require 'spec_helper' describe Grape::Entity do let(:fresh_class) { } context 'class methods' do subject { fresh_class } describe '.expose' do context 'multiple attributes' do it 'is able to add multiple exposed attributes with a single call' do subject.expose :name, :email, :location subject.exposures.size.should == 3 end it 'sets the same options for all exposures passed' do subject.expose :name, :email, :location, :foo => :bar subject.exposures.values.each{|v| v.should == {:foo => :bar}} end end context 'option validation' do it 'makes sure that :as only works on single attribute calls' do expect{ subject.expose :name, :email, :as => :foo }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect{ subject.expose :name, :as => :foo }.not_to raise_error end it 'makes sure that :format_with as a proc can not be used with a block' do expect { subject.expose :name, :format_with => {} do |_| end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'with a block' do it 'errors out if called with multiple attributes' do expect{ subject.expose(:name, :email) do true end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'sets the :proc option in the exposure options' do block = lambda{|_| true } subject.expose :name, &block subject.exposures[:name][:proc].should == block end end context 'inherited exposures' do it 'returns exposures from an ancestor' do subject.expose :name, :email child_class = child_class.exposures.should eq(subject.exposures) end it 'returns exposures from multiple ancestor' do subject.expose :name, :email parent_class = child_class = child_class.exposures.should eq(subject.exposures) end it 'returns descendant exposures as a priority' do subject.expose :name, :email child_class = child_class.expose :name do |_| 'foo' end subject.exposures[:name].should_not have_key :proc child_class.exposures[:name].should have_key :proc end end context 'register formatters' do let(:date_formatter) { lambda {|date| date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') }} it 'registers a formatter' do subject.format_with :timestamp, &date_formatter subject.formatters[:timestamp].should_not be_nil end it 'inherits formatters from ancestors' do subject.format_with :timestamp, &date_formatter child_class = child_class.formatters.should == subject.formatters end it 'does not allow registering a formatter without a block' do expect{ subject.format_with :foo }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'formats an exposure with a registered formatter' do subject.format_with :timestamp do |date| date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end subject.expose :birthday, :format_with => :timestamp model = { :birthday =>, 2, 27) }[:birthday].should == '02/27/2012' end end end describe '.with_options' do it 'should apply the options to all exposures inside' do subject.class_eval do with_options(:if => {:awesome => true}) do expose :awesome_thing, :using => 'Awesome' end end subject.exposures[:awesome_thing].should == {:if => {:awesome => true}, :using => 'Awesome'} end it 'should allow for nested .with_options' do subject.class_eval do with_options(:if => {:awesome => true}) do with_options(:using => 'Something') do expose :awesome_thing end end end subject.exposures[:awesome_thing].should == {:if => {:awesome => true}, :using => 'Something'} end it 'should allow for overrides' do subject.class_eval do with_options(:if => {:awesome => true}) do expose :less_awesome_thing, :if => {:awesome => false} end end subject.exposures[:less_awesome_thing].should == {:if => {:awesome => false}} end end describe '.represent' do it 'returns a single entity if called with one object' do subject.represent( be_kind_of(subject) end it 'returns a single entity if called with a hash' do subject.represent( be_kind_of(subject) end it 'returns multiple entities if called with a collection' do representation = subject.represent({}) representation.should be_kind_of Array representation.size.should == 4 representation.reject{|r| r.kind_of?(subject)}.should be_empty end it 'adds the :collection => true option if called with a collection' do representation = subject.represent({}) representation.each{|r| r.options[:collection].should be_true} end end describe '.root' do context 'with singular and plural root keys' do before(:each) do subject.root 'things', 'thing' end context 'with a single object' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( representation.should be_kind_of Hash representation.should have_key 'thing' representation['thing'].should be_kind_of(subject) end end context 'with an array of objects' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent({}) representation.should be_kind_of Hash representation.should have_key 'things' representation['things'].should be_kind_of Array representation['things'].size.should == 4 representation['things'].reject{|r| r.kind_of?(subject)}.should be_empty end end context 'it can be overridden' do it 'can be disabled' do representation = subject.represent({}, :root=>false) representation.should be_kind_of Array representation.size.should == 4 representation.reject{|r| r.kind_of?(subject)}.should be_empty end it 'can use a different name' do representation = subject.represent({}, :root=>'others') representation.should be_kind_of Hash representation.should have_key 'others' representation['others'].should be_kind_of Array representation['others'].size.should == 4 representation['others'].reject{|r| r.kind_of?(subject)}.should be_empty end end end context 'with singular root key' do before(:each) do subject.root nil, 'thing' end context 'with a single object' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent( representation.should be_kind_of Hash representation.should have_key 'thing' representation['thing'].should be_kind_of(subject) end end context 'with an array of objects' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent({}) representation.should be_kind_of Array representation.size.should == 4 representation.reject{|r| r.kind_of?