## HEAD ### Major Enhancements * Add the optional ability to include images in a posterous migration (#5) * Posterous archive (unzipped directory) importer added (#12) * Improve MovableType importer (#13) * Add an importer for Google Reader blog exports (#36) * Remove dependency on html2text in the tumblr importer (#33) ### Minor Enhancements * Various Tumblr Enhancements (#27) * Adding tags to Typo and forcing their encoding to UTF-8 (#11) * S9Y Importer: specify data source using --source option (#18) * Add taxonomy (`tags`) to Drupal6 migration (#15) * Differentiate between categories and tags in the WordpressDotCom importer (#31) * Use tumblr slug for post is available, use that instead (#39, #40) * Drupal 7 importer should use latest revision of a post (#38) ### Bug Fixes * Remove usage of `Hash#at` in Tumblr importer (#14) * Force encoding of Drupal 6.x titles to UTF-8 (#22) * Update wordpressdotcom.rb to use its method parameter correctly (#24) * Use MySQL2 adapter for WordPress importer to fix broken front-matter (#20) * Fix WordPress import initialize parameters due to new Jekyll setup (#19) * Fixed misspelling in method name (#17) * Fix Drupal 7 importer so it compares node ID's properly between `node` and `field_data_body` tables (#38) * Fix prefix replacement for Drupal6 (#41) ### Site Enhancements ### Development Fixes * Update usage docs in RSS importer (#35)