# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Author:: Fletcher Nichol () # # Copyright (C) 2013, Fletcher Nichol # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "fileutils" require "pathname" require "json" require "cgi" require "kitchen/provisioner/chef/policyfile" require "kitchen/provisioner/chef/berkshelf" require "kitchen/provisioner/chef/common_sandbox" require "kitchen/provisioner/chef/librarian" require "kitchen/util" require "mixlib/install" require "mixlib/install/script_generator" begin require "chef-config/config" require "chef-config/workstation_config_loader" rescue LoadError # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions # This space left intentionally blank. end module Kitchen module Provisioner # Common implementation details for Chef-related provisioners. # # @author Fletcher Nichol class ChefBase < Base default_config :require_chef_omnibus, true default_config :chef_omnibus_url, "https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh" default_config :chef_omnibus_install_options, nil default_config :run_list, [] default_config :attributes, {} default_config :config_path, nil default_config :log_file, nil default_config :log_level do |provisioner| provisioner[:debug] ? "debug" : "auto" end default_config :profile_ruby, false # The older policyfile_zero used `policyfile` so support it for compat. default_config :policyfile, nil # Will try to autodetect by searching for `Policyfile.rb` if not set. # If set, will error if the file doesn't exist. default_config :policyfile_path, nil # If set to true (which is the default from `chef generate`), try to update # backend cookbook downloader on every kitchen run. default_config :always_update_cookbooks, false default_config :cookbook_files_glob, %w( README.* VERSION metadata.{json,rb} attributes.rb recipe.rb attributes/**/* definitions/**/* files/**/* libraries/**/* providers/**/* recipes/**/* resources/**/* templates/**/* ).join(",") # to ease upgrades, allow the user to turn deprecation warnings into errors default_config :deprecations_as_errors, false # Override the default from Base so reboot handling works by default for Chef. default_config :retry_on_exit_code, [35, 213] default_config :multiple_converge, 1 default_config :enforce_idempotency, false default_config :data_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("data") end expand_path_for :data_path default_config :data_bags_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("data_bags") end expand_path_for :data_bags_path default_config :environments_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("environments") end expand_path_for :environments_path default_config :nodes_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("nodes") end expand_path_for :nodes_path default_config :roles_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("roles") end expand_path_for :roles_path default_config :clients_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("clients") end expand_path_for :clients_path default_config :encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path do |provisioner| provisioner.calculate_path("encrypted_data_bag_secret_key", type: :file) end expand_path_for :encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path # # New configuration options per RFC 091 # https://github.com/chef/chef-rfc/blob/master/rfc091-deprecate-kitchen-settings.md # # Setting product_name to nil. It is currently the pivot point # between the two install paths (Mixlib::Install::ScriptGenerator and Mixlib::Install) default_config :product_name default_config :product_version, :latest default_config :channel, :stable default_config :install_strategy, "once" default_config :platform default_config :platform_version default_config :architecture default_config :download_url default_config :checksum deprecate_config_for :require_chef_omnibus do |provisioner| case when provisioner[:require_chef_omnibus] == false Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) The 'require_chef_omnibus' attribute with value of 'false' will change to use the new 'install_strategy' attribute with a value of 'skip'. Note: 'product_name' must be set in order to use 'install_strategy'. Although this seems counterintuitive, it is necessary until 'product_name' replaces 'require_chef_omnibus' as the default. # New Usage # provisioner: product_name: install_strategy: skip MSG when provisioner[:require_chef_omnibus].to_s.match(/\d/) Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) The 'require_chef_omnibus' attribute with version values will change to use the new 'product_version' attribute. Note: 'product_name' must be set in order to use 'product_version' until 