=begin Arachni Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License (See LICENSE file for details) =end require 'eventmachine' require 'em-synchrony' require 'sinatra/async' require 'sinatra/flash' require 'securerandom' require 'json' require 'erb' require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' # # Monkey patch Sinatra::Async to support error handling. # # This is from their own repo, can't wait for them to push the gem though. # module Sinatra::Async def aerror( &block ) define_method :aerror, &block end module Helpers def async_handle_exception yield rescue ::Exception => boom if respond_to? :aerror aerror boom elsif settings.show_exceptions? printer = Sinatra::ShowExceptions.new( proc{ raise boom } ) s, h, b = printer.call( request.env ) response.status = s response.headers.replace( h ) response.body = b else body( handle_exception!( boom ) ) end end end end # # Monkey patch Rack's cookie management to fix a nil error # # @see https://github.com/rack/rack/pull/304 # class Rack::Session::Cookie def unpacked_cookie_data(env) env["rack.session.unpacked_cookie_data"] ||= begin request = Rack::Request.new(env) session_data = request.cookies[@key] if @secret && session_data session_data, digest = session_data.split("--") unless digest == generate_hmac(session_data, @secret) # Clear the session data if secret doesn't match and old secret doesn't match session_data = nil if (@old_secret.nil? || (digest != generate_hmac(session_data, @old_secret))) end end coder.decode(session_data) || {} end end end module Arachni module UI require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/cli/output' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'framework' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/utilities' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/report_manager' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/dispatcher_manager' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/instance_manager' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/scheduler' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/log' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/output_stream' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/addon_manager' # # # Provides a web user interface for the Arachni Framework using Sinatra. # # It's basically an RPC client for Dispatchers and Instances wearing a pretty frock. # # @author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # # # @version: 0.2 # # @see Arachni::RPC::Client::Instance # @see Arachni::RPC::Client::Dispatcher # module Web VERSION = '0.3' class Server < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::Flash register Sinatra::Async include Arachni::Module::Utilities include Utilities configure do use Rack::Session::Cookie opts = Arachni::Options.instance if opts.webui_username && opts.webui_password use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Arachni WebUI v" + Arachni::UI::Web::VERSION + " requires authentication." do |username, password| [username, password] == [ opts.webui_username, opts.webui_password ] end end @@conf = YAML::load_file( opts.dir['conf'] + 'webui.yaml' ) opts.ssl = @@conf['ssl']['client']['enable'] opts.ssl_pkey = @@conf['ssl']['client']['key'] opts.ssl_cert = @@conf['ssl']['client']['cert'] opts.ssl_ca = @@conf['ssl']['client']['ca'] end helpers do # # Converts seconds to a (00:00:00) (hours:minutes:seconds) string # # @param [String,Float,Integer] seconds # # @return [String] hours:minutes:seconds # def secs_to_hms( secs ) secs = secs.to_i return [secs/3600, secs/60 % 60, secs % 60].map { |t| t.to_s.rjust( 2, '0' ) }.join(':') end def title main = 'Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework' sub = env['PATH_INFO'].split( '/' ).map { |part| normalize_section_name( part ) }.reject { |part| part.empty? }.join( ' → ' ) return sub.empty? ? main : sub + ' :: ' + main end def normalize_section_name( name ) name.gsub( '_', ' ' ).capitalize end def job_is_slave?( job ) job['helpers']['rank'] == 'slave' end def report_count reports.all.size end def plugin_has_required_file_option?( options ) options.each { |opt| return true if opt['type'] == 'path' && opt['required'] } return false end def format_redundants( rules ) return if !rules || !rules.is_a?