# [](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer) Glimmer 1.0.4 - DSL Framework
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**[Contributors Wanted! (Submit a Glimmer App Sample to Get Started)](#contributing)**
(The Original Glimmer Library Since 2007. Beware of Imitators!)
[**Glimmer**](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer) is a DSL Framework that consists of:
- DSL Engine: enables building DSLs for desktop GUI, XML/HTML documents, CSS styling, and webification of desktop apps.
- Data-Binding/Observer/Observable Library: enables synchronizing GUI with Model Attributes bidirectionally.
[**Glimmer**](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer) started out as [GUI Library](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) and grew into a full-fledged [DSL Framework](#multi-dsl-support). Glimmer's namesake is referring to the Glimmer of Ruby in Graphical User Interfaces (contrary to popular myth perpetrated by [Charles Nutter](http://blog.headius.com/2007/11/tab-sweep.html), Glimmer has nothing to do with the ill-fated Whitney Houston movie, which does not in fact share the same name)
[**Glimmer**](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer) supports the following DSLs:
- [glimmer-dsl-swt](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt): Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development GUI Library)
- [glimmer-dsl-tk](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk): Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library)
- [glimmer-dsl-opal](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-opal): Glimmer DSL for Opal (Web GUI Adapter for Desktop Apps)
- [glimmer-dsl-xml](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-xml): Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML)
- [glimmer-dsl-css](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-css): Glimmer DSL for CSS
[Glimmer and/or Glimmer DSLs receive two updates per month](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-swt/versions). You can trust [Glimmer](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer) with your Ruby development needs.
Featured in
JRuby Cookbook](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596519650.do)
## Table of contents
- [Glimmer 1.0.4](#-glimmer-104)
- [Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development GUI Library)](#glimmer-dsl-for-swt-jruby-desktop-development-gui-library)
- [Glimmer DSL for SWT Samples](#glimmer-dsl-for-swt-samples)
- [Hello, World!](#hello-world)
- [Tic Tac Toe](#tic-tac-toe)
- [Contact Manager](#contact-manager)
- [Production Desktop Apps Built with Glimmer DSL for SWT](#production-desktop-apps-built-with-glimmer-dsl-for-swt)
- [Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library)](#glimmer-dsl-for-tk-ruby-desktop-development-gui-library)
- [Glimmer DSL for Tk Samples](#glimmer-dsl-for-tk-samples)
- [Hello, World!](#hello-world)
- [Hello, Tab!](#hello-tab)
- [Hello, Combo!](#hello-combo)
- [Glimmer DSL for Opal (Web GUI Adapter for Desktop Apps)](#glimmer-dsl-for-opal-web-gui-adapter-for-desktop-apps)
- [Glimmer DSL for Opal Samples](#glimmer-dsl-for-opal-samples)
- [Hello, Computed!](#hello-computed)
- [Glimmer Calculator](#glimmer-calculator)
- [Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML)](#glimmer-dsl-for-xml--html)
- [XML DSL](#xml-dsl)
- [Glimmer DSL for CSS](#glimmer-dsl-for-css)
- [CSS DSL](#css-dsl)
- [Multi-DSL Support](#multi-dsl-support)
- [Glimmer Supporting Libraries](#glimmer-supporting-libraries)
- [Glimmer Process](#glimmer-process)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Help](#help)
- [Issues](#issues)
- [Chat](#chat)
- [Feature Suggestions](#feature-suggestions)
- [Change Log](#change-log)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Hire Me](#hire-me)
- [License](#license)
## Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development GUI Library)
[Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) is a native-GUI cross-platform desktop development library written in [JRuby](https://www.jruby.org/), an OS-threaded faster version of [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/). [Glimmer](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer)'s main innovation is a declarative [Ruby DSL](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#glimmer-dsl-syntax) that enables productive and efficient authoring of desktop application user-interfaces while relying on the robust [Eclipse SWT library](https://www.eclipse.org/swt/). [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) additionally innovates by having built-in [data-binding](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#data-binding) support, which greatly facilitates synchronizing the GUI with domain models, thus achieving true decoupling of object oriented components and enabling developers to solve business problems (test-first) without worrying about GUI concerns. To get started quickly, [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) offers [scaffolding](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#scaffolding) options for [Apps](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#in-production), [Gems](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#custom-shell-gem), and [Custom Widgets](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#custom-widgets). [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) also includes native-executable [packaging](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#packaging--distribution) support, sorely lacking in other libraries, thus enabling the delivery of desktop apps written in [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) as truly native DMG/PKG/APP files on the [Mac](https://www.apple.com/ca/macos) + [App Store](https://developer.apple.com/macos/distribution/) and MSI/EXE files on [Windows](https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows).