'product_name' replaces 'require_chef_omnibus' as the default. # New Usage # provisioner: product_name: product_version: #{provisioner[:require_chef_omnibus]} MSG when provisioner[:require_chef_omnibus] == "latest" Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) The 'require_chef_omnibus' attribute with value of 'latest' will change to use the new 'install_strategy' attribute with a value of 'always'. Note: 'product_name' must be set in order to use 'install_strategy' until 'product_name' replaces 'require_chef_omnibus' as the default. # New Usage # provisioner: product_name: install_strategy: always MSG end end deprecate_config_for :chef_omnibus_url, Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) Changing the 'chef_omnibus_url' attribute breaks existing functionality. It will be removed in a future version. MSG deprecate_config_for :chef_omnibus_install_options, Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) The 'chef_omnibus_install_options' attribute will be replaced by using 'product_name' and 'channel' attributes. Note: 'product_name' must be set in order to use 'channel' until 'product_name' replaces 'require_chef_omnibus' as the default. # Deprecated Example # provisioner: chef_omnibus_install_options: -P chefdk -c current # New Usage # provisioner: product_name: chefdk channel: current MSG deprecate_config_for :install_msi_url, Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) The 'install_msi_url' will be relaced by the 'download_url' attribute. 'download_url' will be applied to Bourne and Powershell download scripts. Note: 'product_name' must be set in order to use 'download_url' until 'product_name' replaces 'require_chef_omnibus' as the default. # New Usage # provisioner: product_name: download_url: http://direct-download-url MSG deprecate_config_for :chef_metadata_url, Util.outdent!(<<-MSG) The 'chef_metadata_url' will be removed. The Windows metadata URL will be fully managed by using attribute settings. MSG # Reads the local Chef::Config object (if present). We do this because # we want to start bring Chef config and ChefDK tool config closer # together. For example, we want to configure proxy settings in 1 # location instead of 3 configuration files. # # @param config [Hash] initial provided configuration def initialize(config = {}) super(config) if defined?(ChefConfig::WorkstationConfigLoader) ChefConfig::WorkstationConfigLoader.new(config[:config_path]).load end # This exports any proxy config present in the Chef config to # appropriate environment variables, which Test Kitchen respects ChefConfig::Config.export_proxies if defined?(ChefConfig::Config.export_proxies) end def doctor(state) deprecated_config.each do |attr, msg| info("**** #{attr} deprecated\n#{msg}") end end # (see Base#create_sandbox) def create_sandbox super sanity_check_sandbox_options! Chef::CommonSandbox.new(config, sandbox_path, instance).populate end # (see Base#init_command) def init_command dirs = %w{ cookbooks data data_bags environments roles clients encrypted_data_bag_secret }.sort.map { |dir| remote_path_join(config[:root_path], dir) } vars = if powershell_shell? init_command_vars_for_powershell(dirs) else init_command_vars_for_bourne(dirs) end prefix_command(shell_code_from_file(vars, "chef_base_init_command")) end # (see Base#install_command) def install_command return unless config[:require_chef_omnibus] || config[:product_name] return if config[:product_name] && config[:install_strategy] == "skip" prefix_command(sudo(install_script_contents)) end private def last_exit_code "; exit $LastExitCode" if powershell_shell? end # @return [Hash] an option hash for the install commands # @api private def install_options add_omnibus_directory_option if instance.driver.cache_directory project = /\s*-P (\w+)\s*/.match(config[:chef_omnibus_install_options]) { omnibus_url: config[:chef_omnibus_url], project: project.nil? ? nil : project[1], install_flags: config[:chef_omnibus_install_options], sudo_command: sudo_command, }.tap do |opts| opts[:root] = config[:chef_omnibus_root] if config.key? :chef_omnibus_root [:install_msi_url, :http_proxy, :https_proxy].each do |key| opts[key] = config[key] if config.key? key end end end # Verify if the "omnibus_dir_option" has already been passed, if so we # don't use the @driver.cache_directory # # @api private def add_omnibus_directory_option cache_dir_option = "#{omnibus_dir_option} #{instance.driver.cache_directory}" if config[:chef_omnibus_install_options].nil? config[:chef_omnibus_install_options] = cache_dir_option elsif config[:chef_omnibus_install_options].match(/\s*#{omnibus_dir_option}\s*/).nil? config[:chef_omnibus_install_options] << " " << cache_dir_option