(subject)}.should be_empty end end end context 'with plural root key' do before(:each) do subject.root 'things' end context 'with a single object' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do subject.represent( be_kind_of(subject) end end context 'with an array of objects' do it 'allows a root element name to be specified' do representation = subject.represent({}) representation.should be_kind_of Hash representation.should have_key('things') representation['things'].should be_kind_of Array representation['things'].size.should == 4 representation['things'].reject{|r| r.kind_of?(subject)}.should be_empty end end end end describe '#initialize' do it 'takes an object and an optional options hash' do expect{ }.not_to raise_error expect{ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect{, {}) }.not_to raise_error end it 'has attribute readers for the object and options' do entity ='abc', {}) entity.object.should == 'abc' entity.options.should == {} end end end context 'instance methods' do let(:model){ mock(attributes) } let(:attributes) { { :name => 'Bob Bobson', :email => '', :birthday =>, 2, 27), :fantasies => ['Unicorns', 'Double Rainbows', 'Nessy'], :friends => [ mock(:name => "Friend 1", :email => '', :fantasies => [], :birthday =>, 2, 27), :friends => []), mock(:name => "Friend 2", :email => '', :fantasies => [], :birthday =>, 2, 27), :friends => []) ] } } subject{ } describe '#serializable_hash' do it 'does not throw an exception if a nil options object is passed' do expect{ }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not blow up when the model is nil' do fresh_class.expose :name expect{ }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not throw an exception when an attribute is not found on the object' do fresh_class.expose :name, :nonexistent_attribute expect{ }.not_to raise_error end it "does not expose attributes that don't exist on the object" do fresh_class.expose :email, :nonexistent_attribute, :name res = res.should have_key :email res.should_not have_key :nonexistent_attribute res.should have_key :name end it "does not expose attributes that don't exist on the object, even with criteria" do fresh_class.expose :email fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute, :if => lambda { false } fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute2, :if => lambda { true } res = res.should have_key :email res.should_not have_key :nonexistent_attribute res.should_not have_key :nonexistent_attribute2 end it "exposes attributes that don't exist on the object only when they are generated by a block" do fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute do |model, _| "well, I do exist after all" end res = res.should have_key :nonexistent_attribute end it "does not expose attributes that are generated by a block but have not passed criteria" do fresh_class.expose :nonexistent_attribute, :proc => lambda {|model, _| "I exist, but it is not yet my time to shine" }, :if => lambda { |model, _| false } res = res.should_not have_key :nonexistent_attribute end context '#serializable_hash' do module EntitySpec class EmbeddedExample def serializable_hash(opts = {}) { :abc => 'def' } end end class EmbeddedExampleWithMany def name "abc" end def embedded [, ] end end class EmbeddedExampleWithOne def name "abc" end def embedded end end end it 'serializes embedded objects which respond to #serializable_hash' do fresh_class.expose :name, :embedded presenter = presenter.serializable_hash.should == {:name => "abc", :embedded => {:abc => "def"}} end it 'serializes embedded arrays of objects which respond to #serializable_hash' do fresh_class.expose :name, :embedded presenter = presenter.serializable_hash.should == {:name => "abc", :embedded => [{:abc => "def"}, {:abc => "def"}]} end end end describe '#value_for' do before do fresh_class.class_eval do expose :name, :email expose :friends, :using => self expose :computed do |_, options| options[:awesome] end expose :birthday, :format_with => :timestamp def timestamp(date) date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end expose :fantasies, :format_with => lambda {|f| f.reverse } end end it 'passes through bare expose attributes' do subject.send(:value_for, :name).should == attributes[:name] end it 'instantiates a representation if that is called for' do rep = subject.send(:value_for, :friends) rep.reject{|r| r.is_a?(fresh_class)}.should be_empty rep.first.serializable_hash[:name].should == 'Friend 1' rep.last.serializable_hash[:name].should == 'Friend 2' end context 'child representations' do it 'disables root key name for child representations' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name, :email end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, :using => EntitySpec::FriendEntity end rep = subject.send(:value_for, :friends) rep.should be_kind_of Array rep.reject{|r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity)}.should be_empty rep.first.serializable_hash[:name].should == 'Friend 1' rep.last.serializable_hash[:name].should == 'Friend 2' end it 'passes through custom options' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name expose :email, :if => { :user_type => :admin } end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, :using => EntitySpec::FriendEntity end rep = subject.send(:value_for, :friends) rep.should be_kind_of Array rep.reject{|r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity)}.should be_empty rep.first.serializable_hash[:email].should be_nil rep.last.serializable_hash[:email].should be_nil rep = subject.send(:value_for, :friends, { :user_type => :admin }) rep.should be_kind_of Array rep.reject{|r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity)}.should be_empty rep.first.serializable_hash[:email].should == '' rep.last.serializable_hash[:email].should == '' end it 'ignores the :collection parameter in the source options' do module EntitySpec class FriendEntity < Grape::Entity root 'friends', 'friend' expose :name expose :email, :if => { :collection => true } end end fresh_class.class_eval do expose :friends, :using => EntitySpec::FriendEntity end rep = subject.send(:value_for, :friends, { :collection => false }) rep.should be_kind_of Array rep.reject{|r| r.is_a?