#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest' require 'puppettest' require 'puppet/type/zone' class TestZone < PuppetTest::TestCase confine "Zones are only functional on Solaris" => (Facter["operatingsystem"].value == "Solaris") def setup super @@zones = [] end def mkzone(name) zone = nil base = tempfile Dir.mkdir(base) File.chmod(0700, base) root = File.join(base, "zonebase") assert_nothing_raised { zone = Puppet::Type.type(:zone).new( :name => name, :path => root, :ensure => "configured" # don't want to install zones automatically ) } @@zones << name zone end def test_instances list = nil assert_nothing_raised { list = Puppet::Type.type(:zone).instances } assert(! list.empty?, "Got no zones back") assert(list.find { |z| z[:name] == "global" }, "Could not find global zone") end def test_state_sequence zone = mkzone("slicetest") property = zone.property(:ensure) slice = nil assert_nothing_raised { slice = property.class.state_sequence(:absent, :installed).collect do |o| o[:name] end } assert_equal([:configured, :installed], slice) assert_nothing_raised { slice = property.class.state_sequence(:running, :installed).collect do |o| o[:name] end } assert_equal(slice, [:installed]) end # Make sure the ensure stuff behaves as we expect def test_zoneensure zone = mkzone("ensurezone") property = zone.property(:ensure) assert(property, "Did not get ensure property") values = nil assert_nothing_raised { values = zone.retrieve } assert(! property.insync?(values[property]), "Property is somehow in sync") assert(property.up?, "Property incorrectly thinks it is not moving up") zone[:ensure] = :installed assert(property.up?, "Property incorrectly thinks it is not moving up") zone[:ensure] = :absent assert(! property.up?, "Property incorrectly thinks it is moving up") end # Make sure all mentioned methods actually exist. def test_zonemethods_exist methods = [] zone = mkzone("methodtest") property = zone.property(:ensure) assert_nothing_raised { property.class.state_sequence(:absent, :running).each do |st| [:up, :down].each do |m| methods << st[m] if st[m] end end } methods.each do |m| Puppet::Type.type(:zone).suitableprovider.each do |prov| assert( prov.method_defined?(m), "Zone provider #{prov.name} does not define method #{m}") end end end # Make sure our property generates the correct text. def test_inherit_property zone = mkzone("configtesting") zone[:ensure] = :configured assert_nothing_raised { zone[:inherit] = "/usr" } property = zone.property(:inherit) assert(zone, "Did not get 'inherit' property") assert_equal( "add inherit-pkg-dir\nset dir=/usr\nend", property.configtext, "Got incorrect config text") zone.provider.inherit = "/usr" assert_equal( "", property.configtext, "Got incorrect config text") # Now we want multiple directories property.should = %w{/usr /sbin /lib} # The statements are sorted text = "add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/lib end add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/sbin end" assert_equal( text, property.configtext, "Got incorrect config text") zone.provider.inherit = %w{/usr /sbin /lib} property.should = %w{/usr /sbin} text = "remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/lib" assert_equal( text, property.configtext, "Got incorrect config text") end end class TestZoneAsRoot < TestZone confine "Not running Zone creation tests" => Puppet.features.root? confine "Zones are only functional on Solaris" => (Facter["operatingsystem"].value == "Solaris") def teardown current = %x{zoneadm list -cp}.split("\n").inject({}) { |h, line| ary = line.split(":") h[ary[1]] = ary[2] h } # Get rid of any lingering zones @@zones.each do |zone| next unless current.include? zone obj = Puppet::Type.type(:zone).new(:name => zone) obj[:ensure] = :absent assert_apply(obj) end # We can't delete the temp files until the zones are stopped and removed. super end # Make sure our ensure process actually works. def test_ensure_sync zone = mkzone("ensuretesting") zone[:ensure] = :configured assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is not insync") end def test_getconfig zone = mkzone("configtesting") base = tempfile zone[:path] = base ip = "" interface = "bge0" zone[:ip] = "#{interface}:#{ip}" IO.popen("zonecfg -z configtesting -f -", "w") do |f| f.puts %{create -b set zonepath=#{tempfile} set autoboot=true add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/lib end add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/platform end add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/sbin end add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/opt/csw end add inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/usr