# Searchkick
:rocket: Intelligent search made easy
**Searchkick learns what your users are looking for.** As more people search, it gets smarter and the results get better. It’s friendly for developers - and magical for your users.
Searchkick handles:
- stemming - `tomatoes` matches `tomato`
- special characters - `jalapeno` matches `jalapeño`
- extra whitespace - `dishwasher` matches `dish washer`
- misspellings - `zuchini` matches `zucchini`
- custom synonyms - `pop` matches `soda`
- query like SQL - no need to learn a new query language
- reindex without downtime
- easily personalize results for each user
- autocomplete
- “Did you mean” suggestions
- supports many languages
- works with Active Record and Mongoid
Check out [Searchjoy](https://github.com/ankane/searchjoy) for analytics and [Autosuggest](https://github.com/ankane/autosuggest) for query suggestions
:tangerine: Battle-tested at [Instacart](https://www.instacart.com/opensource)
[](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/actions)
## Contents
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Querying](#querying)
- [Indexing](#indexing)
- [Intelligent Search](#intelligent-search)
- [Instant Search / Autocomplete](#instant-search--autocomplete)
- [Aggregations](#aggregations)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Performance](#performance)
- [Advanced Search](#advanced)
- [Reference](#reference)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
Searchkick 5.0 was recently released! See [how to upgrade](#upgrading)
## Getting Started
Install [Elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch) or [OpenSearch](https://opensearch.org/downloads.html). For Homebrew, use:
brew install elasticsearch
brew services start elasticsearch
# or
brew install opensearch
brew services start opensearch
Add these lines to your application’s Gemfile:
gem "searchkick"
gem "elasticsearch" # select one
gem "opensearch-ruby" # select one
The latest version works with Elasticsearch 7 and 8 and OpenSearch 1. For Elasticsearch 6, use version 4.6.3 and [this readme](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/blob/v4.6.3/README.md).
Add searchkick to models you want to search.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
Add data to the search index.
And to query, use:
products = Product.search("apples")
products.each do |product|
puts product.name
Searchkick supports the complete [Elasticsearch Search API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-search.html) and [OpenSearch Search API](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/opensearch/rest-api/search/). As your search becomes more advanced, we recommend you use the [search server DSL](#advanced) for maximum flexibility.
## Querying
Query like SQL
Product.search "apples", where: {in_stock: true}, limit: 10, offset: 50
Search specific fields
fields: [:name, :brand]
where: {
expires_at: {gt: Time.now}, # lt, gte, lte also available
orders_count: 1..10, # equivalent to {gte: 1, lte: 10}
aisle_id: [25, 30], # in
store_id: {not: 2}, # not
aisle_id: {not: [25, 30]}, # not in
user_ids: {all: [1, 3]}, # all elements in array
category: {like: "%frozen%"}, # like
category: {ilike: "%frozen%"}, # ilike
category: /frozen .+/, # regexp
category: {prefix: "frozen"}, # prefix
store_id: {exists: true}, # exists
_or: [{in_stock: true}, {backordered: true}],
_and: [{in_stock: true}, {backordered: true}],
_not: {store_id: 1} # negate a condition
order: {_score: :desc} # most relevant first - default
[All of these sort options are supported](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/sort-search-results.html)
Limit / offset
limit: 20, offset: 40
select: [:name]
[These source filtering options are supported](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-fields.html#source-filtering)
### Results
Searches return a `Searchkick::Relation` object. This responds like an array to most methods.
results = Product.search("milk")
results.each { |result| ... }
By default, ids are fetched from the search server and records are fetched from your database. To fetch everything from the search server, use:
Product.search("apples", load: false)
Get total results
Get the time the search took (in milliseconds)
Get the full response from the search server
**Note:** By default, Elasticsearch and OpenSearch [limit paging](#deep-paging) to the first 10,000 results for performance. This applies to the total count as well.
### Boosting
Boost important fields
fields: ["title^10", "description"]
Boost by the value of a field (field must be numeric)
boost_by: [:orders_count] # give popular documents a little boost
boost_by: {orders_count: {factor: 10}} # default factor is 1
Boost matching documents
boost_where: {user_id: 1}
boost_where: {user_id: {value: 1, factor: 100}} # default factor is 1000
boost_where: {user_id: [{value: 1, factor: 100}, {value: 2, factor: 200}]}
Boost by recency
boost_by_recency: {created_at: {scale: "7d", decay: 0.5}}
You can also boost by:
- [Conversions](#intelligent-search)
- [Distance](#boost-by-distance)
### Get Everything
Use a `*` for the query.
Product.search "*"
### Pagination
Plays nicely with kaminari and will_paginate.
