## Installing Lua - [MacOS](#mac) - [Ubuntu](#ubuntu) - [Windows](#windows) #### [MacOS](#mac) First install Lua and [Luarocks][2] using [Homebrew][1]: ```shell $ brew install lua ``` Then install the [Busted][3] testing framework for Lua: ```shell $ luarocks install busted ``` Then run your tests: ```shell $ busted . ``` #### [Ubuntu](#ubuntu) First install Lua and [Luarocks][2] using [Apt][6]: ```shell $ sudo apt-get install lua5.3 luarocks ``` Then install the [Busted][3] testing framework for Lua: ```shell $ luarocks install busted ``` If this fails, you may need to use `sudo`: ```shell $ sudo luarocks install busted ``` Then run your tests: ```shell $ busted . ``` #### [Windows](#windows) First install Lua and [Luarocks][2] using [Chocolatey][7]: C:\> choco install lua Then install the [Busted][3] testing framework for Lua: C:\> luarocks install busted Then run your tests: C:\> busted . [1]: http://brew.sh/ [2]: http://luarocks.org/ [3]: http://olivinelabs.com/busted/ [4]: https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/lua-style-guide [5]: http://tylerneylon.com/a/learn-lua/ [6]: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/apt.html [7]: http://chocolatey.org/