $FILTER_PERFORMED.should == result end it "should support allow_blank argument" do [nil, "", " "].each do |value| check_performed(value, true, :allow_blank => true) end end it "should support allow_nil argument" do check_performed(nil, true, :allow_nil => true) end it "should support combination on allow_nil and allow_blank" do check_performed(nil, false, :allow_nil => false, :allow_blank => true) check_performed("", true, :allow_nil => false, :allow_blank => true) check_performed(nil, true, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => false) end end describe "default filter as scope" do it "should create default filter if scope respond to filter name method" do Entry.create! Entry.create! grid = test_report(:limit => 1) do scope {Entry} filter(:limit) end grid.assets.to_a.size.should == 1 end end describe "default filter as scope" do it "should create default filter if scope respond to filter name method" do Entry.create! grid = test_report(:custom => 'skip') do scope {Entry} filter(:custom) do |value| if value != 'skip' where(:custom => value) end end end grid.assets.should_not be_empty end end describe "positioning filter before another" do it "should insert the filter before the specified element" do grid = test_report do scope {Entry} filter(:limit) filter(:name, :before => :limit) end grid.filters.index {|f| == :name}.should == 0 end end describe "positioning filter after another" do it "should insert the filter before the specified element" do grid = test_report do scope {Entry} filter(:limit) filter(:name) filter(:group_id, :after => :limit) end grid.filters.index {|f| == :group_id}.should == 1 end end it "should support dummy filter" do grid = test_report do scope { Entry } filter(:period, :date, :dummy => true, :default => proc { }) end Entry.create!(:created_at => 3.days.ago) grid.assets.should_not be_empty end describe "#filter_by" do it "should allow partial filtering" do grid = test_report do scope {Entry} filter(:id) filter(:name) end e = Entry.create!(:name => 'hello') grid.attributes = {:id => -1, :name => 'hello'} grid.assets.should be_empty grid.filter_by(:name).should_not be_empty end end end