# controller
@products = Product.search "milk", page: params[:page], per_page: 20
View with kaminari
<%= paginate @products %>
View with will_paginate
<%= will_paginate @products %>
### Partial Matches
By default, results must match all words in the query.
Product.search "fresh honey" # fresh AND honey
To change this, use:
Product.search "fresh honey", operator: "or" # fresh OR honey
By default, results must match the entire word - `back` will not match `backpack`. You can change this behavior with:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick word_start: [:name]
And to search (after you reindex):
Product.search "back", fields: [:name], match: :word_start
Available options are:
Option | Matches | Example
--- | --- | ---
`:word` | entire word | `apple` matches `apple`
`:word_start` | start of word | `app` matches `apple`
`:word_middle` | any part of word | `ppl` matches `apple`
`:word_end` | end of word | `ple` matches `apple`
`:text_start` | start of text | `gre` matches `green apple`, `app` does not match
`:text_middle` | any part of text | `een app` matches `green apple`
`:text_end` | end of text | `ple` matches `green apple`, `een` does not match
The default is `:word`. The most matches will happen with `:word_middle`.
### Exact Matches
To match a field exactly (case-sensitive), use:
User.search query, fields: [{email: :exact}, :name]
### Phrase Matches
To only match the exact order, use:
User.search "fresh honey", match: :phrase
### Stemming and Language
Searchkick stems words by default for better matching. `apple` and `apples` both stem to `appl`, so searches for either term will have the same matches.
Searchkick defaults to English for stemming. To change this, use:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick language: "german"
See the [list of languages](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-stemmer-tokenfilter.html#analysis-stemmer-tokenfilter-configure-parms). A few languages require plugins:
- `chinese` - [analysis-ik plugin](https://github.com/medcl/elasticsearch-analysis-ik)
- `chinese2` - [analysis-smartcn plugin](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/7.4/analysis-smartcn.html)
- `japanese` - [analysis-kuromoji plugin](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/7.4/analysis-kuromoji.html)
- `korean` - [analysis-openkoreantext plugin](https://github.com/open-korean-text/elasticsearch-analysis-openkoreantext)
- `korean2` - [analysis-nori plugin](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/7.4/analysis-nori.html)
- `polish` - [analysis-stempel plugin](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/7.4/analysis-stempel.html)
- `ukrainian` - [analysis-ukrainian plugin](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/7.4/analysis-ukrainian.html)
- `vietnamese` - [analysis-vietnamese plugin](https://github.com/duydo/elasticsearch-analysis-vietnamese)
You can also use a Hunspell dictionary for stemming.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick stemmer: {type: "hunspell", locale: "en_US"}
Disable stemming with:
class Image < ApplicationRecord
searchkick stem: false
Exclude certain words from stemming with:
class Image < ApplicationRecord
searchkick stem_exclusion: ["apples"]
Or change how words are stemmed:
class Image < ApplicationRecord
searchkick stemmer_override: ["apples => other"]
### Synonyms
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick search_synonyms: [["pop", "soda"], ["burger", "hamburger"]]
Call `Product.reindex` after changing synonyms. Synonyms are applied at search time before stemming, and can be a single word or multiple words.
For directional synonyms, use:
search_synonyms: ["lightbulb => halogenlamp"]
### Dynamic Synonyms
The above approach works well when your synonym list is static, but in practice, this is often not the case. When you analyze search conversions, you often want to add new synonyms without a full reindex.
#### Elasticsearch 7.3+ and OpenSearch
For Elasticsearch 7.3+ and OpenSearch, we recommend placing synonyms in a file on the search server (in the `config` directory). This allows you to reload synonyms without reindexing.
pop, soda
burger, hamburger
Then use:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick search_synonyms: "synonyms.txt"
And reload with:
#### Elasticsearch < 7.3
You can use a library like [ActsAsTaggableOn](https://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on) and do:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
scope :search_import, -> { includes(:tags) }
def search_data
name_tagged: "#{name} #{tags.map(&:name).join(" ")}"
Search with:
Product.search query, fields: [:name_tagged]
### Misspellings
By default, Searchkick handles misspelled queries by returning results with an [edit distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance) of one.
You can change this with:
Product.search "zucini", misspellings: {edit_distance: 2} # zucchini
To prevent poor precision and improve performance for correctly spelled queries (which should be a majority for most applications), Searchkick can first perform a search without misspellings, and if there are too few results, perform another with them.
Product.search "zuchini", misspellings: {below: 5}
If there are fewer than 5 results, a 2nd search is performed with misspellings enabled. The result of this query is returned.