( Array ) || rules.empty? str = '' rules.each { |rule| next if !rule['regexp'] || !rule['count'] str += rule['regexp'] + ':' + rule['count'] + "\r\n" } return str end def format_custom_headers( headers ) return if !headers || !headers.is_a?( Hash ) || headers.empty? str = '' headers.each_pair { |name, val| str += "#{name}=#{val}\r\n" } return str end def prep_description( str ) placeholder = '--' + rand( 1000 ).to_s + '--' cstr = str.gsub( /^\s*$/xm, placeholder ) cstr.gsub!( /^\s*/xm, '' ) cstr.gsub!( placeholder, "\n" ) cstr.chomp end def selected_tab?( tab ) splits = env['PATH_INFO'].split( '/' ) ( splits.empty? && tab == '/' ) || splits[1] == tab end def csrf_token # Rack::Csrf.csrf_token( env ) @@csrf_token ||= SecureRandom.base64( 32 ) end def csrf_field '_csrf' end def csrf_key 'csrf.token' end def csrf_tag # Rack::Csrf.csrf_tag( env ) %Q() end def modules @@modules end def plugins @@plugins.reverse end def proc_mem( rss ) # we assume a page size of 4096 rss.to_i * 4096 / 1024 / 1024 end def secs_to_hms( secs ) secs = secs.to_i return [secs/3600, secs/60 % 60, secs % 60].map { |t| t.to_s.rjust( 2, '0' ) }.join(':') end end dir = File.dirname( File.expand_path( __FILE__ ) ) set :views, "#{dir}/server/views" set :public_folder, "#{dir}/server/public" set :tmp, "#{dir}/server/tmp" set :db, "#{dir}/server/db" set :static, true set :environment, :development # # This will be used for the "owner" field of the helper instance # HELPER_OWNER = "WebUI helper" enable :sessions set :log, Log.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :reports, ReportManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :dispatchers, DispatcherManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :instances, InstanceManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :scheduler, Scheduler.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :conf, @@conf set :addons, AddonManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) configure do # shit's on! log.webui_started end def async_redirect( location, opts = {} ) response.status = 302 if methods.include?( :current_addon ) && current_addon && location != '/dispatchers/edit' location = current_addon.path_root + location end if ( flash = opts[:flash] ) && !flash.empty? location += "?#{flash.keys[0]}=#{URI.encode( flash.values[0] )}" end response.headers['Location'] = location body '' end def redirect( location, opts = {} ) if methods.include?( :current_addon ) && current_addon location = current_addon.path_root + location end if ( flash = opts[:flash] ) && !flash.empty? location += "?#{flash.keys[0]}=#{URI.encode( flash.values[0] )}" end super( location ) end def addons settings.addons end def log settings.log end def reports settings.reports end def dispatchers settings.dispatchers end # # Provides statistics about running jobs etc using the dispatcher # def dispatcher_stats dispatchers.stats end def scheduler settings.scheduler end def instances settings.instances end def exception_jail( &block ) # begin block.call # rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e # erb :error, { :layout => true }, :error => 'Remote server has been shut down.' # end end def show( page, layout = true ) case page when :dispatchers ensure_dispatcher dispatcher.stats { |stats| erb :dispatchers } when :home dispatchers.stats { |stats| body erb page, { :layout => true }, :stats => stats } else erb page.to_sym, { :layout => layout } end end def show_dispatcher_line( stats ) str = "#{escape( '@' + stats['node']['url'] )}" + " - #{stats['running_jobs'].size} running scans, " rss = 0 mem = 0 cpu = 0 stats['running_jobs'].each { |job| rss += proc_mem( job['proc']['rss'] ).to_i mem += Float( job['proc']['pctmem'] ) if job['proc']['pctmem'] cpu += Float( job['proc']['pctcpu'] ) if job['proc']['pctcpu'] } str += rss.to_s + 'MB RAM usage ' str += '(' + mem.to_s[0..4] + '%), ' str += cpu.to_s[0..4] + '% CPU usage' end def show_dispatcher_node_line( stats ) str = "Nickname: #{stats['node']['nickname']} - " str += "Pipe ID: #{stats['node']['pipe_id']} - " str += "Weight: #{stats['node']['weight']}" end def welcomed? File.exist?