o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1372441615.067752:@value"�>{I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset;�FI"logical_path;�F""vendor/backbone.forms.list.jsI" pathname;�F"h/Users/patricknegri/Desenvolvimento/iugu-ux/vendor/assets/javascripts/vendor/backbone.forms.list.jsI"content_type;�FI"application/javascript;�FI" mtime;�FI"2013-01-12T18:03:34-02:00;�FI"length;�Fi�;I"digest;�F"%949e15c5caa69cce7caef2b7f2f7d78fI"source;�FI"�;;(function() { var Form = Backbone.Form, editors = Form.editors; /** * LIST * * An array editor. Creates a list of other editor items. * * Special options: * @param {String} [options.schema.itemType] The editor type for each item in the list. Default: 'Text' * @param {String} [options.schema.confirmDelete] Text to display in a delete confirmation dialog. If falsey, will not ask for confirmation. */ editors.List = editors.Base.extend({ events: { 'click [data-action="add"]': function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.addItem(null, true); } }, initialize: function(options) { editors.Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); var schema = this.schema; if (!schema) throw "Missing required option 'schema'"; //List schema defaults this.schema = _.extend({ listTemplate: 'list', listItemTemplate: 'listItem' }, schema); //Determine the editor to use this.Editor = (function() { var type = schema.itemType; //Default to Text if (!type) return editors.Text; //Use List-specific version if available if (editors.List[type]) return editors.List[type]; //Or whichever was passed return editors[type]; })(); this.items = []; }, render: function() { var self = this, value = this.value || []; //Create main element var $el = $(Form.templates[this.schema.listTemplate]({ items: '<b class="bbf-tmp"></b>' })); //Store a reference to the list (item container) this.$list = $el.find('.bbf-tmp').parent().empty(); //Add existing items if (value.length) { _.each(value, function(itemValue) { self.addItem(itemValue); }); } //If no existing items create an empty one, unless the editor specifies otherwise else { if (!this.Editor.isAsync) this.addItem(); } this.setElement($el); this.$el.attr('id', this.id); this.$el.attr('name', this.key); if (this.hasFocus) this.trigger('blur', this); return this; }, /** * Add a new item to the list * @param {Mixed} [value] Value for the new item editor * @param {Boolean} [userInitiated] If the item was added by the user clicking 'add' */ addItem: function(value, userInitiated) { var self = this; //Create the item var item = new editors.List.Item({ list: this, schema: this.schema, value: value, Editor: this.Editor, key: this.key }).render(); var _addItem = function() { self.items.push(item); self.$list.append(item.el); item.editor.on('all', function(event) { if (event === 'change') return; // args = ["key:change", itemEditor, fieldEditor] var args = _.toArray(arguments); args[0] = 'item:' + event; args.splice(1, 0, self); // args = ["item:key:change", this=listEditor, itemEditor, fieldEditor] editors.List.prototype.trigger.apply(this, args); }, self); item.editor.on('change', function() { if (!item.addEventTriggered) { item.addEventTriggered = true; this.trigger('add', this, item.editor); } this.trigger('item:change', this, item.editor); this.trigger('change', this); }, self); item.editor.on('focus', function() { if (this.hasFocus) return; this.trigger('focus', this); }, self); item.editor.on('blur', function() { if (!this.hasFocus) return; var self = this; setTimeout(function() { if (_.find(self.items, function(item) { return item.editor.hasFocus; })) return; self.trigger('blur', self); }, 0); }, self); if (userInitiated || value) { item.addEventTriggered = true; } if (userInitiated) { self.trigger('add', self, item.editor); self.trigger('change', self); } }; //Check if we need to wait for the item to complete before adding to the list if (this.Editor.isAsync) { item.editor.on('readyToAdd', _addItem, this); } //Most editors can be added automatically else { _addItem(); } return item; }, /** * Remove an item from the list * @param {List.Item} item */ removeItem: function(item) { //Confirm delete var confirmMsg = this.schema.confirmDelete; if (confirmMsg && !confirm(confirmMsg)) return; var index = _.indexOf(this.items, item); this.items[index].remove(); this.items.splice(index, 1); if (item.addEventTriggered) { this.trigger('remove', this, item.editor); this.trigger('change', this); } if (!this.items.length && !this.Editor.isAsync) this.addItem(); }, getValue: function() { var values = _.map(this.items, function(item) { return item.getValue(); }); //Filter empty items return _.without(values, undefined, ''); }, setValue: function(value) { this.value = value; this.render(); }, focus: function() { if (this.hasFocus) return; if (this.items[0]) this.items[0].editor.focus(); }, blur: function() { if (!this.hasFocus) return; var focusedItem = _.find(this.items, function(item) { return item.editor.hasFocus; }); if (focusedItem) focusedItem.editor.blur(); }, /** * Override default remove function in order to remove item views */ remove: function() { _.invoke(this.items, 'remove'); editors.Base.prototype.remove.call(this); }, /** * Run validation * * @return {Object|Null} */ validate: function() { if (!this.validators) return null; //Collect errors var errors = _.map(this.items, function(item) { return item.validate(); }); //Check if any item has errors var hasErrors = _.compact(errors).length ? true : false; if (!hasErrors) return null; //If so create a shared error var fieldError = { type: 'list', message: 'Some of the items in the list failed validation', errors: errors }; return fieldError; } }); /** * A single item in the list * * @param {editors.List} options.list The List editor instance this item belongs to * @param {Function} options.Editor Editor constructor function * @param {String} options.key Model key * @param {Mixed} options.value Value * @param {Object} options.schema Field schema */ editors.List.Item = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click [data-action="remove"]': function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.list.removeItem(this); }, 'keydown input[type=text]': function(event) { if(event.keyCode !== 13) return; event.preventDefault(); this.list.addItem(); this.list.$list.find("> li:last input").focus(); } }, initialize: function(options) { this.list = options.list; this.schema = options.schema || this.list.schema; this.value = options.value; this.Editor = options.Editor || editors.Text; this.key = options.key; }, render: function() { //Create editor this.editor = new this.Editor({ key: this.key, schema: this.schema, value: this.value, list: this.list, item: this }).render(); //Create main element var $el = $(Form.templates[this.schema.listItemTemplate]({ editor: '<b class="bbf-tmp"></b>' })); $el.find('.bbf-tmp').replaceWith(this.editor.el); //Replace the entire element so there isn't a wrapper tag this.setElement($el); return this; }, getValue: function() { return this.editor.getValue(); }, setValue: function(value) { this.editor.setValue(value); }, focus: function() { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function() { this.editor.blur(); }, remove: function() { this.editor.remove(); Backbone.View.prototype.remove.call(this); }, validate: function() { var value = this.getValue(), formValues = this.list.form ? this.list.form.getValue() : {}, validators = this.schema.validators, getValidator = Form.helpers.getValidator; if (!validators) return null; //Run through validators until an error is found var error = null; _.every(validators, function(validator) { error = getValidator(validator)(value, formValues); return error ? false : true; }); //Show/hide error if (error){ this.setError(error); } else { this.clearError(); } //Return error to be aggregated by list return error ? error : null; }, /** * Show a validation error */ setError: function(err) { this.$el.addClass(Form.classNames.error); this.$el.attr('title', err.message); }, /** * Hide validation errors */ clearError: function() { this.$el.removeClass(Form.classNames.error); this.$el.attr('title', null); } }); /** * Modal object editor for use with the List editor. * To use it, set the 'itemType' property in a List schema to 'Object' or 'NestedModel' */ editors.List.Modal = editors.List.Object = editors.List.NestedModel = editors.Base.extend({ events: { 'click': 'openEditor' }, /** * @param {Object} options * @param {Function} [options.schema.itemToString] Function to transform the value for display in the list. * @param {String} [options.schema.itemType] Editor type e.g. 'Text', 'Object'. * @param {Object} [options.schema.subSchema] Schema for nested form,. Required when itemType is 'Object' * @param {Function} [options.schema.model] Model constructor function. Required when itemType is 'NestedModel' */ initialize: function(options) { editors.Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); var schema = this.schema; //Dependencies if (!editors.List.Modal.ModalAdapter) throw 'A ModalAdapter is required'; //Get nested schema if Object if (schema.itemType === 'Object') { if (!schema.subSchema) throw 'Missing required option "schema.subSchema"'; this.nestedSchema = schema.subSchema; } //Get nested schema if NestedModel if (schema.itemType === 'NestedModel') { if (!schema.model) throw 'Missing required option "schema.model"'; this.nestedSchema = schema.model.prototype.schema; if (_.isFunction(this.nestedSchema)) this.nestedSchema = this.nestedSchema(); } }, /** * Render the list item representation */ render: function() { var self = this; //New items in the list are only rendered when the editor has been OK'd if (_.isEmpty(this.value)) { this.openEditor(); } //But items with values are added automatically else { this.renderSummary(); setTimeout(function() { self.trigger('readyToAdd'); }, 0); } if (this.hasFocus) this.trigger('blur', this); return this; }, /** * Renders the list item representation */ renderSummary: function() { var template = Form.templates['list.Modal']; this.$el.html(template({ summary: this.getStringValue() })); }, /** * Function which returns a generic string representation of an object * * @param {Object} value * * @return {String} */ itemToString: function(value) { value = value || {}; //Pretty print the object keys and values var parts = []; _.each(this.nestedSchema, function(schema, key) { var desc = schema.title ? schema.title : Form.helpers.keyToTitle(key), val = value[key]; if (_.isUndefined(val) || _.isNull(val)) val = ''; parts.push(desc + ': ' + val); }); return parts.join('<br />'); }, /** * Returns the string representation of the object value */ getStringValue: function() { var schema = this.schema, value = this.getValue(); if (_.isEmpty(value)) return '[Empty]'; //If there's a specified toString use that if (schema.itemToString) return schema.itemToString(value); //Otherwise check if it's NestedModel with it's own toString() method if (schema.itemType === 'NestedModel') { return new (schema.model)(value).toString(); } //Otherwise use the generic method or custom overridden method return this.itemToString(value); }, openEditor: function() { var self = this; var form = new Form({ schema: this.nestedSchema, data: this.value }); var modal = this.modal = new Backbone.BootstrapModal({ content: form, animate: true }).open(); this.trigger('open', this); this.trigger('focus', this); modal.on('cancel', function() { this.modal = null; this.trigger('close', this); this.trigger('blur', this); }, this); modal.on('ok', _.bind(this.onModalSubmitted, this, form, modal)); }, /** * Called when the user clicks 'OK'. * Runs validation and tells the list when ready to add the item */ onModalSubmitted: function(form, modal) { var isNew = !this.value; //Stop if there are validation errors var error = form.validate(); if (error) return modal.preventClose(); this.modal = null; //If OK, render the list item this.value = form.getValue(); this.renderSummary(); if (isNew) this.trigger('readyToAdd'); this.trigger('change', this); this.trigger('close', this); this.trigger('blur', this); }, getValue: function() { return this.value; }, setValue: function(value) { this.value = value; }, focus: function() { if (this.hasFocus) return; this.openEditor(); }, blur: function() { if (!this.hasFocus) return; if (this.modal) { this.modal.trigger('cancel'); this.modal.close(); } } }, { //STATICS //The modal adapter that creates and manages the modal dialog. //Defaults to BootstrapModal (http://github.com/powmedia/backbone.bootstrap-modal) //Can be replaced with another adapter that implements the same interface. ModalAdapter: Backbone.BootstrapModal, //Make the wait list for the 'ready' event before adding the item to the list isAsync: true }); })(); ;�FI"dependency_digest;�F"%02f6872c62b3d5af370f464f1cb362c3I"required_paths;�F["h/Users/patricknegri/Desenvolvimento/iugu-ux/vendor/assets/javascripts/vendor/backbone.forms.list.jsI"dependency_paths;�F[{I" path;�F"h/Users/patricknegri/Desenvolvimento/iugu-ux/vendor/assets/javascripts/vendor/backbone.forms.list.jsI" mtime;�FI"2013-01-12T18:03:34-02:00;�FI"digest;�F"%949e15c5caa69cce7caef2b7f2f7d78fI" _version;�F"%6776f581a4329e299531e1d52aa59832