Turn off misspellings with:
Product.search "zuchini", misspellings: false # no zucchini
Specify which fields can include misspellings with:
Product.search "zucini", fields: [:name, :color], misspellings: {fields: [:name]}
> When doing this, you must also specify fields to search
### Bad Matches
If a user searches `butter`, they may also get results for `peanut butter`. To prevent this, use:
Product.search "butter", exclude: ["peanut butter"]
You can map queries and terms to exclude with:
exclude_queries = {
"butter" => ["peanut butter"],
"cream" => ["ice cream", "whipped cream"]
Product.search query, exclude: exclude_queries[query]
You can demote results by boosting by a factor less than one:
Product.search("butter", boost_where: {category: {value: "pantry", factor: 0.5}})
### Emoji
Search :ice_cream::cake: and get `ice cream cake`!
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem "gemoji-parser"
And use:
Product.search "🍨🍰", emoji: true
## Indexing
Control what data is indexed with the `search_data` method. Call `Product.reindex` after changing this method.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :department
def search_data
name: name,
department_name: department.name,
on_sale: sale_price.present?
Searchkick uses `find_in_batches` to import documents. To eager load associations, use the `search_import` scope.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
scope :search_import, -> { includes(:department) }
By default, all records are indexed. To control which records are indexed, use the `should_index?` method.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
def should_index?
active # only index active records
If a reindex is interrupted, you can resume it with:
Product.reindex(resume: true)
For large data sets, try [parallel reindexing](#parallel-reindexing).
### To Reindex, or Not to Reindex
#### Reindex
- when you install or upgrade searchkick
- change the `search_data` method
- change the `searchkick` method
#### No need to reindex
- app starts
### Strategies
There are four strategies for keeping the index synced with your database.
1. Inline (default)
Anytime a record is inserted, updated, or deleted
2. Asynchronous
Use background jobs for better performance
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick callbacks: :async
Jobs are added to a queue named `searchkick`.
3. Queuing
Push ids of records that need updated to a queue and reindex in the background in batches. This is more performant than the asynchronous method, which updates records individually. See [how to set up](#queuing).
4. Manual
Turn off automatic syncing
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick callbacks: false
You can also do bulk updates.
Searchkick.callbacks(:bulk) do
Or temporarily skip updates.
Searchkick.callbacks(false) do
### Associations
Data is **not** automatically synced when an association is updated. If this is desired, add a callback to reindex:
class Image < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :product
after_commit :reindex_product
def reindex_product
### Default Scopes
If you have a default scope that filters records, use the `should_index?` method to exclude them from indexing:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
default_scope { where(deleted_at: nil) }
def should_index?
If you want to index and search filtered records, set:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick unscope: true
## Intelligent Search
The best starting point to improve your search **by far** is to track searches and conversions. [Searchjoy](https://github.com/ankane/searchjoy) makes it easy.
Product.search "apple", track: {user_id: current_user.id}
[See the docs](https://github.com/ankane/searchjoy) for how to install and use.
Focus on:
- top searches with low conversions
- top searches with no results
Searchkick can then use the conversion data to learn what users are looking for. If a user searches for “ice cream” and adds Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey to the cart (our conversion metric at Instacart), that item gets a little more weight for similar searches.
Add conversion data with:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
has_many :searches, class_name: "Searchjoy::Search", as: :convertable
searchkick conversions: [:conversions] # name of field
def search_data
name: name,
conversions: searches.group(:query).distinct.count(:user_id)
# {"ice cream" => 234, "chocolate" => 67, "cream" => 2}
Reindex and set up a cron job to add new conversions daily.
rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Product
This can make a huge difference on the quality of your search.
For a more performant way to reindex conversion data, check out [performant conversions](#performant-conversions).
## Personalized Results
Order results differently for each user. For example, show a user’s previously purchased products before other results.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
def search_data
name: name,
orderer_ids: orders.pluck(:user_id) # boost this product for these users
Reindex and search with:
Product.search "milk", boost_where: {orderer_ids: current_user.id}
## Instant Search / Autocomplete
Autocomplete predicts what a user will type, making the search experience faster and easier.

**Note:** To autocomplete on search terms rather than results, check out [Autosuggest](https://github.com/ankane/autosuggest).
**Note 2:** If you only have a few thousand records, don’t use Searchkick for autocomplete. It’s *much* faster to load all records into JavaScript and autocomplete there (eliminates network requests).
First, specify which fields use this feature. This is necessary since autocomplete can increase the index size significantly, but don’t worry - this gives you blazing faster queries.
class Movie < ApplicationRecord
searchkick word_start: [:title, :director]
Reindex and search with:
Movie.search "jurassic pa", fields: [:title], match: :word_start
Typically, you want to use a JavaScript library like [typeahead.js](https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/) or [jQuery UI](https://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/).
