var BlockModalController = ModalController.extend({ page_id: false, post_id: false, block_id: false, block: false, block_types: false, authenticity_token: false, new_block_on_init: false, assets_path: false, block_types: false, trapFocus: false, before_id: false, after_id: false, complex_field_types: ['block', 'richtext', 'image', 'file'], init: function(params) { var that = this; for (var i in params) that[i] = params[i]; that.include_assets(); if (that.new_block_on_init == true) that.refresh_block(function() { that.add_block(); }); else that.print(); }, refresh: function(callback) { var that = this; that.refresh_block(function() { if (callback) callback(); }); }, refresh_block: function(callback) { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: that.block_url() + '/tree', type: 'get', success: function(arr) { that.block = arr[0]; if (callback) callback(); } }); }, /***************************************************************************** Printing *****************************************************************************/ print: function() { var that = this; if (!that.block) { var div = $('
') .append($('
').attr('id', 'modal_crumbtrail' )) .append($('
').attr('id', 'modal_content' )) .append($('
').attr('id', 'modal_message' )) .append($('
').attr('id', 'modal_controls' )); that.modal(div, 800); that.refresh(function() { that.print(); }); return; } that.print_content(); that.print_crumbtrail(); that.print_controls(); that.autosize(); }, add_child_link_text: false, child_block_header_text: false, print_content: function() { var that = this; var div = $('
').attr('id', 'modal_content'); if (that.block.block_type.field_type != 'block') div.append($('


').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_value'))); else { if (that.block.children.length > 0) { var separate_children = that.block.block_type.allow_child_blocks && that.block.block_type.default_child_block_type_id; var separate_child_id = separate_children ? that.block.block_type.default_child_block_type_id : false; $.each(that.block.children, function(i, b) { if (separate_children && == separate_child_id) return; var div_id = 'block_' + + (that.complex_field_types.indexOf(b.block_type.field_type) == -1 ? '_value' : ''); div.append($('
').css('margin-bottom', '10px').append($('
').attr('id', div_id))); }); if (separate_children) { if (that.child_block_header_text) div.append($('

').append(that.child_block_header_text)); $.each(that.block.children, function(i, b) { if ( == separate_child_id) { var div_id = 'block_' + + (that.complex_field_types.indexOf(b.block_type.field_type) == -1 ? '_value' : ''); div.append($('
').css('margin-bottom', '10px').append($('
').attr('id', div_id))); } }); } } else { div.append($('

').append("This block doesn't have any content yet.")); } if (that.block.block_type.allow_child_blocks) { div.append($('

').css('clear', 'both').append($('').attr('href', '#').html(that.add_child_link_text ? that.add_child_link_text : "Add a child block!").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.add_block(); }))); } } $('#modal_content').replaceWith(div); that.render_child_blocks(); that.autosize(); }, print_controls: function() { var that = this; var p = $('

').css('clear', 'both') .append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Close').click(function() { that.close(); that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); })).append(' '); if (! { p.append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Delete Block').click(function() { that.delete_block(); })).append(' '); p.append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Duplicate Block').click(function() { that.duplicate_block(); })).append(' '); } p.append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Move Up' ).click(function() { that.move_up(); })).append(' '); p.append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Move Down' ).click(function() { that.move_down(); })).append(' '); p.append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Advanced' ).attr('id', 'btn_advanced').click(function() { that.print_advanced(); })); $('#modal_controls').empty().append(p); }, before_crumbtrail_click: false, print_crumbtrail: function() { var that = this; var crumbs = $('

').css('margin-top', '0').css('padding-top', '0'); $.each(that.block.crumbtrail, function(i, h) { if (i > 0) crumbs.append(' > '); crumbs.append($('').attr('href', '#').html(h['text']).data('block_id', h['block_id']).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (that.before_crumbtrail_click) that.before_crumbtrail_click(); that.parent_controller.edit_block(parseInt($(this).data('block_id'))); })); }); $('#modal_crumbtrail').empty().append(crumbs); }, before_print_advanced: false, print_advanced: function() { var that = this; if (that.before_print_advanced) that.before_print_advanced(); var b = that.block; $('#modal_content').empty() .append($('


').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_block_type_id' ))) .append($('


').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_parent_id' ))) .append($('


').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_constrain' ))) .append($('


').attr('id', 'block_' + + '_full_width' ))) $('#modal_controls').empty() .append($('

