## html2pdf
[gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/agilecreativity/html2pdf
[codeclimate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/agilecreativity/html2pdf
[gem]: http://badge.fury.io/rb/html2pdf
Convert multiple html or xhtml files to pdfs using the power of [wkhtmltopdf][].
Note: starting from version `0.1.0` this gem will be release based on [Semantic Versioning][] convention.
### Installation
### Mandatory Requirement
- [wkhtmltopdf][] - please see [wkhtmltopdf installation][] for detail
### Usage
gem install html2pdf
For list of usage type
Which should give the following output
-b, [--base-dir=BASE_DIR] # Base directory
# Default: . (current directory)
-r, [--recursive], [--no-recursive] # Search for files recursively
# Default: true
-v, [--version], [--no-version] # Display version information
### Example Usage
- Convert all `xhtml` and `html` from `test/fixtures/samples` directory
html2pdf -b test/fixtures/samples -r
Before the run
├── demo1_xxx.rb.xhtml
├── demo2_xxx.rb.xhtml
└── sub_dir
├── demo3_xxx.rb.xhtml
└── demo4_xxx.rb.xhtml
After the above command is executed:
You should get the output `html2pdf_samples.tar.gz`
which contain the pdf version of the input files above.
├── demo1_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
├── demo2_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
└── sub_dir
├── demo3_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
└── demo4_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
### Usage Tips
This is my personal use case
- Use [vim_printer][] which export any source code to list of (x)html files in
a single tar.gzipped file.
- Use the output from [vim_printer][] as input to this program so that you get
the pdf version of it.
- Then combine the generated pdf files using [pdfs2pdf][] gem to produce one pdf file
### Customization
If you like to adjust the output for pdf you can override the default settings by
set your own configuration in the file `lib/html2pdf/config/html2pdf.rb`
For more customization please see the [wkhtmltopdf manual][] page for detail.
module Html2Pdf
class << self
# rubocop:disable MethodLength
def update_config
Html2Pdf.configure do |config|
# Note: or add your own path here if `wkhtmltopdf` is not in the $PATH environment
config.options[:wkhtmltopdf] = (defined?(Bundler::GemfileError) ? `bundle exec which wkhtmltopdf` : `which wkhtmltopdf`).chomp
config.options[:page_settings] = [
"--margin-top 8",
"--margin-bottom 8",
"--margin-left 8",
"--margin-right 8",
'--header-center "[webpage] :: [page]/[topage]"',
"--header-spacing 1",
"--header-font-size 8",
"--footer-spacing 1",
"--footer-font-size 8",
# rubocop:enable All
### Contributing
1. Fork it ( http://github.com/agilecreativity/html2pdf/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
[vim_printer]: https://github.com/agilecreativity/vim_printer
[pdfs2pdf]: https://github.com/agilecreativity/pdfs2pdf
[wkhtmltopdf]: http://wkhtmltopdf.org/
[wkhtmltopdf installation]: https://github.com/pdfkit/pdfkit/wiki/Installing-WKHTMLTOPDF
[wkhtmltopdf manual]: http://wkhtmltopdf.org/usage/wkhtmltopdf.txt
[Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org