( settings.db + '/welcomed' ) end def welcomed! File.new( settings.db + '/welcomed', 'w' ).close end def ensure_welcomed return if welcomed? async_redirect '/welcome' end def options Arachni::Options.instance end # # Similar to String.to_i but it returns the original object if String is not a number # def to_i( str ) return str if !str.is_a?( String ) if str.match( /\d+/ ).to_s.size == str.size return str.to_i else return str end end # # Prepares form params to be used as options for RPC transmission # # @param [Hash] params # # @return [Hash] normalized hash # def prep_opts( params ) need_to_split = [ 'exclude_cookies', 'exclude', 'include' ] cparams = {} params.each_pair { |name, value| next if [ '_csrf', 'modules', 'plugins' ].include?( name ) || ( value.is_a?( String ) && value.empty?) value = true if value == 'on' if name == 'cookiejar' cparams['cookies'] = Arachni::HTTP.parse_cookiejar( value[:tempfile] ) elsif name == 'extend_paths' cparams['extend_paths'] = Arachni::Options.instance.paths_from_file( value[:tempfile] ) elsif name == 'restrict_paths' cparams['restrict_paths'] = Arachni::Options.instance.paths_from_file( value[:tempfile] ) elsif need_to_split.include?( name ) && value.is_a?( String ) cparams[name] = value.split( "\r\n" ) elsif name == 'redundant' cparams[name] = [] value.split( "\r\n" ).each { |rule| regexp, counter = rule.split( ':', 2 ) cparams[name] << { 'regexp' => regexp, 'count' => counter } } elsif name == 'custom_headers' cparams[name] = {} value.split( "\r\n" ).each { |line| header, val = line.to_s.split( /=/, 2 ) cparams[name][header] = val } else cparams[name] = to_i( value ) end } if !cparams['audit_links'] && !cparams['audit_forms'] && !cparams['audit_cookies'] && !cparams['audit_headers'] cparams['audit_links'] = true cparams['audit_forms'] = true cparams['audit_cookies'] = true end return cparams end def prep_modules( params ) return ['-'] if !params['modules'] mods = params['modules'].keys return ['*'] if mods.empty? return mods end def prep_plugins( params ) plugins = {} return plugins if !params['plugins'] params['plugins'].keys.each { |name| plugins[name] = params['options'][name] || {} } return plugins end def helper_instance( &block ) raise( "This method requires a block!" ) if !block_given? dispatchers.first_alive { |dispatcher| if !dispatcher async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' else dispatchers.connect( dispatcher.url ).dispatch( HELPER_OWNER ){ |instance| if instance.rpc_exception? log.webui_helper_instance_connect_failed( env, url ) next end @@arachni = instances.connect( instance['url'], session, instance['token'] ) block.call( @@arachni ) } end } end def component_cache_filled? begin return @@modules.size + @@plugins.size rescue return false end end def fill_component_cache( &block ) if !component_cache_filled? helper_instance { |inst| if !inst block.call else inst.framework.lsmod { |mods| @@modules = mods.map { |mod| hash_keys_to_str( mod ) } inst.framework.lsplug { |plugs| @@plugins = plugs.map { |plug| hash_keys_to_str( plug ) } # shutdown the helper instance, we got what we wanted inst.service.shutdown!{ block.call } } } end } else block.call end end # # Makes sure that all systems are go and populates the session with default values # def prep_session( skip_dispatcher = false ) session[:flash] ||= {} ensure_dispatcher if !skip_dispatcher session['opts'] ||= {} session['opts']['settings'] ||= { 'audit_links' => true, 'audit_forms' => true, 'audit_cookies' => true, 'http_req_limit' => 20, 'user_agent' => 'Arachni/' + Arachni::VERSION } session['opts']['modules'] ||= [ '*' ] require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'framework' framework = Arachni::Framework.new( Arachni::Options.instance ) plugins = Arachni::Plugin::Manager.new( framework ) default_plugins = {} plugins.parse( Arachni::Plugin::Manager::DEFAULT ).each { |mod| default_plugins[mod] = {} } session['opts']['plugins'] ||= YAML::dump( default_plugins ) # # Garbage collector, zombie killer. Reaps idle processes every 60 seconds. # @@zombie_reaper ||= ::EM.add_periodic_timer( 60 ){ ::EM.defer { shutdown_zombies } } end # # Makes sure that we have a dispatcher, if not it redirects the user to # an appropriate error page. # # @return [Bool] true if alive, redirect if not # def ensure_dispatcher if dispatchers.all.empty? async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' else dispatchers.first_alive { |dispatcher| async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' if !dispatcher } end end # # Saves the report and shuts down the instance # # @param [Arachni::RPC::Client::Instance] arachni # def save_and_shutdown( url, &block ) instance = instances.connect( url, session ) instance.framework.clean_up!