') .append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Close').click(function() { that.close(); that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); })).append(' ') .append($('').attr('type', 'button').addClass('btn').val('Back' ).click(function() { that.print_content(); that.print_controls(); })) ); var m = new ModelBinder({ name: 'Block', id:, update_url: that.block_url(b), authenticity_token: that.authenticity_token, attributes: [ { name: 'block_type_id' , nice_name: 'Block type' , type: 'select' , value: , text: , width: 400, fixed_placeholder: true, after_update: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); = this.value; }, after_cancel: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); }, on_load: function() { that.modal.autosize(); }, options_url: '/admin/block-types/options' }, { name: 'parent_id' , nice_name: 'Parent ID' , type: 'select' , value: b.parent_id , text: b.parent ? b.parent.title : '' , width: 400, fixed_placeholder: true, after_update: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); that.block.parent_id = this.value; }, after_cancel: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); }, on_load: function() { that.modal.autosize(); }, options_url: '/admin/' + (that.page_id ? 'pages/' + that.page_id : 'posts/' + that.post_id) + '/block-options' }, { name: 'constrain' , nice_name: 'Constrain' , type: 'checkbox' , value: b.constrain ? 1 : 0 , width: 400, fixed_placeholder: true, after_update: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); that.block.constrain = this.value; }, after_cancel: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); }, on_load: function() { that.modal.autosize(); }}, { name: 'full_width' , nice_name: 'Full Width' , type: 'checkbox' , value: b.full_width ? 1 : 0 , width: 400, fixed_placeholder: true, after_update: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); that.block.full_width = this.value; }, after_cancel: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); }, on_load: function() { that.modal.autosize(); }} ] }); that.autosize(); }, /***************************************************************************** Block Rendering *****************************************************************************/ render_child_blocks: function() { var that = this; if (that.block.block_type.field_type != 'block' && that.block.children.length == 0) return; $.each(that.block.children, function(i, b) { that.render_child_block(b); }); }, render_child_block: function(b) { var that = this; if (that.complex_field_types.indexOf(b.block_type.field_type) > -1) { if (!b.rendered_value) { $.ajax({ url: that.block_url(b) + '/render', type: 'get', success: function(html) { $('#the_modal #block_' +; var b2 = that.block_with_id(; b2.rendered_value = html; that.set_clickable(b2); that.autosize(); }, }); } else $('#the_modal #block_' +; } else that.set_block_value_editable(b); }, /****************************************************************************/ //set_editable: function() //{ // var that = this; // that.set_block_value_editable(that.block); // $.each(that.block.children, function(i, b) { // that.set_block_value_editable(b); // }); //}, set_block_value_editable: function(b) { var that = this; var bt = b.block_type; if (bt.field_type == 'block' || bt.field_type == 'richtext') return; var h = { name: 'value', type: bt.field_type, nice_name: bt.description ? bt.description :, width: bt.width ? bt.width : 780, after_update: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); }, after_cancel: function() { that.parent_controller.render_blocks(); } }; h['value'] = b.value if (bt.field_type == 'checkbox') h['value'] = b.value ? 'true' : 'false'; //if (bt.field_type == 'image') h['value'] = b.image.tiny_url; //if (bt.field_type == 'file') h['value'] = b.file.url; if (bt.field_type == 'select') h['text'] = b.value; if (bt.height) h['height'] = bt.height; if (bt.fixed_placeholder) h['fixed_placeholder'] = bt.fixed_placeholder; if (bt.options || bt.options_function) h['options_url'] = '/admin/block-types/' + + '/options'; else if (bt.options_url) h['options_url'] = bt.options_url; if (bt.field_type == 'file') h['update_url'] = that.block_url(b) + '/file'; if (bt.field_type == 'image') { h['update_url'] = that.block_url(b) + '/image' h['image_refresh_delay'] = 100; } m = new ModelBinder({ name: 'Block', id:, update_url: that.block_url(b), authenticity_token: that.authenticity_token, attributes: [h] }); }, set_clickable: function(b) { var that = this; if (!b) { $.each(that.block.children, function(i,b) { that.set_clickable(b); }); } $('#the_modal #block_' +'onclick','').unbind('click'); $('#the_modal #block_' + { e.stopPropagation(); that.parent_controller.edit_block(; }); // var show_mouseover = true; // if (b.children && b.children.length > 0) // { // $.each(b.children, function(i, b2) { // if ( = 34) // show_mouseover = false; // that.set_clickable(b2); // }); // } // if (false && show_mouseover) // { // $('#the_modal #block_' + { $('#the_modal #block_' + 'block_over'); }); // $('#the_modal #block_' + { $('#the_modal #block_' +'block_over'); }); // } }, /***************************************************************************** CRUD *****************************************************************************/ add_block: function(block_type_id) { var that = this; that.include_inline_css( "@font-face {\n" + " font-family: 'icomoon';\n" + " src: url('" + that.assets_path + "icomoon.eot?-tne7s4');\n" + " src: url('" + that.assets_path + "icomoon.eot?#iefix-tne7s4') format('embedded-opentype'),\n" + " url('" + that.assets_path + "icomoon.woff?-tne7s4') format('woff'),\n" + " url('" + that.assets_path + "icomoon.ttf?-tne7s4') format('truetype'),\n" + " url('" + that.assets_path + "icomoon.svg?-tne7s4#icomoon') format('svg');\n" + " font-weight: normal;\n" + " font-style: normal;\n" + "}\n" ); that.include_assets([ 'caboose/icomoon_fonts.css', 'caboose/admin_new_block.css' ]); if (!block_type_id && that.block.block_type.default_child_block_type_id) { that.add_block(that.block.block_type.default_child_block_type_id); return; } else if (!block_type_id) { that.new_block_types = false; $.ajax({ url: '/admin/block-types/new-options', type: 'get', success: function(resp) { that.new_block_types = resp; }, async: false }); var icons = $('

