/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ import * as Mousetrap from 'mousetrap' import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus' import { Turbo } from '@hotwired/turbo-rails' import { autocomplete } from '@algolia/autocomplete-js' import URI from 'urijs' import debouncePromise from '../helpers/debounce_promise' /** * The search controller is used in three places. * 1. Global search (on the top navbar) and can search through multiple resources. * 2. Resource search (on the Index page on top of the table panel) and will search one resource * 3. belongs_to field. This requires a bit more cleanup because the user will not navigate away from the page. * It will replace the id and label in some fields on the page and also needs a "clear" button which clears the information so the user can submit the form without a value. */ export default class extends Controller { static targets = [ 'autocomplete', 'button', 'hiddenId', 'visibleLabel', 'clearValue', 'clearButton', ]; debouncedFetch = debouncePromise(fetch, this.searchDebounce); get dataset() { return this.autocompleteTarget.dataset } get searchDebounce() { return window.Avo.configuration.search_debounce } get translationKeys() { let keys try { keys = JSON.parse(this.dataset.translationKeys) } catch (error) { keys = {} } return keys } get isBelongsToSearch() { return this.dataset.viaAssociation === 'belongs_to' } get isGlobalSearch() { return this.dataset.searchResource === 'global' } searchUrl(query) { const url = URI() let params = { q: query } let segments = [ window.Avo.configuration.root_path, 'avo_api', this.dataset.searchResource, 'search', ] if (this.isGlobalSearch) { segments = [window.Avo.configuration.root_path, 'avo_api', 'search'] } if (this.isBelongsToSearch) { params = { ...params, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase via_association_id: this.dataset.viaAssociationId, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase via_reflection_class: this.dataset.viaReflectionClass, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase via_reflection_id: this.dataset.viaReflectionId, } } return url.segment(segments).search(params).toString() } handleOnSelect({ item }) { if (this.isBelongsToSearch) { this.hiddenIdTarget.setAttribute('value', item._id) this.buttonTarget.setAttribute('value', item._label) document.querySelector('.aa-DetachedOverlay').remove() if (this.hasClearButtonTarget) { this.clearButtonTarget.classList.remove('hidden') } } else { Turbo.visit(item._url, { action: 'advance' }) } // On searchable belongs to the class `aa-Detached` remains on the body making it unscrollable document.body.classList.remove('aa-Detached') } addSource(resourceName, data) { const that = this return { sourceId: resourceName, getItems: () => data.results, onSelect: that.handleOnSelect.bind(that), templates: { header() { return `${data.header.toUpperCase()} ${data.help}` }, item({ item, createElement }) { const children = [] if (item._avatar) { let classes switch (item._avatar_type) { default: case 'circle': classes = 'rounded-full' break case 'rounded': classes = 'rounded' break } children.push( createElement('img', { src: item._avatar, alt: item._label, class: `flex-shrink-0 w-8 h-8 my-[2px] inline mr-2 ${classes}`, }), ) } const labelChildren = [item._label] if (item._description) { labelChildren.push( createElement( 'div', { class: 'aa-ItemDescription', }, item._description, ), ) } children.push(createElement('div', null, labelChildren)) return createElement( 'div', { class: 'flex', }, children, ) }, noResults() { return that.translationKeys.no_item_found.replace( '%{item}', resourceName, ) }, }, } } showSearchPanel() { this.autocompleteTarget.querySelector('button').click() } clearValue() { this.clearValueTargets.map((e) => e.setAttribute('value', '')) this.clearButtonTarget.classList.add('hidden') } connect() { const that = this this.buttonTarget.onclick = () => this.showSearchPanel() this.clearValueTargets.forEach((target) => { if (target.getAttribute('value') && this.hasClearButtonTarget) { this.clearButtonTarget.classList.remove('hidden') } }) if (this.isGlobalSearch) { Mousetrap.bind(['command+k', 'ctrl+k'], () => this.showSearchPanel()) } autocomplete({ container: this.autocompleteTarget, placeholder: this.translationKeys.placeholder, translations: { detachedCancelButtonText: this.translationKeys.cancel_button, }, openOnFocus: true, detachedMediaQuery: '', getSources: ({ query }) => { document.body.classList.add('search-loading') const endpoint = that.searchUrl(query) return that .debouncedFetch(endpoint) .then((response) => { document.body.classList.remove('search-loading') return response.json() }) .then((data) => Object.keys(data).map((resourceName) => that.addSource(resourceName, data[resourceName]))) }, }) // When using search for belongs-to if (this.buttonTarget.dataset.shouldBeDisabled !== 'true') { this.buttonTarget.removeAttribute('disabled') } } }