# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # MommaCat is in charge of managing metadata about resources we've created, # as well as orchestrating amongst them and bootstrapping nodes outside of # the normal synchronous deploy sequence invoked by *mu-deploy*. class MommaCat # Check a provided deploy key against our stored version. The instance has # in theory accessed a secret via S3 and encrypted it with the deploy's # public key. If it decrypts correctly, we assume this instance is indeed # one of ours. # @param ciphertext [String]: The text to decrypt. # return [Boolean]: Whether the provided text was encrypted with the correct key def authKey(ciphertext) if @private_key.nil? or @deploy_secret.nil? MU.log "Missing auth metadata, can't authorize node in authKey", MU::ERR return false end my_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@private_key) begin if my_key.private_decrypt(ciphertext).force_encoding("UTF-8").chomp == @deploy_secret.force_encoding("UTF-8").chomp MU.log "Matched ciphertext for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::INFO return true else MU.log "Mis-matched ciphertext for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::ERR return false end rescue OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError => e MU.log "Error decrypting provided ciphertext using private key from #{deploy_dir}/private_key: #{e.message}", MU::ERR, details: ciphertext return false end end # Run {MU::Cloud::Server#postBoot} and {MU::Cloud::Server#groom} on a node. # @param cloud_id [OpenStruct]: The cloud provider's identifier for this node. # @param name [String]: The MU resource name of the node being created. # @param mu_name [String]: The full #{MU::MommaCat.getResourceName} name of the server we're grooming, if it's been initialized already. # @param type [String]: The type of resource that created this node (either *server* or *serverpool*). def groomNode(cloud_id, name, type, mu_name: nil, reraise_fail: false, sync_wait: true) if cloud_id.nil? raise GroomError, "MU::MommaCat.groomNode requires a {MU::Cloud::Server} object" end if name.nil? or name.empty? raise GroomError, "MU::MommaCat.groomNode requires a resource name" end if type.nil? or type.empty? raise GroomError, "MU::MommaCat.groomNode requires a resource type" end if !MU::MommaCat.lock(cloud_id+"-mommagroom", true) MU.log "Instance #{cloud_id} on #{MU.deploy_id} (#{type}: #{name}) is already being groomed, ignoring this extra request.", MU::NOTICE MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !MU::MommaCat.locks.nil? and MU::MommaCat.locks.size > 0 puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.locks puts "------------------------------" end return end loadDeploy # XXX this is to stop Net::SSH from killing our entire stack when it # throws an exception. See ECAP-139 in JIRA. Far as we can tell, it's # just not entirely thread safe. Thread.handle_interrupt(Net::SSH::Disconnect => :never) { begin Thread.handle_interrupt(Net::SSH::Disconnect => :immediate) { MU.log "(Probably harmless) Caught a Net::SSH::Disconnect in #{Thread.current.inspect}", MU::DEBUG, details: Thread.current.backtrace } ensure end } if @original_config[type+"s"].nil? raise GroomError, "I see no configured resources of type #{type} (bootstrap request for #{name} on #{@deploy_id})" end kitten = nil kitten = findLitterMate(type: "server", name: name, mu_name: mu_name, cloud_id: cloud_id) if !kitten.nil? MU.log "Re-grooming #{mu_name}", details: kitten.deploydata else first_groom = true @original_config[type+"s"].each { |svr| if svr['name'] == name svr["instance_id"] = cloud_id # This will almost always be true in server pools, but lets be safe. Somewhat problematic because we are only # looking at deploy_id, but we still know this is our DNS record and not a custom one. if svr['dns_records'] && !svr['dns_records'].empty? svr['dns_records'].each { |dnsrec| if dnsrec.has_key?("name") && dnsrec['name'].start_with?