# # Author:: Matt Eldridge () # © Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. # # LICENSE: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # def model_tests(collection, params = {}, mocks_implemented = true) tests('success') do @instance = collection.new(params) tests("#save").succeeds do pending if Fog.mocking? && !mocks_implemented @instance.save end if block_given? yield end tests("#destroy").succeeds do pending if Fog.mocking? && !mocks_implemented @instance.destroy end end end # Generates a unique identifier with a random differentiator. # Useful when rapidly re-running tests, so we don't have to wait # serveral minutes for deleted objects to disappear from the API # E.g. 'fog-test-1234' def uniq_id(base_name = 'fog-test') # random_differentiator suffix = rand(65536).to_s(16).rjust(4, '0') [base_name, suffix] * '-' end