To get started, visit the [Glimmer DSL for SWT project page](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt#pre-requisites) for instructions on installing the [glimmer-dsl-swt gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-swt).
### Glimmer DSL for SWT Samples
#### Hello, World!
Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_world.rb](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt/blob/master/samples/hello/hello_world.rb)):
include Glimmer
shell {
text "Glimmer"
label {
text "Hello, World!"
glimmer sample:run[hello_world]
Glimmer app:
![Hello World](images/glimmer-hello-world.png)
#### Tic Tac Toe
Glimmer code (from [samples/elaborate/tic_tac_toe.rb](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt/blob/master/samples/elaborate/tic_tac_toe.rb)):
# ...
@tic_tac_toe_board = Board.new
@shell = shell {
text "Tic-Tac-Toe"
minimum_size 150, 178
composite {
grid_layout 3, true
(1..3).each { |row|
(1..3).each { |column|
button {
layout_data :fill, :fill, true, true
text bind(@tic_tac_toe_board[row, column], :sign)
enabled bind(@tic_tac_toe_board[row, column], :empty)
font style: :bold, height: 20
on_widget_selected {
@tic_tac_toe_board.mark(row, column)
observe(@tic_tac_toe_board, :game_status) { |game_status|
display_win_message if game_status == Board::WIN
display_draw_message if game_status == Board::DRAW
# ...
glimmer sample:run[tic_tac_toe]
Glimmer app:
![Tic Tac Toe](images/glimmer-tic-tac-toe-in-progress.png)
#### Contact Manager
Glimmer code (from [samples/elaborate/contact_manager.rb](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt/blob/master/samples/elaborate/contact_manager.rb)):
# ...
shell {
text "Contact Manager"
composite {
group {
grid_layout(2, false) {
margin_width 0
margin_height 0
layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
text 'Lookup Contacts'
font height: 24
label {
layout_data :right, :center, false, false
text "First &Name: "
font height: 16
text {
layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
text bind(@contact_manager_presenter, :first_name)
on_key_pressed {|key_event|
@contact_manager_presenter.find if key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr)
label {
layout_data :right, :center, false, false
text "&Last Name: "
font height: 16
text {
layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
text bind(@contact_manager_presenter, :last_name)
on_key_pressed {|key_event|
@contact_manager_presenter.find if key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr)
label {
layout_data :right, :center, false, false
text "&Email: "
font height: 16
text {
layout_data :fill, :center, true, false
text bind(@contact_manager_presenter, :email)
on_key_pressed {|key_event|
@contact_manager_presenter.find if key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr)
composite {
row_layout {
margin_width 0
margin_height 0
layout_data(:right, :center, false, false) {
horizontal_span 2
button {
text "&Find"
on_widget_selected { @contact_manager_presenter.find }
on_key_pressed {|key_event|
@contact_manager_presenter.find if key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr)
button {
text "&List All"
on_widget_selected { @contact_manager_presenter.list }
on_key_pressed {|key_event|
@contact_manager_presenter.list if key_event.keyCode == swt(:cr)
table(:multi) { |table_proxy|
layout_data {
horizontal_alignment :fill
vertical_alignment :fill
grab_excess_horizontal_space true
grab_excess_vertical_space true
height_hint 200
table_column {
text "First Name"
width 80
table_column {
text "Last Name"
width 80
table_column {
text "Email"
width 200
items bind(@contact_manager_presenter, :results),
column_properties(:first_name, :last_name, :email)
on_mouse_up { |event|
table_proxy.edit_table_item(event.table_item, event.column_index)
# ...
glimmer sample:run[contact_manager]
Glimmer App:
![Contact Manager](images/glimmer-contact-manager.png)
### Production Desktop Apps Built with Glimmer DSL for SWT
[Are We There Yet?](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/are-we-there-yet) - Small Project Tracking App
![Are We There Yet? App Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/are-we-there-yet/master/are-we-there-yet-screenshot-windows.png)
Math Bowling](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/MathBowling) - Elementary Level Math Game Featuring Bowling Rules
![Math Bowling App Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/MathBowling/master/Math-Bowling-Screenshot.png)
## Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library)
[Tcl/Tk](https://www.tcl.tk/) has evolved into a practical desktop GUI toolkit due to gaining truely native looking widgets on Mac, Windows, and Linux in [Tk version 8.5](https://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/8.5.html#:~:text=Highlights%20of%20Tk%208.5&text=Font%20rendering%3A%20Now%20uses%20anti,and%20window%20layout%2C%20and%20more.).
