# Plugins Hybrid Platforms Conductor ships with plenty of plugins of any type. The type of the plugin is defined by the directory in which the plugin is encountered. Check [how to create plugins](plugins_create.md) to know how to add your own plugins to this list. Following are all possible plugin types and the plugins shipped by default with Hybrid Platforms Conductor. # Table of Contents * [`action`](#action) * [`cmdb`](#cmdb) * [`connector`](#connector) * [`platform_handler`](#platform_handler) * [`provisioner`](#provisioner) * [`report`](#report) * [`test`](#test) * [`test_report`](#test_report) ## Actions Define the kind of actions that can be executed by various processes. Corresponding plugin type: `action`. These plugins are meant to define new action types that can be used by the [`ActionsExecutor`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/actions_executor.rb). Examples of actions are: * Remote bash: Execute remote bash on the node * Ruby: Execute Ruby code Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/action/my_action.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`bash`](plugins/action/bash.md) * [`interactive`](plugins/action/interactive.md) * [`remote_bash`](plugins/action/remote_bash.md) * [`ruby`](plugins/action/ruby.md) * [`scp`](plugins/action/scp.md) ## CMDBs Retrieve nodes' metadata from various sources. Corresponding plugin type: `cmdb`. These plugins allow to retrieve metadata associated to a node, returned by the [`NodesHandler`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/nodes_handler.rb). New plugins can be used to retrieve new properties that can then be used by Hybrid Platforms Conductor. Examples of CMDBs are: * Host keys: Get host keys associated to nodes * Host IPs: Get a node's host IP Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/cmdb/my_cmdb.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`config`](plugins/cmdb/config.md) * [`host_ip`](plugins/cmdb/host_ip.md) * [`host_keys`](plugins/cmdb/host_keys.md) * [`platform_handlers`](plugins/cmdb/platform_handlers.md) ## Connectors Give a way to execute remote bash or transfer files to nodes. Corresponding plugin type: `connector`. These plugins give ways for the [`ActionsExecutor`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/actions_executor.rb) to connect to nodes when some actions require it (like the remote code executions for example). Examples of connectors are: * SSH: Connect to a node using SSH * Docker: Connect using a Docker socket * awscli: Connect using awscli Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/connector/my_connector.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`local`](plugins/connector/local.md) * [`ssh`](plugins/connector/ssh.md) ## Platform Handlers Handle repositories of nodes' inventory and services to be deployed. Corresponding plugin type: `platform_handler`. These plugins are used to support different types of platforms' repositories, returned by the [`NodesHandler`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/nodes_handler.rb) Platforms are registered in the `./hpc_config.rb` file of your project. Example from a locally checked out platform: ```ruby _platform path: '/path/to/platform/to_be_handled_by_your_plugin' ``` Example from a platform present in a Git repository: ```ruby _platform git: '' ``` Examples of platform handlers are: * Chef: Handle a platform using Chef * Ansible: Handle a platform using Ansible Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/platform_handler/platform_handler_plugin.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`yaml_inventory`](plugins/platform_handler/yaml_inventory.md) ## Provisioners Give a way to provision new nodes. Corresponding plugin type: `provisioner`. These plugins add new ways to provision infrastructure, used by the [`Deployer`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/deployer.rb) Examples of provisioners are: * Docker: Provision Docker containers * Podman: Provision Podman pods * Terraform: Provision nodes through Terraform * Proxmox: Provision containers or VMs using Proxmox Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/provisioner/my_provisioner.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`docker`](plugins/provisioner/docker.md) * [`podman`](plugins/provisioner/podman.md) * [`proxmox`](plugins/provisioner/proxmox.md) ## Reports Report inventory and metadata information. Corresponding plugin type: `report`. These plugins add new ways to publish inventory reports produced by the [`ReportsHandler`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/reports_handler.rb) Examples of reports are: * stdout: Just dump inventory on stdout * Mediawiki: Dump inventory in a Mediawiki page Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/report/my_report_plugin.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`confluence`](plugins/report/confluence.md) * [`mediawiki`](plugins/report/mediawiki.md) * [`stdout`](plugins/report/stdout.md) ## Tests Perform various tests, on nodes, on platform repositories, and global ones as well. Corresponding plugin type: `test`. These plugins add available tests to the [`TestsRunner`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/tests_runner.rb). Depending on the API they implement, they can define tests at global level, at platform level or at node level. Examples of tests are: * Spectre: Test a node against Spectre vulnerability * Executables: Test that executables run without errors * Divergence: Test that a node has not diverged from the configuration stored in its platform handler Check the [sample plugin file](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/test/my_test_plugin.rb.sample) to know more about the API that needs to be implemented by such plugins. Plugins shipped by default: * [`bitbucket_conf`](plugins/test/bitbucket_conf.md) * [`can_be_checked`](plugins/test/can_be_checked.md) * [`check_deploy_and_idempotence`](plugins/test/check_deploy_and_idempotence.md) * [`check_from_scratch`](plugins/test/check_from_scratch.md) * [`connection`](plugins/test/connection.md) * [`deploy_freshness`](plugins/test/deploy_freshness.md) * [`deploy_from_scratch`](plugins/test/deploy_from_scratch.md) * [`deploy_removes_root_access`](plugins/test/deploy_removes_root_access.md) * [`divergence`](plugins/test/divergence.md) * [`executables`](plugins/test/executables.md) * [`file_system_hdfs`](plugins/test/file_system_hdfs.md) * [`file_system`](plugins/test/file_system.md) * [`hostname`](plugins/test/hostname.md) * [`idempotence`](plugins/test/idempotence.md) * [`ip`](plugins/test/ip.md) * [`jenkins_ci_conf`](plugins/test/jenkins_ci_conf.md) * [`jenkins_ci_masters_ok`](plugins/test/jenkins_ci_masters_ok.md) * [`linear_strategy`](plugins/test/linear_strategy.md) * [`local_users`](plugins/test/local_users.md) * [`mounts`](plugins/test/mounts.md) * [`orphan_files`](plugins/test/orphan_files.md) * [`ports`](plugins/test/ports.md) * [`private_ips`](plugins/test/private_ips.md) * [`public_ips`](plugins/test/public_ips.md) * [`spectre`](plugins/test/spectre.md) * [`veids`](plugins/test/veids.md) * [`vulnerabilities`](plugins/test/vulnerabilities.md) ## Test reports Report testing results on various mediums. Corresponding plugin type: `test_report`. These plugins add new ways to publish tests reports, done by the [`TestsRunner`](../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/tests_runner.rb). Examples of tests reports are: * stdout: Just dump tests results on stdout * Confluence: Dump tests reports in a Confluence page Plugins shipped by default: * [`confluence`](plugins/test_report/confluence.md) * [`stdout`](plugins/test_report/stdout.md)