end end # @return [String] an absolute path to a Policyfile, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def policyfile policyfile_basename = config[:policyfile_path] || config[:policyfile] || "Policyfile.rb" File.join(config[:kitchen_root], policyfile_basename) end # @return [String] an absolute path to a Berksfile, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def berksfile File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "Berksfile") end # @return [String] an absolute path to a Cheffile, relative to the # kitchen root # @api private def cheffile File.join(config[:kitchen_root], "Cheffile") end # Generates a Hash with default values for a solo.rb or client.rb Chef # configuration file. # # @return [Hash] a configuration hash # @api private def default_config_rb # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength root = config[:root_path].gsub("$env:TEMP", "\#{ENV['TEMP']\}") { node_name: instance.name, checksum_path: remote_path_join(root, "checksums"), file_cache_path: remote_path_join(root, "cache"), file_backup_path: remote_path_join(root, "backup"), cookbook_path: [ remote_path_join(root, "cookbooks"), remote_path_join(root, "site-cookbooks"), ], data_bag_path: remote_path_join(root, "data_bags"), environment_path: remote_path_join(root, "environments"), node_path: remote_path_join(root, "nodes"), role_path: remote_path_join(root, "roles"), client_path: remote_path_join(root, "clients"), user_path: remote_path_join(root, "users"), validation_key: remote_path_join(root, "validation.pem"), client_key: remote_path_join(root, "client.pem"), chef_server_url: "", encrypted_data_bag_secret: remote_path_join( root, "encrypted_data_bag_secret" ), treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors: config[:deprecations_as_errors], } end # Generates a rendered client.rb/solo.rb/knife.rb formatted file as a # String. # # @param data [Hash] a key/value pair hash of configuration # @return [String] a rendered Chef config file as a String # @api private def format_config_file(data) data.each.map do |attr, value| [attr, format_value(value)].join(" ") end.join("\n") end # Converts a Ruby object to a String interpretation suitable for writing # out to a client.rb/solo.rb/knife.rb file. # # @param obj [Object] an object # @return [String] a string representation # @api private def format_value(obj) if obj.is_a?(String) && obj =~ /^:/ obj elsif obj.is_a?(String) %{"#{obj.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\\\')}"} elsif obj.is_a?(Array) %{[#{obj.map { |i| format_value(i) }.join(', ')}]} else obj.inspect end end # Generates the init command variables for Bourne shell-based platforms. # # @param dirs [Array] directories # @return [String] shell variable lines # @api private def init_command_vars_for_bourne(dirs) [ shell_var("sudo_rm", sudo("rm")), shell_var("dirs", dirs.join(" ")), shell_var("root_path", config[:root_path]), ].join("\n") end # Generates the init command variables for PowerShell-based platforms. # # @param dirs [Array] directories # @return [String] shell variable lines # @api private def init_command_vars_for_powershell(dirs) [ %{$dirs = @(#{dirs.map { |d| %{"#{d}"} }.join(', ')})}, shell_var("root_path", config[:root_path]), ].join("\n") end # Load cookbook dependency resolver code, if required. # # (see Base#load_needed_dependencies!) def load_needed_dependencies! super if File.exist?(policyfile) debug("Policyfile found at #{policyfile}, using Policyfile to resolve dependencies") Chef::Policyfile.load!(logger: logger) elsif File.exist?(berksfile) debug("Berksfile found at #{berksfile}, loading Berkshelf") Chef::Berkshelf.load!(logger: logger) elsif File.exist?(cheffile) debug("Cheffile found at #{cheffile}, loading Librarian-Chef") Chef::Librarian.load!(logger: logger) end end # @return [String] contents of the install script # @api private def install_script_contents # by default require_chef_omnibus is set to true. Check config[:product_name] first # so that we can use it if configured. if config[:product_name] script_for_product elsif config[:require_chef_omnibus] script_for_omnibus_version end end # @return [String] contents of product based install script # @api private def script_for_product installer = Mixlib::Install.new({ product_name: config[:product_name], product_version: config[:product_version], channel: config[:channel].to_sym, install_command_options: { install_strategy: config[:install_strategy], }, }.tap do |opts| opts[:shell_type] = :ps1 if powershell_shell? [:platform, :platform_version, :architecture].each do |key| opts[key] = config[key] if config[key] end if config[:download_url] opts[:install_command_options][:download_url_override] = config[:download_url] opts[:install_command_options][:checksum] = config[:checksum] if config[:checksum] end if instance.driver.cache_directory download_dir_option = windows_os? ? :download_directory : :cmdline_dl_dir opts[:install_command_options][download_dir_option] = instance.driver.cache_directory end proxies = {}.tap do |prox| [:http_proxy, :https_proxy, :ftp_proxy, :no_proxy].each do |key| prox[key] = config[key] if config[key] end # install.ps1 only supports http_proxy prox.delete_if { |p| [:https_proxy, :ftp_proxy, :no_proxy].include?