require 'spec_helper' require 'mercury/cps' describe Cps do include Cps::Methods let!(:a) { 123 } describe '::lift' do it 'CPS-transforms a non-CPS proc' do expect(Cps.lift{rand}.run).to be_a Numeric end end describe '::run' do it 'passes the value to the continuation' do expect{|b| lift{a}.run(&b)}.to yield_with_args(a) end it 'returns the return value of the continuation' do expect(lift{a}.run{456}).to eql 456 end it 'feeds its arguments into the Cps' do expect{|b|, &b)}.to yield_with_args(a) end end describe '#and_then' do it 'composes two Cps instances' do expect(lift{a}.and_then{|x| to_string(x)}.run).to eql a.to_s end end describe '#and_lift' do it 'composes a Cps instance with a normal proc' do expect(lift{a}.and_lift{|x| x.to_s}.run).to eql a.to_s end end describe '::concurrently' do it 'composes Cps instances concurrently' do em do actions = [] started1 = false finished2 = false task1 = proc do |n, &k| actions << 'start1' started1 = true em_wait_until(proc{finished2}) do actions << 'finish1' end end task2 = proc do |n, &k| em_wait_until(proc{started1}) do actions << 'start2' actions << 'finish2' finished2 = true * n) end end result = nil Cps.concurrently(, { |r| result = r } em_wait_until(proc{result}) do expect(result).to eql [['42'], [-42]] expect(actions).to eql %w(start1 start2 finish2 finish1) done end end end end describe '::seq' do it 'binds a sequence of monadic functions' do result = Cps.seq do |th| th.en { to_string(a) } th.en { |v| twice(v) } th.en { |v| reverse(v) } expect(result).to eql '321321' end it 'can be chained' do result = Cps.seq do |th| th.en { to_string(a) } th.en { |v| twice(v) } th.en do |v| Cps.seq do |th| th.en { reverse(v) } th.en { |v| surround(v) } end end expect(result).to eql '*321321*' end end describe '::seql' do it 'binds a sequence of monadic functions' do result = Cps.seql do let(:v) { to_string(a) } let(:v) { twice(v) } and_then { reverse(v) } expect(result).to eql '321321' end it 'can be chained' do result = Cps.seql do let(:v) { to_string(a) } let(:v) { twice(v) } and_then do Cps.seql do let(:v) { reverse(v) } and_then { surround(v) } end end expect(result).to eql '*321321*' end it 'can be used like seq' do result = Cps.seql do and_then { to_string(a) } and_then { |v| twice(v) } and_then { |v| reverse(v) } expect(result).to eql '321321' end it 'passes a bound value to the next function' do result = Cps.seql do let(:v) { to_string(a) } and_then { |x| lift{x} } expect(result).to eql '123' end it 'block can access outer methods' do Cps.seql do expect(foo).to eql 'foo' end end def foo 'foo' end it 'block can access outer variables' do bar = 'bar' Cps.seql do expect(bar).to eql 'bar' end end it 'block cannot access outer instance variables' do @baz = 'baz' Cps.seql do expect(@baz).to eql nil end end it 'block can access outer constants' do Cps.seql do expect(FLIP).to eql 'flip' end end FLIP = 'flip' end describe '::identity' do it 'passes its arguments to the continuation' do expect{|b|, &b)}.to yield_with_args(a) end end describe '#inject' do it 'creates a Cps chain given an array and a transformation function' do chain = lift{'entity'}.inject(['-ize', '-er']) do |suffix, v| lift { v + suffix } end expect( eql 'entity-ize-er' end end # verify Cps obeys the monad laws ( # unit ::= Cps::lift # bind ::= Cps#and_then it 'obeys the left identity law' do # return a >>= f === f a expect_identical(lift{a}.and_then(&method(:to_string)), to_string(a), '123') end it 'obeys the right identity law' do # m >>= return === m m = lift{123} expect_identical(m.and_then{|x| lift{x}}, m, 123) end it 'obeys the associativity law' do # (m >>= f) >>= g === m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g) m = lift{123} expect_identical((m.and_then(&method(:to_string))).and_then(&method(:twice)), m.and_then {|x| to_string(x).and_then(&method(:twice)) }, '123123') end def expect_identical(lhs, rhs, expected_value) expect{|b|}.to yield_with_args(expected_value) expect{|b|}.to yield_with_args(expected_value) end def to_string(x) lift { x.to_s } end def twice(x) lift { x * 2 } end def reverse(x) lift { x.reverse } end def surround(x) lift { "*#{x}*" } end end