(EntitySpec::FriendEntity)}.should be_empty rep.first.serializable_hash[:email].should == '' rep.last.serializable_hash[:email].should == '' end end it 'calls through to the proc if there is one' do subject.send(:value_for, :computed, :awesome => 123).should == 123 end it 'returns a formatted value if format_with is passed' do subject.send(:value_for, :birthday).should == '02/27/2012' end it 'returns a formatted value if format_with is passed a lambda' do subject.send(:value_for, :fantasies).should == ['Nessy', 'Double Rainbows', 'Unicorns'] end end describe '#documentation' do it 'returns an empty hash is no documentation is provided' do fresh_class.expose :name subject.documentation.should == {} end it 'returns each defined documentation hash' do doc = {:type => "foo", :desc => "bar"} fresh_class.expose :name, :documentation => doc fresh_class.expose :email, :documentation => doc fresh_class.expose :birthday subject.documentation.should == {:name => doc, :email => doc} end end describe '#key_for' do it 'returns the attribute if no :as is set' do fresh_class.expose :name subject.send(:key_for, :name).should == :name end it 'returns a symbolized version of the attribute' do fresh_class.expose :name subject.send(:key_for, 'name').should == :name end it 'returns the :as alias if one exists' do fresh_class.expose :name, :as => :nombre subject.send(:key_for, 'name').should == :nombre end end describe '#conditions_met?' do it 'only passes through hash :if exposure if all attributes match' do exposure_options = {:if => {:condition1 => true, :condition2 => true}} subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {}).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => true).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => true, :condition2 => true).should be_true subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => false, :condition2 => true).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => true, :condition2 => true, :other => true).should be_true end it 'looks for presence/truthiness if a symbol is passed' do exposure_options = {:if => :condition1} subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {}).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {:condition1 => true}).should be_true subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {:condition1 => false}).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {:condition1 => nil}).should be_false end it 'looks for absence/falsiness if a symbol is passed' do exposure_options = {:unless => :condition1} subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {}).should be_true subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {:condition1 => true}).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {:condition1 => false}).should be_true subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {:condition1 => nil}).should be_true end it 'only passes through proc :if exposure if it returns truthy value' do exposure_options = {:if => lambda{|_,opts| opts[:true]}} subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :true => false).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :true => true).should be_true end it 'only passes through hash :unless exposure if any attributes do not match' do exposure_options = {:unless => {:condition1 => true, :condition2 => true}} subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, {}).should be_true subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => true).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => true, :condition2 => true).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => false, :condition2 => true).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => true, :condition2 => true, :other => true).should be_false subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :condition1 => false, :condition2 => false).should be_true end it 'only passes through proc :unless exposure if it returns falsy value' do exposure_options = {:unless => lambda{|_,options| options[:true] == true}} subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :true => false).should be_true subject.send(:conditions_met?, exposure_options, :true => true).should be_false end end describe '::DSL' do subject{ } it 'creates an Entity class when called' do subject.should_not be_const_defined :Entity subject.send(:include, Grape::Entity::DSL) subject.should be_const_defined :Entity end context 'pre-mixed' do before{ subject.send(:include, Grape::Entity::DSL) } it 'is able to define entity traits through DSL' do subject.entity do expose :name end subject.entity_class.exposures.should_not be_empty end it 'is able to expose straight from the class' do subject.entity :name, :email subject.entity_class.exposures.size.should == 2 end it 'is able to mix field and advanced exposures' do subject.entity :name, :email do expose :third end subject.entity_class.exposures.size.should == 3 end context 'instance' do let(:instance){ } describe '#entity' do it 'is an instance of the entity class' do instance.entity.should be_kind_of(subject.entity_class) end it 'has an object of itself' do instance.entity.object.should == instance end it 'should instantiate with options if provided' do instance.entity(:awesome => true).options.should == {:awesome => true} end end end end end end end