Feature: Table In order to interact with tables Testers will need access and interrogation ability Background: Given I am on the static elements page Scenario: Retrieve a table When I retrieve a table element Then I should know it is visible Then I should know it exists Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using a row header When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "Data3" should be "Data3" and "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using a partial row header When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "ata3" should be "Data3" and "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using a row header in the 2nd column When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "Data4" should be "Data3" and "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using a partial row header in the 2nd column When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "ata4" should be "Data3" and "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using a column header When I retrieve a table element Then the data for column "Data2" and row "2" should be "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using a partial column header When I retrieve a table element Then the data for column "ata2" and row "2" should be "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table using both headers When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "Data3" and column "Data2" should be "Data4" Scenario: Retrieve data from a table with an incorrect row header When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "Data20" should be nil Scenario: Retrieve data from a table with an incorrect column header When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "Data3" and column "Data20" should be nil @name Scenario Outline: Locating table cells on the Page When I retrieve a table element by "" Then the data for row "1" should be "Data1" and "Data2" Examples: | locate_by | | id | | class | | xpath | | index | | name | Scenario: Retrieve the data from a table When I retrieve a table element Then the data for row "1" should be "Data1" and "Data2" And the data for row "2" should be "Data3" and "Data4" And the table should have "2" rows And each row should contain "Data" And row "1" should have "2" columns And each column should contain "Data" And the data for the first row should be "Data1" and "Data2" And the data for the last row should be "Data3" and "Data4" @multi Scenario Outline: Locating table using multiple parameters When I retrieve a table element bys "" and "" Then the data for row "1" should be "Data1" and "Data2" Examples: | param1 | param2 | | class | index | | name | index | @locator Scenario: Finding a table dynamically When I retrieve a table element while the script is executing Then I should see that the table exists And the data for row "1" should be "Data1" and "Data2"