GemStone.saveScript('scripts/SessionList.js', function() { var $tabPanel ; GemStone.loadCSS('css/SessionList.css'); GemStone.addTab({ id: 'newTab' , label: 'Sessions' , title: 'Information on Gems and other OS processes' , onAdd: onAdd }); return; function onAdd(tabPanel) { $tabPanel = tabPanel; GemStone.scroll($('.gemList', $tabPanel)); GemStone.ajax('GET', 'SessionList', null, gotData); } function gotData(json) { var names = $.map(json.labels, function(each) { return each.key; }) , slotIndex = names.indexOf('Slot') , hostIndex = names.indexOf('Host ID') ; buildHeader(); buildData(); $(window).resize(); // force resize to update column widths buildStoneList(); $('.slot', $tabPanel).click(showStats); function buildHeader() { var items = []; $.each(json.labels, function() { if ('Host ID' !== this.key) { items.push('' + this.key + ''); } }); var html = items.join(''); $('thead tr', $tabPanel).empty().append(html); } function buildData() { var items = []; $.each(json.sessions, function(index, sessionInfo) { var slot = sessionInfo[slotIndex] , classes = 'slot clickable'; items.push(''); $.each(sessionInfo, function(index, field) { if (index !== hostIndex) { var x = (field + '').match(/(\d+)(s)/); items.push(''); if (x) { var sec = x[1] , min = Math.floor(sec / 60) , hrs = Math.floor(min / 60) , dys = Math.floor(hrs / 24) ; if (1 < dys) { items.push(dys + 'd'); } else if (1 < hrs) { items.push(hrs + 'h'); } else if (1 < min) { items.push(min + 'm'); }else { items.push(sec + 's'); } } else { items.push(field); } items.push(''); } }); items.push(''); }); $('.gemList .tableBody tbody') .empty() .append(items.join('')); } function buildStoneList() { var items = [] ; $.each(json.other, function(index, name) { var slotId = 'slot' + name[0]; items.push('' + name[1] + ''); }); $('.stoneProcesses') .empty() .append(items.join('')); } function showStats() { var slot = $(this).attr('class').match(/slot(\d+)/)[1] ; $('#tabs').append('
' + $('.statsTemplate').html() + '
'); GemStone.addTab({ id: 'newTab' , label: 'Slot ' + slot + ' Stats' , title: 'View process statistics from the shared page cache' , onAdd: function($tabPanel) { getStats($tabPanel, slot); } }); return; } function getStats($tabPanel, slot) { GemStone.scroll($('.stats', $tabPanel)); GemStone.ajax( 'GET' , 'SessionList/statsForSlot' , {'slot' : slot} , function(data){ gotStats($tabPanel, slot, data); } ); return; function gotStats($tabPanel, slot, data) { var items = []; $.each(data.stats, function() { items.push(''); items.push('' + + ' '); items.push('?'); items.push('' + this.type + ''); items.push('' + this.level + ''); items.push('' + this.units + ''); items.push('' + this.isOs + ''); items.push('' + this.value + ''); items.push(''); }); $('.tableBody tbody', $tabPanel).empty().append(items.join('')); $('.tableBody tbody a.descr', $tabPanel).click(function(event){ getDescription(event, $(this)) }); $(window).resize(); // force resize to update column widths return; function getDescription(event, element) { var name = $(element).parent().text(); name = name.substring(0, name.length - 2); GemStone.ajax('GET', 'SessionList/cacheDescription', {'name' : name}, gotDescription); event.preventDefault(); return; function gotDescription(data) { alert(data.description); $(element).parent().attr('title', data.description); } } } } } });