module Jason::Publisher extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Warning: Could be expensive. Mainly useful for rebuilding cache after changing Jason config or on deploy def self.cache_all Rails.application.eager_load! ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |klass| $redis_jason.del("jason:cache:#{}") klass.cache_all if klass.respond_to?(:cache_all) end end def cache_json as_json_config = api_model.as_json_config scope = api_model.scope # Exists if self.persisted? && (scope.blank? || self.class.unscoped.send(scope).exists?( payload = self.as_json(as_json_config) gidx =,, payload) return [payload, gidx] # Has been destroyed else $redis_jason.hdel("jason:cache:#{}", return [] end end def force_publish_json # As-if newly created publish_json( { |k,v| [k, [nil, v]] }.to_h) end def publish_json(previous_changes = {}) payload, gidx = cache_json return if skip_publish_json subs = jason_subscriptions # Get this first, because could be changed # Situations where IDs may need to change and this can't be immediately determined # - An instance is created where it belongs_to an instance under a subscription # - An instance belongs_to association changes - e.g. comment.post_id changes to/from one with a subscription # - TODO: The value of an instance changes so that it enters/leaves a subscription # TODO: Optimize this, by caching associations rather than checking each time instance is saved jason_assocs = self.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to) .reject { |assoc| assoc.polymorphic? } # Can't get the class name of a polymorphic association, by .select { |assoc| assoc.klass.respond_to?(:has_jason?) } jason_assocs.each do |assoc| if previous_changes[assoc.foreign_key].present? Jason::Subscription.update_ids(, id,, previous_changes[assoc.foreign_key][0], previous_changes[assoc.foreign_key][1] ) elsif (persisted? && @was_a_new_record && send(assoc.foreign_key).present?) Jason::Subscription.update_ids(, id,, nil, send(assoc.foreign_key) ) end end if !persisted? # Deleted Jason::Subscription.remove_ids(, [id] ) end if persisted? applied_sub_ids = [] jason_conditions.each do |row| matches = row['conditions'].map do |key, rules|, rules, previous_changes) end next if matches.all? { |m| m.nil? } # None of the keys were in previous changes - therefore this condition does not apply in_sub = matches.all? { |m| m } if in_sub row['subscription_ids'].each do |sub_id| Jason::Subscription.find_by_id(sub_id).add_id(, applied_sub_ids.push(sub_id) end else row['subscription_ids'].each do |sub_id| jason_subscriptions.each do |already_sub_id| # If this sub ID already has this instance, remove it if already_sub_id == sub_id sub = Jason::Subscription.find_by_id(already_sub_id) sub.remove_id(, applied_sub_ids.push(already_sub_id) end end end end end jason_subscriptions.each do |sub_id| next if applied_sub_ids.include?(sub_id) sub_id).update(, id, payload, gidx) end end end def publish_json_if_changed subscribed_fields = api_model.subscribed_fields publish_json(self.previous_changes) if ( & subscribed_fields).present? || !self.persisted? end def jason_subscriptions Jason::Subscription.for_instance(, id) end def jason_conditions Jason::Subscription.conditions_for_model( end def jason_cached_value JSON.parse($redis_jason.get("jason:cache:#{}:#{id}") || '{}') end class_methods do def cache_all all.find_each(&:cache_json) end def cache_for(ids) where(id: ids).find_each(&:cache_json) end def has_jason? true end def flush_cache $redis_jason.del("jason:cache:#{}") end def setup_json self.before_save -> { @was_a_new_record = new_record? } self.after_initialize -> { @api_model = } self.after_commit :force_publish_json, on: [:create, :destroy] self.after_commit :publish_json_if_changed, on: [:update] end end included do attr_accessor :skip_publish_json, :api_model setup_json end end