').addClass('icons'); $.each(that.new_block_types, function(i, h) { if (h.block_types && h.block_types.length > 0) { var cat = h.block_type_category; icons.append($('

').click(function(e) { $('#cat_' + + '_container').slideToggle(); }).append(; var cat_container = $('
').attr('id', 'cat_' + + '_container'); $.each(h.block_types, function(j, bt) { cat_container.append($('').attr('href', '#') .data('block_type_id', .click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.add_block($(this).data('block_type_id')); }) .append($('').addClass('icon icon-' + bt.icon)) .append($('').addClass('name').append(bt.description)) ); }); icons.append(cat_container); } }); var div = $('
').attr('id', 'new_block_form') .submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }) .append(icons) ); that.modal(div, 780); return; } that.autosize("

Adding block...

"); bt = false; $.ajax({ url: '/admin/block-types/' + block_type_id + '/json', type: 'get', success: function(resp) { bt = resp; }, async: false }); if (bt.use_js_for_modal) that.include_assets('caboose/block_modal_controllers/' + + '_modal_controller.js'); var h = { authenticity_token: that.authenticity_token, block_type_id: block_type_id }; if (that.before_id ) h['before_id'] = that.before_id; if (that.after_id ) h['after_id' ] = that.after_id; $.ajax({ url: that.block_url(), type: 'post', data: h, success: function(resp) { if (resp.error) that.autosize("

" + resp.error + "

"); if (resp.success) { that.parent_controller.edit_block(resp.new_id); that.parent_controller.render_block(resp.parent_id); } } }); }, delete_block: function(confirm) { var that = this; if (!confirm) { var p = $('

').addClass('caboose_note delete') .append("Are you sure you want to delete the block? This can't be undone.
") .append($('').attr('type','button').val('Yes').click(function() { that.delete_block(true); })).append(' ') .append($('').attr('type','button').val('No').click(function() { $('#modal_message').empty(); that.autosize(); })); that.autosize(p); return; } that.autosize("

Deleting block...

"); that.parent_controller.delete_block(, true); that.close(); }, duplicate_block: function() { var that = this; that.autosize("


"); that.parent_controller.duplicate_block(; that.autosize("

Duplicated block.

"); }, move_up: function() { var that = this; that.autosize("

Moving up...

"); $.ajax({ url: that.block_url(that.block) + '/move-up', type: 'put', success: function(resp) { if (resp.error) that.autosize("

" + resp.error + "

"); if (resp.success) { that.autosize("

" + resp.success + "

"); that.parent_controller.render_block(that.block.parent_id); } } }); }, move_down: function() { var that = this; that.autosize("

Moving down...

"); $.ajax({ url: that.block_url(that.block) + '/move-down', type: 'put', success: function(resp) { if (resp.error) that.autosize("

" + resp.error + "

"); if (resp.success) { that.autosize("

" + resp.success + "

"); that.parent_controller.render_block(that.block.parent_id); } } }); }, /***************************************************************************** Helper methods *****************************************************************************/ block_with_id: function(block_id, b) { var that = this; if (!b) b = that.block; if ( == block_id) return b; var the_block = false; $.each(b.children, function(i, b2) { the_block = that.block_with_id(block_id, b2); if (the_block) return false; }); return the_block; }, base_url: function(b) { var that = this; if (!b) return '/admin/' + (that.page_id && that.page_id != null ? 'pages/' + that.page_id : 'posts/' + that.post_id) + '/blocks'; return '/admin/' + (b.page_id && b.page_id != null ? 'pages/' + b.page_id : 'posts/' + b.post_id) + '/blocks'; }, block_url: function(b) { var that = this; if (!b) return that.base_url() + '/' + that.block_id; return that.base_url(b) + '/' +; }, child_block: function(name, b) { var that = this; if (!b) b = that.block; var the_block = false; $.each(b.children, function(i, b2) { if ( == name) { the_block = b2; return false; } }); return the_block; }, child_block_value: function(name, b) { var that = this; var b2 = that.child_block(name, b); if (!b2) return false; return b2.value; }, }); $(document).trigger('block_modal_controller_loaded');