require_relative '../spec_helper' include Rack::Test describe "authenticating with sign-on-o-tron" do describe "when not signed in" do describe "a protected page" do it "redirects to /auth/gds" do get "/restricted" response.code.should == "302" response.location.should == "" end end describe "/auth/gds" do it "redirects to signonotron2" do get "/auth/gds" response.code.should == "302" response.location.should =~ /^http:\/\/localhost:4567\/oauth\/authorize/ end it "authenticates with a username and password and redirects back to the app" do get "/auth/gds" uri = URI.parse(response.location) auth_path = uri.path + '?' + uri.query client_cookies = response.headers['Set-Cookie'].split('; ')[0] @signonotron = => "#{uri.scheme}://#{}:#{uri.port}") do |builder| builder.request :url_encoded builder.adapter :net_http end authz_return_location = do_auth_request(auth_path) return_path = authz_return_location.path + '?' + (authz_return_location.query || '') get return_path, { }, { 'Cookie' => client_cookies } puts "HANDLE AUTH RESULT\n====================\n" puts response.headers # resp = Net::HTTP.get_response( URI::parse(response.location) ) # location = resp["location"] # visit location # puts page.current_uri # fill_in "user_email", :with => "" # fill_in "user_password", :with => "this is an example for the test" # click_button "Sign in" end def do_auth_request(auth_path) auth_request = @signonotron.get(auth_path) debug_request('Auth Request', 'GET', auth_path, auth_request, '') sign_in_location = URI.parse(auth_request.headers['location']).path cookie = auth_request.headers['Set-Cookie'].split('; ')[0] return do_sign_in_request(sign_in_location, cookie) end def do_sign_in_request(sign_in_location, cookie) sign_in_request = @signonotron.get do |req| req.url sign_in_location req.headers['Cookie'] = cookie end debug_request('Sign In', 'GET', sign_in_location, sign_in_request, cookie) cookie = sign_in_request.headers['Set-Cookie'].split('; ')[0] sign_in_location = Nokogiri.parse(sign_in_request.body).xpath("//form").first.attributes['action'].text authenticity_token = Nokogiri.parse(sign_in_request.body).xpath("//input[@name='authenticity_token']").first.attributes['value'].text return do_sign_in_post(sign_in_location, cookie, authenticity_token) end def do_sign_in_post(sign_in_location, cookie, authenticity_token) sign_in_post = do |req| req.url sign_in_location req.body = { :user => { :email => '', :password => 'this is an example for the test' }, :authenticity_token => authenticity_token } req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' req.headers['Cookie'] = cookie end debug_request('Sign In', 'POST', sign_in_location, sign_in_post, cookie) cookie = sign_in_post.headers['Set-Cookie'].split('; ')[0] authz_location = URI.parse(sign_in_post.headers['location']) return authz_location end def debug_request(name, method, path, response, cookie) puts "#{name} REQUEST RESULT:\n=========================\n" puts "#{method} #{path}" puts "#{cookie}" puts "\n\n" puts response.headers.inspect puts response.body end end end end