#### Here’s how to make it work with Rails
First, add a route and controller action.
class MoviesController < ApplicationController
def autocomplete
render json: Movie.search(params[:query], {
fields: ["title^5", "director"],
match: :word_start,
limit: 10,
load: false,
misspellings: {below: 5}
**Note:** Use `load: false` and `misspellings: {below: n}` (or `misspellings: false`) for best performance.
Then add the search box and JavaScript code to a view.
## Suggestions

class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick suggest: [:name] # fields to generate suggestions
Reindex and search with:
products = Product.search "peantu butta", suggest: true
products.suggestions # ["peanut butter"]
## Aggregations
[Aggregations](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations.html) provide aggregated search data.

products = Product.search "chuck taylor", aggs: [:product_type, :gender, :brand]
By default, `where` conditions apply to aggregations.
Product.search "wingtips", where: {color: "brandy"}, aggs: [:size]
# aggregations for brandy wingtips are returned
Change this with:
Product.search "wingtips", where: {color: "brandy"}, aggs: [:size], smart_aggs: false
# aggregations for all wingtips are returned
Set `where` conditions for each aggregation separately with:
Product.search "wingtips", aggs: {size: {where: {color: "brandy"}}}
Product.search "apples", aggs: {store_id: {limit: 10}}
Product.search "wingtips", aggs: {color: {order: {"_key" => "asc"}}} # alphabetically
[All of these options are supported](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation.html#search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation-order)
price_ranges = [{to: 20}, {from: 20, to: 50}, {from: 50}]
Product.search "*", aggs: {price: {ranges: price_ranges}}
Minimum document count
Product.search "apples", aggs: {store_id: {min_doc_count: 2}}
Script support
Product.search "*", aggs: {color: {script: {source: "'Color: ' + _value"}}}
Date histogram
Product.search "pear", aggs: {products_per_year: {date_histogram: {field: :created_at, interval: :year}}}
For other aggregation types, including sub-aggregations, use `body_options`:
Product.search "orange", body_options: {aggs: {price: {histogram: {field: :price, interval: 10}}}}
## Highlight
Specify which fields to index with highlighting.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick highlight: [:name]
Highlight the search query in the results.
bands = Band.search "cinema", highlight: true
View the highlighted fields with:
bands.with_highlights.each do |band, highlights|
highlights[:name] # "Two Door Cinema Club"
To change the tag, use:
Band.search "cinema", highlight: {tag: ""}
To highlight and search different fields, use:
Band.search "cinema", fields: [:name], highlight: {fields: [:description]}
By default, the entire field is highlighted. To get small snippets instead, use:
bands = Band.search "cinema", highlight: {fragment_size: 20}
bands.with_highlights(multiple: true).each do |band, highlights|
highlights[:name].join(" and ")
Additional options can be specified for each field:
Band.search "cinema", fields: [:name], highlight: {fields: {name: {fragment_size: 200}}}
You can find available highlight options in the [Elasticsearch reference](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/highlighting.html).
## Similar Items
Find similar items.
product = Product.first
product.similar(fields: [:name], where: {size: "12 oz"})
## Geospatial Searches
class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
searchkick locations: [:location]
def search_data
attributes.merge(location: {lat: latitude, lon: longitude})
Reindex and search with:
Restaurant.search "pizza", where: {location: {near: {lat: 37, lon: -114}, within: "100mi"}} # or 160km
Bounded by a box
Restaurant.search "sushi", where: {location: {top_left: {lat: 38, lon: -123}, bottom_right: {lat: 37, lon: -122}}}
**Note:** `top_right` and `bottom_left` also work
Bounded by a polygon
Restaurant.search "dessert", where: {location: {geo_polygon: {points: [{lat: 38, lon: -123}, {lat: 39, lon: -123}, {lat: 37, lon: 122}]}}}
### Boost By Distance
Boost results by distance - closer results are boosted more
Restaurant.search "noodles", boost_by_distance: {location: {origin: {lat: 37, lon: -122}}}
Also supports [additional options](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#function-decay)
Restaurant.search "wings", boost_by_distance: {location: {origin: {lat: 37, lon: -122}, function: "linear", scale: "30mi", decay: 0.5}}
### Geo Shapes
You can also index and search geo shapes.
class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
searchkick geo_shape: [:bounds]
def search_data
bounds: {
type: "envelope",
coordinates: [{lat: 4, lon: 1}, {lat: 2, lon: 3}]
See the [Elasticsearch documentation](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/geo-shape.html) for details.