(p) } if powershell_shell? end opts[:install_command_options].merge!(proxies) end) config[:chef_omnibus_root] = installer.root if powershell_shell? installer.install_command else install_from_file(installer.install_command) end end # @return [String] Correct option per platform to specify the the # cache directory # @api private def omnibus_dir_option windows_os? ? "-download_directory" : "-d" end def install_from_file(command) install_file = "/tmp/chef-installer.sh" script = ["cat > #{install_file} <<\"EOL\""] script << command script << "EOL" script << "chmod +x #{install_file}" script << sudo(install_file) script.join("\n") end # @return [String] contents of version based install script # @api private def script_for_omnibus_version installer = Mixlib::Install::ScriptGenerator.new( config[:require_chef_omnibus], powershell_shell?, install_options) config[:chef_omnibus_root] = installer.root installer.install_command end # Hook used in subclasses to indicate support for policyfiles. # # @abstract # @return [Boolean] # @api private def supports_policyfile? false end # @return [void] # @raise [UserError] # @api private def sanity_check_sandbox_options! if (config[:policyfile_path] || config[:policyfile]) && !File.exist?(policyfile) raise UserError, "policyfile_path set in config "\ "(#{config[:policyfile_path]} could not be found. " \ "Expected to find it at full path #{policyfile} " \ end if File.exist?(policyfile) && !supports_policyfile? raise UserError, "policyfile detected, but provisioner " \ "#{self.class.name} doesn't support policyfiles. " \ "Either use a different provisioner, or delete/rename " \ "#{policyfile}" end end # Writes a configuration file to the sandbox directory. # @api private def prepare_config_rb data = default_config_rb.merge(config[config_filename.tr(".", "_").to_sym]) data = data.merge(named_run_list: config[:named_run_list]) if config[:named_run_list] info("Preparing #{config_filename}") debug("Creating #{config_filename} from #{data.inspect}") File.open(File.join(sandbox_path, config_filename), "wb") do |file| file.write(format_config_file(data)) end prepare_config_idempotency_check(data) if config[:enforce_idempotency] end # Writes a configuration file to the sandbox directory # to check for idempotency of the run. # @api private def prepare_config_idempotency_check(data) handler_filename = "chef-client-fail-if-update-handler.rb" source = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{.. .. .. support }, handler_filename ) FileUtils.cp(source, File.join(sandbox_path, handler_filename)) File.open(File.join(sandbox_path, "client_no_updated_resources.rb"), "wb") do |file| file.write(format_config_file(data)) file.write("\n\n") file.write("handler_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '#{handler_filename}')\n") file.write "Chef::Config.from_file(handler_file)\n" end end # Returns an Array of command line arguments for the chef client. # # @return [Array] an array of command line arguments # @api private def chef_args(_config_filename) raise "You must override in sub classes!" end # Returns a filename for the configuration file # defaults to client.rb # # @return [String] a filename # @api private def config_filename "client.rb" end # Gives the command used to run chef # @api private def chef_cmd(base_cmd) if windows_os? separator = [ "; if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { ", "throw \"Command failed with exit code $LastExitCode.\" } ;", ].join else separator = " && " end chef_cmds(base_cmd).join(separator) end # Gives an array of command # @api private def chef_cmds(base_cmd) cmd = prefix_command(wrap_shell_code( [base_cmd, *chef_args(config_filename), last_exit_code].join(" ") .tap { |str| str.insert(0, reload_ps1_path) if windows_os? } )) cmds = [cmd].cycle(config[:multiple_converge].to_i).to_a if config[:enforce_idempotency] idempotent_cmd = prefix_command(wrap_shell_code( [base_cmd, *chef_args("client_no_updated_resources.rb"), last_exit_code].join(" ") .tap { |str| str.insert(0, reload_ps1_path) if windows_os? } )) cmds[-1] = idempotent_cmd end cmds end end end end