Additionally, [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) 3.0 Ractor (formerly known as [Guilds](https://olivierlacan.com/posts/concurrency-in-ruby-3-with-guilds/)) supports truly parallel multi-threading, making both [MRI](https://github.com/ruby/ruby) and [Tk](https://www.tcl.tk/) finally viable for support in [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library) as an alternative to [JRuby on SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt).
The trade-off is that while [SWT](https://www.eclipse.org/swt/) provides a plethora of high quality reusable widgets for the Enterprise (such as [Nebula](https://www.eclipse.org/nebula/)), [Tk](https://www.tcl.tk/) enables very fast app startup time via [MRI Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/).
[Glimmer DSL for Tk](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk) aims to provide a DSL similar to the [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) to enable more productive desktop development in Ruby with:
- Declarative DSL syntax that visually maps to the GUI widget hierarchy
- Convention over configuration via smart defaults and automation of low-level details
- Requiring the least amount of syntax possible to build GUI
- Bidirectional Data-Binding to declaratively wire and automatically synchronize GUI with Business Models
- Custom Widget support
- Scaffolding for new custom widgets, apps, and gems
- Native-Executable packaging on Mac, Windows, and Linux
To get started, visit the [Glimmer DSL for Tk project page](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk#pre-requisites) for instructions on installing the [glimmer-dsl-tk gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-tk).
### Glimmer DSL for Tk Samples
#### Hello, World!
Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_world.rb](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/blob/master/samples/hello/hello_world.rb)):
include Glimmer
root {
label {
text 'Hello, World!'
Run (with the [glimmer-dsl-tk](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-tk) gem installed):
ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_world.rb'"
Glimmer app:
![glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello world](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/master/images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-world.png)
#### Hello, Tab!
Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_tab.rb](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/blob/master/samples/hello/hello_tab.rb)):
include Glimmer
root {
title 'Hello, Tab!'
notebook {
frame(text: 'English') {
label {
text 'Hello, World!'
frame(text: 'French') {
label {
text 'Bonjour, Univers!'
Run (with the [glimmer-dsl-tk](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-tk) gem installed):
ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_tab.rb'"
Glimmer app:
![glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello tab English](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/master/images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-tab-english.png)
![glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello tab French](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/master/images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-tab-french.png)
#### Hello, Combo!
Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_combo.rb](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/blob/master/samples/hello/hello_combo.rb)):
# ... more code precedes
root {
title 'Hello, Combo!'
combobox { |proxy|
state 'readonly'
text bind(person, :country)
button { |proxy|
text "Reset Selection"
command {
# ... more code follows
Run (with the [glimmer-dsl-tk](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-tk) gem installed):
ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_combo.rb'"
Glimmer app:
![glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello combo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/master/images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-combo.png)
![glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello combo dropdown](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/master/images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-combo-dropdown.png)
## Glimmer DSL for Opal (Web GUI Adapter for Desktop Apps)
[Glimmer DSL for Opal](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-opal) is an experimental proof-of-concept web GUI adapter for [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) desktop apps (i.e. apps built with [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt)). It webifies them via [Rails](https://rubyonrails.org/), allowing Ruby desktop apps to run on the web via [Opal Ruby](https://opalrb.com/) without changing a line of code. Apps may then be custom-styled for the web with standard CSS.
Glimmer DSL for Opal webifier successfully reuses the entire [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) core DSL engine in [Opal Ruby](https://opalrb.com/) inside a web browser, and as such inherits the full range of powerful Glimmer desktop [data-binding](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer#data-binding) capabilities for the web.
To get started, visit the [Glimmer DSL for Opal project page](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-opal) for instructions on installing the [glimmer-dsl-opal gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-opal).
### Glimmer DSL for Opal Samples
#### Hello, Computed!
Add the following require statement to `app/assets/javascripts/application.rb`
require 'samples/hello/hello_computed'
Or add the Glimmer code directly if you prefer to play around with it:
class HelloComputed
class Contact
attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :year_of_birth
def initialize(attribute_map)
@first_name = attribute_map[:first_name]
@last_name = attribute_map[:last_name]
@year_of_birth = attribute_map[:year_of_birth]
def name
"#{last_name}, #{first_name}"
def age
Time.now.year - year_of_birth.to_i
class HelloComputed
include Glimmer
def initialize
@contact = Contact.new(
first_name: 'Barry',
last_name: 'McKibbin',
year_of_birth: 1985
def launch
shell {
text 'Hello, Computed!'
