= Authors Gregoire Lejeune <gregoire dot lejeune at free dot fr> * Maintener Eust�quio "TaQ" Rangel <eustaquiorangel at yahoo dot com> * Add parameters support Brendan Taylor <whateley at gmail dot com> * Add external function support * Add media_type function * Changes to the way XSLT files are loaded, so that we can keep their base URI straight <kiyoya at gmail dot com> * Add definitions for some error classes and sets libxml error function Pau Garcia i Quiles <pgquiles at elpauer dot org> * gemspec == Thanks to : knu <knu at freebsd dot org> for FreeBSD port (see http://www.freshports.org/textproc/ruby-xslt/) Robert Shaw <rshaw at opendarwin dot org> for opendarwin port (see http://rb-xslt.darwinports.com/) Alexis Bernard aka alex__ for testing