# Usage: # class Model < ActiveRecord::Base # include Skyline::Taggable # end # # # 1) Registers your model in the Skyline::Tag.taggable_models list # # 2) Gives your Model the following interface: # # class Model < ActiveRecord::Base # has_many :associated_tags, :class_name => "Skyline::AssociatedTag", :as => "taggable" # has_many :tags, :through => :associated_tags, :class_name => "Skyline::Tag" # # scope :with_tags (tags) (scope to return items that have at least one of the tags supplied; or all if no tags are passed) # # def raw_tags # def raw_tags=(str) # def available_tags # end module Skyline::Taggable def self.included(base) Skyline::Tag.register_taggable_model(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send :has_many, :associated_tags, :class_name => "Skyline::AssociatedTag", :as => "taggable" base.send :has_many, :tags, :through => :associated_tags, :class_name => "Skyline::Tag" base.send :cattr_accessor, :taggable_type base.send :alias_method_chain, :clone, :associated_tags base.class_eval do scope :with_tags, lambda {|tags| if tags.any? {:conditions => ["(SELECT tag_id FROM skyline_associated_tags WHERE taggable_id=#{self.table_name}.id AND taggable_type=? AND tag_id IN (?) LIMIT 1)", self.name, tags], :include => :associated_tags} else {} end } end end def raw_tags self.tags.collect{|t| t.tag}.join(" ") end def raw_tags=(str) self.tags.clear if str.present? str.split.each do |t| tag = Skyline::Tag.find_or_create_by_taggable_type_and_tag(self.tag_taggable_type, t) self.tags << tag unless self.tags.include?(tag) end end end def available_tags self.class.available_tags end def clone_with_associated_tags clone_without_associated_tags.tap{|clone| clone.associated_tags = self.associated_tags.collect{|at| at.clone } } end protected def tag_taggable_type if self.taggable_type self.taggable_type.call(self) else self.class.to_s end end module ClassMethods def available_tags Skyline::Tag.find_all_by_taggable_type(self.to_s) end def taggable_scope(scope) self.taggable_type = scope end end end