(MU.deploy_id.downcase) MU.log "DNS record for #{MU.deploy_id.downcase}, #{name} is probably wrong, deleting", MU::WARN, details: dnsrec dnsrec.delete('name') dnsrec.delete('target') end } end kitten = MU::Cloud::Server.new(mommacat: self, kitten_cfg: svr, cloud_id: cloud_id) mu_name = kitten.mu_name if mu_name.nil? MU.log "Grooming #{mu_name} for the first time", details: svr break end } end begin # This is a shared lock with MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.create, to keep from # stomping on synchronous deploys that are still running. This # means we're going to wait here if this instance is still being # bootstrapped by "regular" means. if !MU::MommaCat.lock(cloud_id+"-create", true) MU.log "#{mu_name} is still in mid-creation, skipping", MU::NOTICE MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !MU::MommaCat.locks.nil? and MU::MommaCat.locks.size > 0 puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.locks puts "------------------------------" end return end MU::MommaCat.unlock(cloud_id+"-create") if !kitten.postBoot(cloud_id) MU.log "#{mu_name} is already being groomed, skipping", MU::NOTICE MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !MU::MommaCat.locks.nil? and MU::MommaCat.locks.size > 0 puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.locks puts "------------------------------" end return end # This is a shared lock with MU::Deploy.createResources, simulating the # thread logic that tells MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.deploy to wait until # its dependencies are ready. We don't, for example, want to start # deploying if we rely on an RDS instance that isn't ready yet. We can # release this immediately, once we successfully grab it. MU::MommaCat.lock("#{kitten.cloudclass.name}_#{kitten.config["name"]}-dependencies") MU::MommaCat.unlock("#{kitten.cloudclass.name}_#{kitten.config["name"]}-dependencies") kitten.groom rescue StandardError => e MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if e.class.name != "MU::Cloud::AWS::Server::BootstrapTempFail" and !File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/.cleanup."+cloud_id) and !File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/.cleanup") MU.log "Grooming FAILED for #{kitten.mu_name} (#{e.inspect})", MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace sendAdminSlack("Grooming FAILED for `#{kitten.mu_name}` with `#{e.message}` :crying_cat_face:", msg: e.backtrace.join("\n")) sendAdminMail("Grooming FAILED for #{kitten.mu_name} on #{MU.appname} \"#{MU.handle}\" (#{MU.deploy_id})", msg: e.inspect, data: e.backtrace, debug: true ) raise e if reraise_fail else MU.log "Grooming of #{kitten.mu_name} interrupted by cleanup or planned reboot" end return end if !@deployment['servers'].nil? and !sync_wait syncLitter(@deployment["servers"].keys, triggering_node: kitten) end MU::MommaCat.unlock(cloud_id+"-mommagroom") if MU.myCloud == "AWS" MU::Cloud::AWS.openFirewallForClients # XXX add the other clouds, or abstract end MU::MommaCat.getLitter(MU.deploy_id) MU::Master.syncMonitoringConfig(false) MU.log "Grooming complete for '#{name}' mu_name on \"#{MU.handle}\" (#{MU.deploy_id})" FileUtils.touch(MU.dataDir+"/deployments/#{MU.deploy_id}/#{name}_done.txt") MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if first_groom sendAdminSlack("Grooming complete for #{mu_name} :heart_eyes_cat:") sendAdminMail("Grooming complete for '#{name}' (#{mu_name}) on deploy \"#{MU.handle}\" (#{MU.deploy_id})") end return end @cleanup_threads = [] # Iterate over all known deployments and look for instances that have been # terminated, but not yet cleaned up, then clean them up. def self.cleanTerminatedInstances(debug = false) loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG MU::MommaCat.lock("clean-terminated-instances", false, true) MU.log "Checking for harvested instances in need of cleanup", loglevel parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id purged = 0 MU::MommaCat.listDeploys.each { |deploy_id| next if File.exist?(deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/.cleanup") MU.log "Checking for dead wood in #{deploy_id}", loglevel need_reload = false @cleanup_threads << Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) deploy = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(deploy_id, set_context_to_me: true) purged_this_deploy = 0 MU.log "#{deploy_id} has some kittens in it", loglevel, details: deploy.kittens.keys if deploy.kittens.has_key?("servers") MU.log "#{deploy_id} has some servers declared", loglevel, details: deploy.object_id deploy.kittens["servers"].values.each { |nodeclasses| nodeclasses.each_pair { |nodeclass, servers| deletia = [] MU.log "Checking status of servers under '#{nodeclass}'", loglevel, details: servers.keys servers.each_pair { |mu_name, server| server.describe if !server.cloud_id MU.log "Checking for presence of #{mu_name}, but unable to fetch its cloud_id", MU::WARN, details: server elsif !server.active? next if File.exist?(deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/.cleanup-"+server.cloud_id) deletia << mu_name need_reload = true MU.log "Cleaning up metadata for #{server} (#{nodeclass}), formerly #{server.cloud_id}, which appears to have been terminated", MU::NOTICE begin server.destroy deploy.sendAdminMail("Retired metadata for terminated node #{mu_name}") deploy.sendAdminSlack("Retired metadata for terminated node `#{mu_name}`") rescue StandardError => e MU.log "Saw #{e.message} while retiring #{mu_name}", MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace next end MU.log "Cleanup of metadata for #{server} (#{nodeclass}), formerly #{server.cloud_id} complete", MU::NOTICE purged = purged + 1 purged_this_deploy = purged_this_deploy + 1 end } deletia.each { |mu_name| servers.delete(mu_name) } if purged_this_deploy > 0 # XXX triggering_node needs to take more than one node name deploy.syncLitter(servers.keys, triggering_node: deletia.first) end } } end if need_reload MU.log "Saving modified deploy #{deploy_id}", loglevel deploy.save! MU::MommaCat.getLitter(deploy_id) end MU.purgeGlobals } } @cleanup_threads.each { |t| t.join } MU.log "cleanTerminatedInstances threads complete", loglevel MU::MommaCat.unlock("clean-terminated-instances", true) @cleanup_threads = [] if purged > 0 if MU.myCloud == "AWS" MU::Cloud::AWS.openFirewallForClients # XXX add the other clouds, or abstract end MU::Master.syncMonitoringConfig GC.start end MU.log "cleanTerminatedInstances returning", loglevel end # Path to the log file used by the Momma Cat daemon # @return [String] def self.daemonLogFile base = (Process.uid == 0 and !MU.localOnly) ? "/var" : MU.dataDir "#{base}/log/mu-momma-cat.log" end # Path to the PID file used by the Momma Cat daemon # @return [String] def self.daemonPidFile(root = false) base = ((Process.uid == 0 or root) and !MU.localOnly) ? "/var" : MU.dataDir "#{base}/run/mommacat.pid" end # Start the Momma Cat daemon and return the exit status of the command used # @return [Integer] def self.start if MU.inGem? and MU.muCfg['disable_mommacat'] return end base = (Process.uid == 0 and !MU.localOnly) ? "/var" : MU.dataDir [base, "#{base}/log", "#{base}/run"].each { |dir| if !Dir.exist?(dir) MU.log "Creating #{dir}" Dir.mkdir(dir) end } if (Process.uid != 0 and (!$MU_CFG['overridden_keys'] or !$MU_CFG['overridden_keys'].include?("mommacat_port")) and status(true) ) or status return 0 end File.unlink(daemonPidFile) if File.exists?(daemonPidFile) MU.log "Starting Momma Cat on port #{MU.mommaCatPort}, logging to #{daemonLogFile}, PID file #{daemonPidFile}" origdir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(MU.myRoot+"/modules") # XXX what's the safest way to find the 'bundle' executable in both gem and non-gem installs? if MU.inGem? cmd = %Q{thin --threaded --daemonize --port #{MU.mommaCatPort} --pid #{daemonPidFile} --log #{daemonLogFile} --ssl --ssl-key-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['key']} --ssl-cert-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['cert']} --ssl-disable-verify --tag mu-momma-cat -R mommacat.ru start} else cmd = %Q{bundle exec thin --threaded --daemonize --port #{MU.mommaCatPort} --pid #{daemonPidFile} --log #{daemonLogFile} --ssl --ssl-key-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['key']} --ssl-cert-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['cert']} --ssl-disable-verify --tag mu-momma-cat -R mommacat.ru start} end MU.log cmd, MU::NOTICE retries = 0 begin output = %x{#{cmd}} sleep 1 retries += 1 if retries >= 10 MU.log "MommaCat failed to start (command was #{cmd}, working directory #{MU.myRoot}/modules)", MU::WARN, details: output pp caller return $?.exitstatus end end while !status Dir.chdir(origdir) if $?.exitstatus != 0 exit 1 end return $?.exitstatus end @@notified_on_pid = {} # Return true if the Momma Cat daemon appears to be running # @return [Boolean] def self.status(root = false) if MU.inGem? and MU.muCfg['disable_mommacat'] return true end if File.exist?(daemonPidFile(root)) pid = File.read(daemonPidFile(root)).chomp.to_i begin Process.getpgid(pid) MU.log "Momma Cat running with pid #{pid.to_s}", (@@notified_on_pid[pid] ? MU::DEBUG : MU::INFO) # shush @@notified_on_pid[pid] = true return true rescue Errno::ESRCH end end MU.log "Momma Cat daemon not running", MU::NOTICE, details: daemonPidFile(root) false end # Stop the Momma Cat daemon, if it's running def self.stop if File.exist?(daemonPidFile) pid = File.read(daemonPidFile).chomp.to_i MU.log "Stopping Momma Cat with pid #{pid.to_s}" Process.kill("INT", pid) killed = false begin Process.getpgid(pid) sleep 1 rescue Errno::ESRCH killed = true end while killed MU.log "Momma Cat with pid #{pid.to_s} stopped", MU::DEBUG, details: daemonPidFile begin File.unlink(daemonPidFile) rescue Errno::ENOENT end end end # (Re)start the Momma Cat daemon and return the exit status of the start command # @return [Integer] def self.restart stop start end end #class end #module