Find shapes intersecting with the query shape
Restaurant.search "soup", where: {bounds: {geo_shape: {type: "polygon", coordinates: [[{lat: 38, lon: -123}, ...]]}}}
Falling entirely within the query shape
Restaurant.search "salad", where: {bounds: {geo_shape: {type: "circle", relation: "within", coordinates: [{lat: 38, lon: -123}], radius: "1km"}}}
Not touching the query shape
Restaurant.search "burger", where: {bounds: {geo_shape: {type: "envelope", relation: "disjoint", coordinates: [{lat: 38, lon: -123}, {lat: 37, lon: -122}]}}}
## Inheritance
Searchkick supports single table inheritance.
class Dog < Animal
In your parent model, set:
class Animal < ApplicationRecord
searchkick inheritance: true
The parent and child model can both reindex.
Dog.reindex # equivalent, all animals reindexed
And to search, use:
Animal.search "*" # all animals
Dog.search "*" # just dogs
Animal.search "*", type: [Dog, Cat] # just cats and dogs
1. The `suggest` option retrieves suggestions from the parent at the moment.
Dog.search "airbudd", suggest: true # suggestions for all animals
2. This relies on a `type` field that is automatically added to the indexed document. Be wary of defining your own `type` field in `search_data`, as it will take precedence.
## Debugging Queries
To help with debugging queries, you can use:
Product.search("soap", debug: true)
This prints useful info to `stdout`.
See how the search server scores your queries with:
Product.search("soap", explain: true).response
See how the search server tokenizes your queries with:
Product.search_index.tokens("Dish Washer Soap", analyzer: "searchkick_index")
# ["dish", "dishwash", "washer", "washersoap", "soap"]
Product.search_index.tokens("dishwasher soap", analyzer: "searchkick_search")
# ["dishwashersoap"] - no match
Product.search_index.tokens("dishwasher soap", analyzer: "searchkick_search2")
# ["dishwash", "soap"] - match!!
Partial matches
Product.search_index.tokens("San Diego", analyzer: "searchkick_word_start_index")
# ["s", "sa", "san", "d", "di", "die", "dieg", "diego"]
Product.search_index.tokens("dieg", analyzer: "searchkick_word_search")
# ["dieg"] - match!!
See the [complete list of analyzers](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/blob/31780ddac7a89eab1e0552a32b403f2040a37931/lib/searchkick/index_options.rb#L32).
## Testing
As you iterate on your search, it’s a good idea to add tests.
For performance, only enable Searchkick callbacks for the tests that need it.
### Parallel Tests
Rails 6 enables parallel tests by default. Add to your `test/test_helper.rb`:
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
parallelize_setup do |worker|
Searchkick.index_suffix = worker
# reindex models
# and disable callbacks
And use:
class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def setup
def teardown
def test_search
Product.create!(name: "Apple")
assert_equal ["Apple"], Product.search("apple").map(&:name)
### Minitest
Add to your `test/test_helper.rb`:
# reindex models
# and disable callbacks
And use:
class ProductTest < Minitest::Test
def setup
def teardown
def test_search
Product.create!(name: "Apple")
assert_equal ["Apple"], Product.search("apple").map(&:name)
### RSpec
Add to your `spec/spec_helper.rb`:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
# reindex models
# and disable callbacks
config.around(:each, search: true) do |example|
Searchkick.callbacks(nil) do
And use:
describe Product, search: true do
it "searches" do
Product.create!(name: "Apple")
assert_equal ["Apple"], Product.search("apple").map(&:name)
### Factory Bot
Use a trait and an after `create` hook for each indexed model:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :product do
# ...
# Note: This should be the last trait in the list so `reindex` is called
# after all the other callbacks complete.
trait :reindex do
after(:create) do |product, _evaluator|
product.reindex(refresh: true)
# use it
FactoryBot.create(:product, :some_trait, :reindex, some_attribute: "foo")
### GitHub Actions
Check out [setup-elasticsearch](https://github.com/ankane/setup-elasticsearch) for an easy way to install Elasticsearch:
- uses: ankane/setup-elasticsearch@v1
And [setup-opensearch](https://github.com/ankane/setup-opensearch) for an easy way to install OpenSearch:
- uses: ankane/setup-opensearch@v1
## Deployment
For the search server, Searchkick uses `ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"]` for Elasticsearch and `ENV["OPENSEARCH_URL"]` for OpenSearch. This defaults to `http://localhost:9200`.
- [Elastic Cloud](#elastic-cloud)
- [Heroku](#heroku)
- [Amazon OpenSearch Service](#amazon-opensearch-service)
- [Self-Hosted and Other](#self-hosted-and-other)
### Elastic Cloud
Create an initializer `config/initializers/elasticsearch.rb` with:
ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "https://user:password@host:port"
Then deploy and reindex:
rake searchkick:reindex:all
### Heroku
Choose an add-on: [Bonsai](https://elements.heroku.com/addons/bonsai), [SearchBox](https://elements.heroku.com/addons/searchbox), or [Elastic Cloud](https://elements.heroku.com/addons/foundelasticsearch).