composite {
grid_layout {
num_columns 2
make_columns_equal_width true
horizontal_spacing 20
vertical_spacing 10
label {text 'First &Name: '}
text {
text bind(@contact, :first_name)
layout_data {
horizontal_alignment :fill
grab_excess_horizontal_space true
label {text '&Last Name: '}
text {
text bind(@contact, :last_name)
layout_data {
horizontal_alignment :fill
grab_excess_horizontal_space true
label {text '&Year of Birth: '}
text {
text bind(@contact, :year_of_birth)
layout_data {
horizontal_alignment :fill
grab_excess_horizontal_space true
label {text 'Name: '}
label {
text bind(@contact, :name, computed_by: [:first_name, :last_name])
layout_data {
horizontal_alignment :fill
grab_excess_horizontal_space true
label {text 'Age: '}
label {
text bind(@contact, :age, on_write: :to_i, computed_by: [:year_of_birth])
layout_data {
horizontal_alignment :fill
grab_excess_horizontal_space true
Glimmer app on the desktop (using [`glimmer-dsl-swt`](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) gem):
![Glimmer DSL for SWT Hello Computed](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer/blob/master/images/glimmer-hello-computed.png)
Glimmer app on the web (using `glimmer-dsl-opal` gem):
Start the Rails server:
rails s
Visit `http://localhost:3000`
You should see "Hello, Computed!"
![Glimmer DSL for Opal Hello Computed](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-opal/master/images/glimmer-dsl-opal-hello-computed.png)
#### Glimmer Calculator
Add the [glimmer-cs-calculator](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-cs-calculator) gem to `Gemfile` (without requiring):
gem 'glimmer-cs-calculator', require: false
Add the following require statement to `app/assets/javascripts/application.rb`
require 'glimmer-cs-calculator/launch'
Sample GUI code (relies on custom widgets `command_button`, `operation_button`, and `number_button`):
shell {
minimum_size (OS.mac? ? 320 : (OS.windows? ? 390 : 520)), 240
image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'package', 'windows', "Glimmer Calculator.ico") if OS.windows?
text "Glimmer - Calculator"
grid_layout 4, true
# Setting styled_text to multi in order for alignment options to activate
styled_text(:multi, :wrap, :border) {
text bind(@presenter, :result)
alignment swt(:right)
right_margin 5
font height: 40
layout_data(:fill, :fill, true, true) {
horizontal_span 4
editable false
caret nil
(7..9).each { |number|
operation_button('+', font: @button_font_big, vertical_span: 2)
(4..6).each { |number|
(1..3).each { |number|
command_button('=', font: @button_font_big, vertical_span: 2)
number_button(0, horizontal_span: 2)
Glimmer app on the desktop (using the [`glimmer-dsl-swt`](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) gem):
![Glimmer Calculator Linux](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-cs-calculator/master/glimmer-cs-calculator-screenshot-linux.png)
Glimmer app on the web (using `glimmer-dsl-opal` gem):
Start the Rails server:
rails s
Visit `http://localhost:3000`
(or visit: http://glimmer-cs-calculator-server.herokuapp.com)
You should see "Glimmer Calculator"
[![Glimmer Calculator Opal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-cs-calculator/master/glimmer-cs-calculator-screenshot-opal.png)](http://glimmer-cs-calculator-server.herokuapp.com)
Here is an Apple Calculator CSS themed version (with [CSS only](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-cs-calculator/blob/master/server/glimmer-cs-calculator-server/app/assets/stylesheets/welcomes_apple.scss), no app code changes):
Visit http://glimmer-cs-calculator-server.herokuapp.com/welcomes/apple
You should see "Apple Calculator Theme"
[![Glimmer Calculator Opal Apple Calculator Theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-cs-calculator/master/glimmer-cs-calculator-screenshot-opal-apple.png)](http://glimmer-cs-calculator-server.herokuapp.com/welcomes/apple)
## Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML)
[Glimmer DSL for XML](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-xml) provides Ruby syntax for building XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents.
Within the context of desktop development, Glimmer DSL for XML is useful in providing XML data for the [SWT Browser widget](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer/tree/master#browser-widget).
Simply start with `html` keyword and add HTML inside its block using Glimmer DSL syntax.
Once done, you may call `to_s`, `to_xml`, or `to_html` to get the formatted HTML output.
Here are all the Glimmer XML DSL top-level keywords:
- `html`
- `tag`: enables custom tag creation for exceptional cases by passing tag name as '_name' attribute
- `name_space`: enables namespacing html tags
Element properties are typically passed as a key/value hash (e.g. `section(id: 'main', class: 'accordion')`) . However, for properties like "selected" or "checked", you must leave value `nil` or otherwise pass in front of the hash (e.g. `input(:checked, type: 'checkbox')` )
Example (basic HTML):
@xml = html {
head {
meta(name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=2.0")
body {
h1 { "Hello, World!" }
puts @xml