# TaskList Behavior
#= provides tasklist:enabled
#= provides tasklist:disabled
#= provides tasklist:change
#= provides tasklist:changed
#= require jquery
# Enables Task List update behavior.
# ### Example Markup
# ### Specification
# TaskLists MUST be contained in a `(div).js-task-list-container`.
# TaskList Items SHOULD be an a list (`UL`/`OL`) element.
# Task list items MUST match `(input).task-list-item-checkbox` and MUST be
# `disabled` by default.
# TaskLists MUST have a `(textarea).js-task-list-field` form element whose
# `value` attribute is the source (Markdown) to be udpated. The source MUST
# follow the syntax guidelines.
# TaskList updates trigger `tasklist:change` events. If the change is
# successful, `tasklist:changed` is fired. The change can be canceled.
# jQuery is required.
# ### Methods
# `.taskList('enable')` or `.taskList()`
# Enables TaskList updates for the container.
# `.taskList('disable')`
# Disables TaskList updates for the container.
## ### Events
# `tasklist:enabled`
# Fired when the TaskList is enabled.
# * **Synchronicity** Sync
# * **Bubbles** Yes
# * **Cancelable** No
# * **Target** `.js-task-list-container`
# `tasklist:disabled`
# Fired when the TaskList is disabled.
# * **Synchronicity** Sync
# * **Bubbles** Yes
# * **Cancelable** No
# * **Target** `.js-task-list-container`
# `tasklist:change`
# Fired before the TaskList item change takes affect.
# * **Synchronicity** Sync
# * **Bubbles** Yes
# * **Cancelable** Yes
# * **Target** `.js-task-list-field`
# `tasklist:changed`
# Fired once the TaskList item change has taken affect.
# * **Synchronicity** Sync
# * **Bubbles** Yes
# * **Cancelable** No
# * **Target** `.js-task-list-field`
# ### NOTE
# Task list checkboxes are rendered as disabled by default because rendered
# user content is cached without regard for the viewer.
incomplete = "[ ]"
complete = "[x]"
# Escapes the String for regular expression matching.
escapePattern = (str) ->
replace(/([\[\]])/g, "\\$1"). # escape square brackets
replace(/\s/, "\\s"). # match all white space
replace("x", "[xX]") # match all cases
incompletePattern = ///
completePattern = ///
# Pattern used to identify all task list items.
# Useful when you need iterate over all items.
itemPattern = ///
(?: # prefix, consisting of
\s* # optional leading whitespace
(?:>\s*)* # zero or more blockquotes
(?:[-+*]|(?:\d+\.)) # list item indicator
\s* # optional whitespace prefix
( # checkbox
\s+ # is followed by whitespace
\(.*?\) # is not part of a [foo](url) link
(?= # and is followed by zero or more links
(?:[^\[]|$) # and either a non-link or the end of the string
# Used to filter out code fences from the source for comparison only.
# http://rubular.com/r/x5EwZVrloI
# Modified slightly due to issues with JS
codeFencesPattern = ///
^`{3} # ```
(?:\s*\w+)? # followed by optional language
[\S\s] # whitespace
.* # code
[\S\s] # whitespace
^`{3}$ # ```
# Used to filter out potential mismatches (items not in lists).
# http://rubular.com/r/OInl6CiePy
itemsInParasPattern = ///
# Given the source text, updates the appropriate task list item to match the
# given checked value.
# Returns the updated String text.
updateTaskListItem = (source, itemIndex, checked) ->
clean = source.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(codeFencesPattern, '').
replace(itemsInParasPattern, '').split("\n")
index = 0
result = for line in source.split("\n")
if line in clean && line.match(itemPattern)
index += 1
if index == itemIndex
line =
if checked
line.replace(incompletePattern, complete)
line.replace(completePattern, incomplete)
# Updates the $field value to reflect the state of $item.
# Triggers the `tasklist:change` event before the value has changed, and fires
# a `tasklist:changed` event once the value has changed.
updateTaskList = ($item) ->
$container = $item.closest '.js-task-list-container'
$field = $container.find '.js-task-list-field'
index = 1 + $container.find('.task-list-item-checkbox').index($item)
checked = $item.prop 'checked'
event = $.Event 'tasklist:change'
$field.trigger event, [index, checked]
unless event.isDefaultPrevented()
$field.val updateTaskListItem($field.val(), index, checked)
$field.trigger 'change'
$field.trigger 'tasklist:changed', [index, checked]
# When the task list item checkbox is updated, submit the change
$(document).on 'change', '.task-list-item-checkbox', ->
updateTaskList $(this)
# Enables TaskList item changes.
enableTaskList = ($container) ->
if $container.find('.js-task-list-field').length > 0
find('.task-list-item-checkbox').attr('disabled', null)
trigger 'tasklist:enabled'
# Enables a collection of TaskList containers.
enableTaskLists = ($containers) ->
for container in $containers
enableTaskList $(container)
# Disable TaskList item changes.
disableTaskList = ($container) ->
find('.task-list-item-checkbox').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
trigger 'tasklist:disabled'
# Disables a collection of TaskList containers.
disableTaskLists = ($containers) ->
for container in $containers
disableTaskList $(container)
$.fn.taskList = (method) ->
$container = $(this).closest('.js-task-list-container')
methods =
enable: enableTaskLists
disable: disableTaskLists
methods[method || 'enable']($container)