{ |res| if !res.rpc_connection_error? instance.framework.auditstore { |auditstore| if !auditstore.rpc_connection_error? log.webui_save_and_shutdown_auditstore_success( env, url ) report_path = reports.save( auditstore ) instance.service.shutdown!{ block.call( report_path ) } else log.webui_save_and_shutdown_auditstore_failed( env, url ) block.call( auditstore ) end } else log.webui_save_and_shutdown_clean_up_failed( env, url ) block.call( res ) end } end # # Kills all running instances # def shutdown_all( url, &block ) dispatchers.connect( url ).stats { |stats| log.dispatcher_global_shutdown( env, url ) stats['running_jobs'].each { |instance| next if instance['helpers']['rank'] == 'slave' save_and_shutdown( instance['url'] ){ log.instance_shutdown( env, instance['url'] ) } } block.call } end # # Kills all idle instances # # @return [Integer] the number of reaped instances # def shutdown_zombies dispatchers.jobs { |jobs| jobs.each { |job| next if job['helpers']['rank'] == 'slave' || job['owner'] == HELPER_OWNER instances.connect( job['url'], session ).framework.busy? { |busy| if !busy.rpc_exception? && !busy save_and_shutdown( job['url'] ){ log.webui_zombie_cleanup( env, job['url'] ) } end } } } end def show_error( title, message = '', backtrace = [] ) skip = [ 'rack.input', 'rack.errors', 'async.callback', 'async.close', 'rack.logger', ] err_env = {} env.each { |k, v| next if skip.include?( k ) err_env[k] = v } err_env['rack.session.options'].delete( :coder ) err_env['rack.session.options'].delete( :secure_random ) err_env.merge!( :title => title, :message => message, :backtrace => backtrace.join( "\n" ) ) erb :error, { :layout => true }, :title => escape( title ), :message => escape( message ).gsub( "\n", '
' ), :backtrace => escape( backtrace.join( "\n" ) ), :env => escape( err_env.to_yaml ) end not_found do show_error( 'Could not find the requested path', 'Please use the menus for navigation, it\'ll be easier on you...' ) end before do if %q{POST PUT DELETE}.include?( env['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) && csrf_token != params[csrf_field] redirect '/csrf_error' end end aerror do |e| body show_error( e.class.to_s, e.message, e.backtrace ) end aget '/csrf_error' do body show_error( 'Invalid CSRF token', "The CSRF token that accompanied your last request was invalid.\n" + "Please go back and try again..." ) end aget "/" do prep_session ensure_welcomed dispatchers.stats { |stats| body erb :home, { :layout => true }, :stats => stats } end aget "/welcome" do welcomed! body erb :welcome, { :layout => true } end aget "/dispatchers" do ensure_dispatcher dispatchers.stats { |stats| body erb :dispatchers, { :layout => true }, :stats => stats } end aget '/dispatchers/edit' do dispatchers.all_with_liveness { |dispatchers| body erb :dispatchers_edit, { :layout => true }, :dispatchers => dispatchers } end apost '/dispatchers/add' do dispatchers.alive?( params[:url] ) { |a| if a dispatchers.new( params[:url] ) async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' else msg = "Couldn't find a dispatcher at \"#{escape( params['url'] )}\"." async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit', :flash => { :err => msg } end } end apost '/dispatchers/:url/delete' do |url| dispatchers.delete( url ) redirect '/dispatchers/edit' end aget '/dispatchers/:url/log.json' do |url| content_type :json begin dispatchers.connect( url ).log { |log| json = { 'log' => escape( log ) }.to_json body json } rescue Exception => e json = { 'error' => e.to_s, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace.join( "\n" ), }.to_json body json end end # # shuts down all instances # apost "/dispatchers/:url/shutdown_all" do |url| shutdown_all( url ){ msg = 'All instances will be shut down shortly, the reports will be download and saved