require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe Daijobu::SchemeSet do describe "on initialization" do it "should have the default set of schemes" do Daijobu::Parser.expects(:get).with(:marshal) Daijobu::Parser.expects(:get).with(:json) Daijobu::Parser.expects(:get).with(:yaml) Daijobu::Parser.expects(:get).with(:eval) end end describe "initialization" do before do @scheme_set = end it "should set current to 0" do @scheme_set.current.should == 0 end it "should accept an array of schemes" do lambda {[:json, :yaml]) }.should_not raise_error end it "should accept a single scheme" do lambda { }.should_not raise_error end end describe "initialization with a specified scheme pattern" do before do @scheme_set =[:eval, :yaml]) end it "should have the proper schemes in the given order" do schemes = @scheme_set.instance_variable_get(:@schemes) end end describe "#next" do before do @scheme_set = @schemes = @scheme_set.instance_variable_get(:@schemes) end it "should return the first of the schemes if #next hasn't been called since the last reset" do == @schemes[0] end it "should advance @current by 1" do old = @scheme_set.current @scheme_set.current.should == old + 1 end it "should return the next of the schemes on each subsequent calling" do == @schemes[0] == @schemes[1] == @schemes[2] == @schemes[3] end it "should raise an error when there are no schemes left to try" do lambda { (@schemes.size + 1).times { } }.should raise_error(Daijobu::NoFallbackScheme) end end describe "#reset" do before do @scheme_set = @schemes = @scheme_set.instance_variable_get(:@schemes) @first_scheme = @scheme_set.current.should_not == 0 end it "should reset current to 0" do @scheme_set.reset @scheme_set.current.should == 0 end it "should then make the next subsequent calling of #next return the first scheme" do @scheme_set.reset == @first_scheme end end describe "#parse" do before do @scheme_set =[:json]) @stringy = '{ "thing" : 10 }' @hashy = { "thing" => 10 } end describe "assuming that the string can be parsed" do before do Daijobu::Parser.any_instance.stubs(:parse).returns(@hashy) end it "should reset" do @scheme_set.expects(:reset) @scheme_set.parse(@stringy) end it "should return the parsed entity" do @scheme_set.parse(@stringy).should == @hashy end end describe "assuming that the string can't be parsed" do before do Daijobu::Parser.any_instance.stubs(:parse).raises(Daijobu::Error) end it "should raise the given error" do lambda { @scheme_set.parse(@stringy) }.should raise_error(Daijobu::Error) end end end describe "#parse, when the first (or any earlier) scheme doesn't work" do before do @stringy = '{ "thing" : 10 }' @hashy = { "thing" => 10 } @scheme_set =[:marshal, :yaml, :json]) @schemes = @scheme_set.instance_variable_get(:@schemes) @marshal_scheme = @schemes[0] @yaml_scheme = @schemes[1] @json_scheme = @schemes[2] end it "should keep trying to parse with subsequent schemes" do @marshal_scheme.expects(:parse).raises(TypeError) @yaml_scheme.expects(:parse).raises(ArgumentError) @json_scheme.expects(:parse).returns(@stringy) @scheme_set.parse(@stringy) end end describe "#unparse" do before do @scheme_set =[:json]) @stringy = '{ "thing" : 10 }' @hashy = { "thing" => 10 } end describe "assuming that the object can be unparsed" do before do Daijobu::Parser.any_instance.stubs(:unparse).returns(@stringy) end it "should return the unparsed entity" do @scheme_set.unparse(@hashy).should == @stringy end it "should reset" do @scheme_set.expects(:reset) @scheme_set.unparse(@hashy) end end describe "assuming that the object can't be unparsed" do before do Daijobu::Parser.any_instance.stubs(:unparse).raises(Daijobu::Error) end it "should raise the given error" do lambda { @scheme_set.unparse(@hashy) }.should raise_error(Daijobu::Error) end end end describe "#unparse, when the first (or any earlier) scheme doesn't work" do before do @stringy = '{ "thing" : 10 }' @hashy = { "thing" => 10 } @scheme_set =[:marshal, :yaml, :json]) @schemes = @scheme_set.instance_variable_get(:@schemes) @marshal_scheme = @schemes[0] @yaml_scheme = @schemes[1] @json_scheme = @schemes[2] end it "should keep trying to unparse with subsequent schemes" do @marshal_scheme.expects(:unparse).raises(TypeError) @yaml_scheme.expects(:unparse).raises(ArgumentError) @json_scheme.expects(:unparse).returns(@stringy) @scheme_set.unparse(@hashy) end end end