For Elasticsearch on Bonsai:
heroku addons:create bonsai
heroku config:set ELASTICSEARCH_URL=`heroku config:get BONSAI_URL`
For OpenSearch on Bonsai:
heroku addons:create bonsai --engine=opensearch
heroku config:set OPENSEARCH_URL=`heroku config:get BONSAI_URL`
For SearchBox:
heroku addons:create searchbox:starter
heroku config:set ELASTICSEARCH_URL=`heroku config:get SEARCHBOX_URL`
For Elastic Cloud (previously Found):
heroku addons:create foundelasticsearch
heroku addons:open foundelasticsearch
Visit the Shield page and reset your password. You’ll need to add the username and password to your url. Get the existing url with:
And add `elastic:password@` right after `https://` and add port `9243` at the end:
heroku config:set ELASTICSEARCH_URL=https://elastic:password@12345.us-east-1.aws.found.io:9243
Then deploy and reindex:
heroku run rake searchkick:reindex:all
### Amazon OpenSearch Service
Create an initializer `config/initializers/opensearch.rb` with:
ENV["OPENSEARCH_URL"] = "https://es-domain-1234.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com:443"
To use signed requests, include in your Gemfile:
gem "faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4"
and add to your initializer:
Searchkick.aws_credentials = {
access_key_id: ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"],
secret_access_key: ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"],
region: "us-east-1"
Then deploy and reindex:
rake searchkick:reindex:all
### Self-Hosted and Other
Create an initializer with:
ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "https://user:password@host:port"
# or
ENV["OPENSEARCH_URL"] = "https://user:password@host:port"
Then deploy and reindex:
rake searchkick:reindex:all
### Data Protection
We recommend encrypting data at rest and in transit (even inside your own network). This is especially important if you send [personal data](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personally_identifiable_information) of your users to the search server.
Bonsai, Elastic Cloud, and Amazon OpenSearch Service all support encryption at rest and HTTPS.
### Automatic Failover
Create an initializer `config/initializers/elasticsearch.rb` with multiple hosts:
ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "https://user:password@host1,https://user:password@host2"
See [elasticsearch-transport](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-ruby/blob/master/elasticsearch-transport) for a complete list of options.
### Lograge
Add the following to `config/environments/production.rb`:
config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
options = {}
options[:search] = event.payload[:searchkick_runtime] if event.payload[:searchkick_runtime].to_f > 0
See [Production Rails](https://github.com/ankane/production_rails) for other good practices.
## Performance
### JSON Generation
Significantly increase performance with faster JSON generation. Add [Oj](https://github.com/ohler55/oj) to your Gemfile.
gem "oj"
This speeds up all JSON generation and parsing in your application (automatically!)
### Persistent HTTP Connections
Significantly increase performance with persistent HTTP connections. Add [Typhoeus](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus) to your Gemfile and it’ll automatically be used.
gem "typhoeus"
To reduce log noise, create an initializer with:
Ethon.logger = Logger.new(nil)
If you run into issues on Windows, check out [this post](https://www.rastating.com/fixing-issues-in-typhoeus-and-httparty-on-windows/).
### Searchable Fields
By default, all string fields are searchable (can be used in `fields` option). Speed up indexing and reduce index size by only making some fields searchable.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick searchable: [:name]
### Filterable Fields
By default, all string fields are filterable (can be used in `where` option). Speed up indexing and reduce index size by only making some fields filterable.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick filterable: [:brand]
**Note:** Non-string fields are always filterable and should not be passed to this option.
### Parallel Reindexing
For large data sets, you can use background jobs to parallelize reindexing.
Product.reindex(async: true)
# {index_name: "products_production_20170111210018065"}
Once the jobs complete, promote the new index with:
You can optionally track the status with Redis:
Searchkick.redis = Redis.new
And use:
You can also have Searchkick wait for reindexing to complete
Product.reindex(async: {wait: true})
You can use [ActiveJob::TrafficControl](https://github.com/nickelser/activejob-traffic_control) to control concurrency. Install the gem:
gem "activejob-traffic_control", ">= 0.1.3"
And create an initializer with:
ActiveJob::TrafficControl.client = Searchkick.redis
class Searchkick::BulkReindexJob
concurrency 3
This will allow only 3 jobs to run at once.
### Refresh Interval
You can specify a longer refresh interval while reindexing to increase performance.
Product.reindex(async: true, refresh_interval: "30s")
**Note:** This only makes a noticable difference with parallel reindexing.
When promoting, have it restored to the value in your mapping (defaults to `1s`).
Product.search_index.promote(index_name, update_refresh_interval: true)
### Queuing
Push ids of records needing reindexing to a queue and reindex in bulk for better performance. First, set up Redis in an initializer. We recommend using [connection_pool](https://github.com/mperham/connection_pool).