automatically.' async_redirect '/dispatchers', :flash => { :notice => msg } } end # # starts a scan # apost "/scan" do prep_session( true ) valid = true begin URI.parse( params['url'] ) rescue valid = false end if !params['url'] || params['url'].empty? async_redirect '/', :flash => { :err => "URL cannot be empty." } elsif !valid async_redirect '/', :flash => { :err => "Invalid URL." } elsif !params['dispatcher'] || params['dispatcher'].empty? async_redirect '/', :flash => { :err => "Please select a Dispatcher." } else session['opts']['settings']['url'] = params[:url] unescape_hash( session['opts'] ) session['opts']['settings']['audit_links'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_links'] session['opts']['settings']['audit_forms'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_forms'] session['opts']['settings']['audit_cookies'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_cookies'] session['opts']['settings']['audit_headers'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_headers'] opts = {} opts['settings'] = prep_opts( session['opts']['settings'] ) opts['settings'] = session['opts']['settings'] if params['high_performance'] opts['settings']['grid_mode'] = 'high_performance' opts['settings']['min_pages_per_instance']= params['min_pages_per_instance'] opts['settings']['max_slaves'] = params['max_slaves'] end opts['plugins'] = YAML::load( session['opts']['plugins'] ) opts['modules'] = session['opts']['modules'] job = Scheduler::Job.new( :dispatcher => params[:dispatcher], :url => params[:url], :opts => YAML.dump( opts ), :owner_addr => env['REMOTE_ADDR'], :owner_host => env['REMOTE_HOST'], :created_at => Time.now ) scheduler.run( job, env, session ){ |instance_url| async_redirect '/instance/' + instance_url } end end aget "/modules" do prep_session fill_component_cache{ body show :modules, true } end # # sets modules # post "/modules" do prep_session session['opts']['modules'] = prep_modules( escape_hash( params ) ) flash.now[:ok] = "Modules updated." show :modules, true end aget "/plugins" do prep_session fill_component_cache { body erb :plugins, { :layout => true }, :session_options => YAML::load( session['opts']['plugins'] ) } end # # sets plugins # post "/plugins" do prep_session session['opts']['plugins'] = YAML::dump( prep_plugins( escape_hash( params ) ) ) flash.now[:ok] = "Plugins updated." erb :plugins, { :layout => true }, :session_options => YAML::load( session['opts']['plugins'] ) end get "/settings" do prep_session erb :settings, { :layout => true } end # # sets general framework settings # post "/settings" do if session['opts']['settings']['url'] url = session['opts']['settings']['url'].dup end session['opts']['settings'] = prep_opts( escape_hash( params ) ) if session['opts']['settings']['url'] session['opts']['settings']['url'] = url end flash.now[:ok] = "Settings updated." show :settings, true end aget "/instance/:url" do |url| params['url'] = url instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.paused? { |paused| if !paused.rpc_connection_error? body erb :instance, { :layout => true }, :paused => paused, :shutdown => false, :params => params else msg = "Instance at #{url} has been shutdown." body erb :instance, { :layout => true }, :shutdown => true, :flash => { :notice => msg } end } end aget "/instance/:url/output.json" do |url| content_type :json params['url'] = url output = { 'messages' => {}, 'issues' => {}, 'stats' => {} } instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.progress_data { |prog| if !prog.rpc_exception? @@output_streams ||= {} @@output_streams[params[:url]] = OutputStream.new( prog['messages'], 38 ) output['messages'] = { 'data' => @@output_streams[params[:url]].format } output['issues'] = { 'data' => erb( :output_results, { :layout => false }, :issues => prog['issues'] ) } output['stats'] = prog['stats'].dup output['stats']['current_pages'] = [] if prog['stats']['current_pages'] prog['stats']['current_pages'].each { |url| output['stats']['current_pages'] << escape( url ) } end output['stats']['instances'] = prog['instances'].dup else msg = "The instance has been shutdown." output['messages'] = { 'data' => msg } output['issues'] = { 'data' => msg } output['status'] = 'finished' end body output.to_json } end apost "/*/:url/pause" do |splat, url| params['splat'] = [ splat ] params['url'] = url redir = '/' + splat + ( splat == 'instance' ? "/#{url}" : '' ) instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.pause!