# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/time' require 'xommelier/atom/full' describe Xommelier::Atom::Feed do describe '.parse' do let(:atom_xml) { load_xml_file('feed.atom') } let(:feed) { Xommelier::Atom::Feed.parse(atom_xml) } subject { feed } it { should be_kind_of(Xommelier::Atom::Feed) } it { should respond_to(:complete?) } it { should respond_to(:archive?) } its(:id) { should == 'urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6' } its(:title) { should == 'Example Feed' } its(:updated) { should == Time.utc(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 20) } its(:subtitle) { should == 'A lot of effort went into making this effortless' } it { should have(3).links } its(:link) { should be_instance_of(Xommelier::Atom::Link) } it { feed.links[0].href.should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/') } it { feed.links[0].rel.should == 'alternate' } it { feed.links[0].type.should == 'text/html' } it { feed.links[1].href.should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/feed.atom') } it { feed.links[1].rel.should == 'self' } it { feed.links[1].type.should == 'application/atom+xml' } its(:feed_url) { should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/feed.atom') } its(:html_url) { should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/') } its(:next_feed_url) { should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/feed.atom?page=2') } its(:archive) { should be_true } its(:complete) { should be_false } its(:rights) { should == '© Mark Pilgrim, 2003' } describe 'Generator' do subject { feed.generator } context '#to_s' do it { should == 'Example Toolkit' } its(:text) { should == 'Example Toolkit' } end its(:uri) { should == URI.parse('http://example.com/') } its(:version) { should == '1.0' } end it { should have(1).authors } its(:author) { should be_instance_of(Xommelier::Atom::Person) } it { feed.author.name.should == 'John Doe' } it { feed.should have(2).entries } describe 'Entry' do let(:entry) { feed.entries[0] } subject { entry } its(:id) { should == 'urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a' } its(:title) { should == 'Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok' } its(:updated) { should == Time.utc(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 02) } its(:published) { should == Time.utc(2003, 12, 13, 8, 29, 29) + 4.hours } it { should have(3).links } its(:link) { should be_instance_of(Xommelier::Atom::Link) } it { entry.links[0].href.should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/2003/12/13/atom03') } it { entry.links[0].rel.should == 'alternate' } it { entry.links[0].type.should == 'text/html' } it { entry.links[1].href.should == URI.parse('http://example.org/audio/ph34r_my_podcast.mp3') } it { entry.links[1].rel.should == 'enclosure' } it { entry.links[1].type.should == 'audio/mpeg' } it { entry.links[1].length.should == 1337 } it { entry.links[2].href.should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/2003/12/13/atom03/comments.atom') } it { entry.links[2].rel.should == 'replies' } it { entry.links[2].type.should == 'application/atom+xml' } it { entry.links[2].count.should == 1 } it { entry.links[2].updated.should == Time.utc(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 20) } its(:html_url) { should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/2003/12/13/atom03') } its(:replies_feed_url) { should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/2003/12/13/atom03/comments.atom') } it { should have(1).authors } describe 'Author' do subject { entry.author } its(:name) { should == 'Mark Pilgrim'} its(:uri) { should == URI.parse('http://example.org/') } its(:email) { should == 'f8dy@example.com' } end it { should have(2).contributors } it { entry.contributors[0].name.should == 'Sam Ruby' } it { entry.contributors[1].name.should == 'Joe Gregorio' } its(:summary) { should == 'Some text.' } context 'Content' do subject { entry.content } it { should =~ /#{Regexp.escape('[Update: The Atom draft is finished.]')}/ } its(:text) do should == "\n
[Update: The Atom draft is finished.]
\n[Update: The Atom draft is fiished.]
')) } end its(:total) { should == 1 } describe 'Comment' do let(:comment) { feed.entries[1] } subject { comment } its(:id) { should == 'urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6b' } its(:title) { should == 'First comment' } its(:updated) { should == Time.utc(2003, 12, 13, 18, 30, 20) } describe 'in-reply-to' do subject { comment.in_reply_to } its(:ref) { should == 'urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a' } its(:href) { should == URI.parse('http://example.ru/2003/12/13/atom03#comment_1') } its(:type) { should == 'text/html' } end end end end end