#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'pwn' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' opts = {} OptionParser.new do |options| options.banner = "USAGE: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [opts] " options.on('-cYPATH', '--yaml-config=YPATH', '') do |c| opts[:yaml_config] = c end options.on('-nVALUE', '--scan-name=VALUE', '') do |n| opts[:scan_name] = n end options.on('-rRPATH', '--report-path=RPATH', '') do |r| opts[:path_to_export] = r end options.on('-fFORMAT', '--report-format=FORMAT', '') do |f| opts[:format] = f end end.parse! if opts.empty? puts `#{$PROGRAM_NAME} --help` exit 1 end begin yaml_config = opts[:yaml_config] raise "YAML Config Not Found: #{yaml_config}" unless File.exist?(yaml_config) yaml = YAML.load_file( yaml_config, symbolize_names: true ) access_key = yaml[:access_key] secret_key = yaml[:secret_key] scan_name = opts[:scan_name] path_to_export = opts[:path_to_export] format = opts[:format] nessus_obj = PWN::Plugins::NessusCloud.login( access_key: access_key, secret_key: secret_key ) scan = PWN::Plugins::NessusCloud.get_scans( nessus_obj: nessus_obj, name: scan_name ) scan_uuid = scan[:uuid] PWN::Plugins::NessusCloud.launch_scan( nessus_obj: nessus_obj, scan_uuid: scan_uuid ) scan_status = 'initializing' loop do print '.' sleep 60 scan_status_resp = PWN::Plugins::NessusCloud.get_scan_status( nessus_obj: nessus_obj, scan_uuid: scan_uuid ) scan_status = scan_status_resp[:status] break if scan_status != 'initializing' && scan_status != 'pending' && scan_status != 'running' end raise "Scan status reached an unexpected condition: #{scan_status}. Re-verify the scan config for, '#{scan_name}' and try again." unless scan_status == 'completed' puts 'scan complete.' print "Exporting results to #{path_to_export}..." PWN::Plugins::NessusCloud.export_scan_results( nessus_obj: nessus_obj, scan_uuid: scan_uuid, path_to_export: path_to_export, format: format ) puts 'complete.' rescue Interrupt puts 'CTRL+C detected...goodbye.' rescue StandardError => e raise e end