Searchkick.redis = ConnectionPool.new { Redis.new }
And ask your models to queue updates.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick callbacks: :queue
Then, set up a background job to run.
Searchkick::ProcessQueueJob.perform_later(class_name: "Product")
You can check the queue length with:
For more tips, check out [Keeping Elasticsearch in Sync](https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-keeping-elasticsearch-in-sync).
### Routing
Searchkick supports [routing](https://www.elastic.co/blog/customizing-your-document-routing), which can significantly speed up searches.
class Business < ApplicationRecord
searchkick routing: true
def search_routing
Reindex and search with:
Business.search "ice cream", routing: params[:city_id]
### Partial Reindexing
Reindex a subset of attributes to reduce time spent generating search data and cut down on network traffic.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
def search_data
name: name
def search_prices
price: price,
sale_price: sale_price
And use:
### Performant Conversions
Split out conversions into a separate method so you can use partial reindexing, and cache conversions to prevent N+1 queries. Be sure to use a centralized cache store like Memcached or Redis.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
def search_data
name: name
def search_conversions
conversions: Rails.cache.read("search_conversions:#{self.class.name}:#{id}") || {}
Create a job to update the cache and reindex records with new conversions.
class ReindexConversionsJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(class_name)
# get records that have a recent conversion
recently_converted_ids =
Searchjoy::Search.where("convertable_type = ? AND converted_at > ?", class_name, 1.day.ago)
# split into groups
recently_converted_ids.in_groups_of(1000, false) do |ids|
# fetch conversions
conversions =
Searchjoy::Search.where(convertable_id: ids, convertable_type: class_name)
.group(:convertable_id, :query).distinct.count(:user_id)
# group conversions by record
conversions_by_record = {}
conversions.each do |(id, query), count|
(conversions_by_record[id] ||= {})[query] = count
# write to cache
conversions_by_record.each do |id, conversions|
Rails.cache.write("search_conversions:#{class_name}:#{id}", conversions)
# partial reindex
class_name.constantize.where(id: ids).reindex(:search_conversions)
Run the job with:
## Advanced
Searchkick makes it easy to use the Elasticsearch or OpenSearch DSL on its own.
### Advanced Mapping
Create a custom mapping:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick mappings: {
properties: {
name: {type: "keyword"}
**Note:** If you use a custom mapping, you'll need to use [custom searching](#advanced-search) as well.
To keep the mappings and settings generated by Searchkick, use:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick merge_mappings: true, mappings: {...}
### Advanced Search
And use the `body` option to search:
products = Product.search body: {query: {match: {name: "milk"}}}
View the response with:
To modify the query generated by Searchkick, use:
products = Product.search "milk", body_options: {min_score: 1}
products =
Product.search "apples" do |body|
body[:min_score] = 1
### Client
Searchkick is built on top of the [elasticsearch](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-ruby) gem. To access the client directly, use:
## Multi Search
To batch search requests for performance, use:
products = Product.search("snacks")
coupons = Coupon.search("snacks")
Searchkick.multi_search([products, coupons])
Then use `products` and `coupons` as typical results.
**Note:** Errors are not raised as with single requests. Use the `error` method on each query to check for errors.
## Multiple Models
Search across multiple models with:
Searchkick.search "milk", models: [Product, Category]
Boost specific models with:
indices_boost: {Category => 2, Product => 1}
## Multi-Tenancy
Check out [this great post](https://www.tiagoamaro.com.br/2014/12/11/multi-tenancy-with-searchkick/) on the [Apartment](https://github.com/influitive/apartment) gem. Follow a similar pattern if you use another gem.
## Scroll API
Searchkick also supports the [scroll API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/paginate-search-results.html#scroll-search-results). Scrolling is not intended for real time user requests, but rather for processing large amounts of data.
Product.search("*", scroll: "1m").scroll do |batch|
# process batch ...
You can also scroll batches manually.
products = Product.search "*", scroll: "1m"
while products.any?
# process batch ...
products = products.scroll
## Deep Paging
By default, Elasticsearch and OpenSearch limit paging to the first 10,000 results. [Here’s why](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/pagination.html). We don’t recommend changing this, but if you really need all results, you can use:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick deep_paging: true
If you just need an accurate total count, you can instead use:
Product.search("pears", body_options: {track_total_hits: true})
## Nested Data
To query nested data, use dot notation.