{ |paused| if !paused.rpc_connection_error? log.instance_paused( env, params[:url] ) msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} will pause as soon as the current page is audited." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :notice => msg } else msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :notice => msg } end } end apost "/*/:url/resume" do |splat, url| params['splat'] = [ splat ] params['url'] = url redir = '/' + splat + ( splat == 'instance' ? "/#{url}" : '' ) instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.resume!{ |res| if !res.rpc_connection_error? log.instance_resumed( env, params[:url] ) msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} resumes." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :ok => msg } else msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :notice => msg } end } end apost "/*/:url/shutdown" do |splat, url| params['splat'] = [ splat ] params['url'] = url redir = '/' + ( splat == 'instance' ? "reports" : splat ) save_and_shutdown( params[:url] ){ |res| if !res.rpc_connection_error? log.instance_shutdown( env, params[:url] ) msg = { :ok => "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." } else redir = '/' + ( splat == 'instance' ? splat + '/' + url : splat ) msg = { :err => "Instance at #{params[:url]} could not be shutdown at the moment." } end async_redirect redir, :flash => { msg.keys[0] => msg.values[0] } } end aget "/reports" do body erb :reports, { :layout => true }, :reports => reports.all( :order => :datestamp.desc ), :available => reports.available end aget '/reports/formats' do body erb :report_formats, { :layout => true }, :reports => reports.available end apost '/reports/delete' do reports.delete_all log.reports_deleted( env ) async_redirect '/reports' end apost '/report/:id/delete' do |id| reports.delete( id ) log.report_deleted( env, id ) async_redirect '/reports' end aget '/report/:id.:type' do |id, type| log.report_converted( env, id + '.' + type ) content_type( type, :default => 'application/octet-stream' ) body reports.get( type, id ) end aget '/log' do body erb :log, { :layout => true }, :entries => log.entry.all.reverse end aget '/addons' do body erb :addons end apost '/addons' do params['addons'] ||= {} addon_names = params['addons'].keys addons.enable!( addon_names ) body erb :addons end # override run! using this patch: https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/pull/132 def self.run!( options = {} ) set options handler = detect_rack_handler handler_name = handler.name.gsub( /.*::/, '' ) # handler specific options use the lower case handler name as hash key, if present handler_opts = options[handler_name.downcase.to_sym] || {} puts "== Sinatra/#{Sinatra::VERSION} has taken the stage " + "on #{port} for #{environment} with backup from #{handler_name}" unless handler_name =~/cgi/i handler.run self, handler_opts.merge( :Host => options[:host], :Port => options[:port] ) do |server| [ :INT, :TERM ].each { |sig| trap( sig ) { quit!( server, handler_name ) } } set :running, true end rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE => e puts "== Someone is already performing on port #{port}!" end def self.prep_thin if @@conf['ssl']['server']['key'] pkey = ::OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new( File.read( @@conf['ssl']['server']['key'] ) ) end if @@conf['ssl']['server']['cert'] cert = ::OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new( File.read( @@conf['ssl']['server']['cert'] ) ) end if @@conf['ssl']['key'] || @@conf['ssl']['cert'] || @@conf['ssl']['ca'] verification = true end return { :ssl => true, :ssl_verify => verification, :ssl_cert_file => cert, :ssl_key_file => pkey, } end run! :host => Arachni::Options.instance.server || '', :port => Arachni::Options.instance.rpc_port || 4567, :server => %w[ thin ], :thin => prep_thin at_exit do log.webui_shutdown begin # shutdown our helper instance @@arachni ||= nil @@arachni.service.shutdown! if @@arachni rescue end end end end end end