# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 module OpenTelemetry module Instrumentation module Redis module Patches # Module to prepend to Redis::Client for instrumentation module Client MAX_STATEMENT_LENGTH = 500 private_constant :MAX_STATEMENT_LENGTH def process(commands) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength host = options[:host] port = options[:port] attributes = { 'db.system' => 'redis', 'net.peer.name' => host, 'net.peer.port' => port } attributes['db.redis.database_index'] = options[:db] unless options[:db].zero? attributes['peer.service'] = config[:peer_service] if config[:peer_service] attributes.merge!(OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::Redis.attributes) parsed_commands = parse_commands(commands) parsed_commands = OpenTelemetry::Common::Utilities.truncate(parsed_commands, MAX_STATEMENT_LENGTH) parsed_commands = OpenTelemetry::Common::Utilities.utf8_encode(parsed_commands, binary: true) attributes['db.statement'] = parsed_commands span_name = if commands.length == 1 commands[0][0].to_s.upcase else 'PIPELINED' end tracer.in_span(span_name, attributes: attributes, kind: :client) do |s| super(commands).tap do |reply| if reply.is_a?(::Redis::CommandError) s.record_exception(reply) s.status = Trace::Status.new( Trace::Status::ERROR, description: reply.message ) end end end end private # Examples of commands received for parsing # Redis#queue [[[:set, "v1", "0"]], [[:incr, "v1"]], [[:get, "v1"]]] # Redis#pipeline: [[:set, "v1", "0"], [:incr, "v1"], [:get, "v1"]] # Redis#hmset [[:hmset, "hash", "f1", 1234567890.0987654]] # Redis#set [[:set, "K", "x"]] def parse_commands(commands) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize commands.map do |command| # We are checking for the use of Redis#queue command, if we detect the # extra level of array nesting we return the first element so it # can be parsed. command = command[0] if command.is_a?(Array) && command[0].is_a?(Array) # If we receive an authentication request command # we want to short circuit parsing the commands # and return the obfuscated command return 'AUTH ?' if command[0] == :auth command[0] = command[0].to_s.upcase if config[:enable_statement_obfuscation] command[0] + ' ?' * (command.size - 1) else command.join(' ') end end.join("\n") end def tracer Redis::Instrumentation.instance.tracer end def config Redis::Instrumentation.instance.config end end end end end end