User.search "san", fields: ["address.city"], where: {"address.zip_code" => 12345}
## Reference
Reindex one record
product = Product.find(1)
Reindex multiple records
Product.where(store_id: 1).reindex
Reindex associations
Remove old indices
Use custom settings
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick settings: {number_of_shards: 3}
Use a different index name
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick index_name: "products_v2"
Use a dynamic index name
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick index_name: -> { "#{name.tableize}-#{I18n.locale}" }
Prefix the index name
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick index_prefix: "datakick"
For all models
Searchkick.index_prefix = "datakick"
Use a different term for boosting by conversions
Product.search("banana", conversions_term: "organic banana")
Multiple conversion fields
class Product < ApplicationRecord
has_many :searches, class_name: "Searchjoy::Search"
# searchkick also supports multiple "conversions" fields
searchkick conversions: ["unique_user_conversions", "total_conversions"]
def search_data
name: name,
unique_user_conversions: searches.group(:query).distinct.count(:user_id),
# {"ice cream" => 234, "chocolate" => 67, "cream" => 2}
total_conversions: searches.group(:query).count
# {"ice cream" => 412, "chocolate" => 117, "cream" => 6}
and during query time:
Product.search("banana") # boost by both fields (default)
Product.search("banana", conversions: "total_conversions") # only boost by total_conversions
Product.search("banana", conversions: false) # no conversion boosting
Change timeout
Searchkick.timeout = 15 # defaults to 10
Set a lower timeout for searches
Searchkick.search_timeout = 3
Change the search method name
Searchkick.search_method_name = :lookup
Change search queue name
Searchkick.queue_name = :search_reindex
Eager load associations
Product.search "milk", includes: [:brand, :stores]
Eager load different associations by model
Searchkick.search("*", models: [Product, Store], model_includes: {Product => [:store], Store => [:product]})
Run additional scopes on results
Product.search "milk", scope_results: ->(r) { r.with_attached_images }
Specify default fields to search
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick default_fields: [:name]
Turn off special characters
class Product < ApplicationRecord
# A will not match Ä
searchkick special_characters: false
Turn on stemming for conversions
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick stem_conversions: true
Make search case-sensitive
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick case_sensitive: true
**Note:** If misspellings are enabled (default), results with a single character case difference will match. Turn off misspellings if this is not desired.
Change import batch size
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick batch_size: 200 # defaults to 1000
Create index without importing
Product.reindex(import: false)
Use a different id
class Product < ApplicationRecord
def search_document_id
Add [request parameters](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-search.html#search-search-api-query-params) like `search_type`
Product.search("carrots", request_params: {search_type: "dfs_query_then_fetch"})
Set options across all models
Searchkick.model_options = {
batch_size: 200
Reindex conditionally
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick callbacks: false
# add the callbacks manually
after_commit :reindex, if: -> (model) { model.previous_changes.key?("name") } # use your own condition
Reindex all models - Rails only
rake searchkick:reindex:all
Turn on misspellings after a certain number of characters
Product.search "api", misspellings: {prefix_length: 2} # api, apt, no ahi
**Note:** With this option, if the query length is the same as `prefix_length`, misspellings are turned off with Elasticsearch 7 and OpenSearch
Product.search "ah", misspellings: {prefix_length: 2} # ah, no aha
## Gotchas
### Consistency
Elasticsearch and OpenSearch are eventually consistent, meaning it can take up to a second for a change to reflect in search. You can use the `refresh` method to have it show up immediately.
### Inconsistent Scores
Due to the distributed nature of Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, you can get incorrect results when the number of documents in the index is low. You can [read more about it here](https://www.elastic.co/blog/understanding-query-then-fetch-vs-dfs-query-then-fetch). To fix this, do:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
searchkick settings: {number_of_shards: 1}
For convenience, this is set by default in the test environment.
## Upgrading
### 5.0
Searchkick 5 supports both the `elasticsearch` and `opensearch-ruby` gems. Add the one you want to use to your Gemfile:
gem "elasticsearch"
# or
gem "opensearch-ruby"
If using the deprecated `faraday_middleware-aws-signers-v4` gem, switch to `faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4`.
Also, searches now use lazy loading:
# search not executed
# search executed
And there’s a [new option](#default-scopes) for models with default scopes.
Check out the [changelog](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for the full list of changes.
## History
View the [changelog](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).
## Thanks
Thanks to Karel Minarik for [Elasticsearch Ruby](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby) and [Tire](https://github.com/karmi/retire), Jaroslav Kalistsuk for [zero downtime reindexing](https://gist.github.com/jarosan/3124884), and Alex Leschenko for [Elasticsearch autocomplete](https://github.com/leschenko/elasticsearch_autocomplete).
## Contributing
Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:
- [Report bugs](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/issues)
- Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/pulls)
- Write, clarify, or fix documentation
- Suggest or add new features
To get started with development:
git clone https://github.com/ankane/searchkick.git
cd searchkick
bundle install
bundle exec rake test
Feel free to open an issue to get feedback on your idea before spending too much time on it.