end add net set address=#{ip} set physical=bge0 end } end assert_equal(0, $CHILD_STATUS, "Did not successfully create zone") hash = nil assert_nothing_raised { hash = zone.provider.send(:getconfig) } zone[:check] = [:inherit, :autoboot] values = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not retrieve zone values") do values = zone.retrieve.inject({}) { |result, newvals| result[newvals[0].name] = newvals[1]; result } end # And make sure it gets set correctly. assert_equal( %w{/sbin /usr /opt/csw /lib /platform}.sort, values[:inherit].sort, "Inherited dirs did not get collected correctly." ) assert_equal( ["#{interface}:#{ip}"], values[:ip], "IP addresses did not get collected correctly.") assert_equal( :true, values[:autoboot], "Autoboot did not get collected correctly.") end # Make sure we can do all the various and sundry configuring things. def test_configuring_zones zone = mkzone("configtesting") assert_nothing_raised { zone[:inherit] = "/usr" } zone[:ensure] = :configured assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is not insync") # Now add a new directory to inherit assert_nothing_raised { zone[:inherit] = ["/sbin", "/usr"] } assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is not insync") assert( %x{/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z #{zone[:name]} info} =~ /dir: \/sbin/, "sbin was not added") # And then remove it. assert_nothing_raised { zone[:inherit] = "/usr" } assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is not insync") assert( %x{/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z #{zone[:name]} info} !~ /dir: \/sbin/, "sbin was not removed") # Now add an ip adddress. Fortunately (or not), zonecfg doesn't verify # that the interface exists. zone[:ip] = "hme0:" assert(! zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is marked as in sync") assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is not in sync") assert( %x{/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z #{zone[:name]} info} =~ /, "ip was not added") zone[:ip] = ["hme1:", "hme0:"] assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is not in sync") assert(%x{/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z #{zone[:name]} info} =~ /, "ip was not added") zone[:ip] = ["hme1:"] assert_apply(zone) zone.retrieve assert(%x{/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z #{zone[:name]} info} !~ /, "ip was not removed") end # Test creating and removing a zone, but only up to the configured property, # so it's faster. def test_smallcreate zone = mkzone("smallcreate") # Include a bunch of stuff so the zone isn't as large dirs = %w{/usr /sbin /lib /platform} %w{/opt/csw}.each do |dir| dirs << dir if FileTest.exists? dir end zone[:inherit] = dirs assert(zone, "Did not make zone") zone[:ensure] = :configured assert(! zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is incorrectly in sync") assert_apply(zone) assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is incorrectly out of sync") zone[:ensure] = :absent assert_apply(zone) currentvalues = zone.retrieve assert_equal(:absent, currentvalues[zone.property(:ensure)], "Zone is not absent") end # Just go through each method linearly and make sure it works. def test_each_method zone = mkzone("methodtesting") dirs = %w{/usr /sbin /lib /platform} %w{/opt/csw}.each do |dir| dirs << dir if FileTest.exists? dir end zone[:inherit] = dirs [[:configure, :configured], [:install, :installed], [:start, :running], [:stop, :installed], [:uninstall, :configured], [:unconfigure, :absent] ].each do |method, property| Puppet.info "Testing #{method}" current_values = nil assert_nothing_raised { current_values = zone.retrieve } assert_nothing_raised { zone.provider.send(method) } current_values = nil assert_nothing_raised { current_values = zone.retrieve } assert_equal(property, current_values[zone.property(:ensure)], "Method #{method} did not correctly set property #{property}") end end def test_mkzone zone = mkzone("testmaking") # Include a bunch of stuff so the zone isn't as large dirs = %w{/usr /sbin /lib /platform} %w{/opt/csw}.each do |dir| dirs << dir if FileTest.exists? dir end zone[:inherit] = dirs assert(zone, "Did not make zone") [:configured, :installed, :running, :installed, :absent].each do |value| assert_nothing_raised { zone[:ensure] = value } assert(! zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is incorrectly in sync") assert_apply(zone) assert_nothing_raised { assert(zone.insync?(zone.retrieve), "Zone is incorrectly out of sync") } end currentvalues = zone.retrieve assert_equal(:absent, currentvalues[zone.property(:ensure)], "Zone is not absent") end end