require 'test/unit' require 's4t-utils' require 'user-choices' include S4tUtils set_test_paths(__FILE__) class Examples < Test::Unit::TestCase def evalue(command) result = `#{command}` eval(result) end LIB="-I#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/lib" EX = "ruby #{LIB} #{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/older/" TUT = "ruby #{LIB} #{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/tutorial/" require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/older/command-line" # require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/default-values" # not needed require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/older/multiple-sources" # require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/postprocess" # not needed require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/older/switches" require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/older/two-args" require "#{PACKAGE_ROOT}/examples/older/types" def test_succeeding_examples val = evalue("#{EX}command-line.rb --choice cho sophie paul dawn me") assert_equal({:names => ["sophie", "paul", "dawn", "me"], :choice=>"cho"}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}command-line.rb -c choice") assert_equal({:names => [], :choice => "choice"}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}command-line.rb -cchoice") assert_equal({:names => [], :choice => "choice"}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}command-line.rb --choi choice") assert_equal({:names => [], :choice => "choice"}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}command-line.rb --choi choice -- -name1- -name2-") assert_equal({:names => ['-name1-', '-name2-'], :choice => 'choice'}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}default-values.rb --choice specific") assert_equal({:choice => 'specific'}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}default-values.rb") assert_equal({:choice => 'default'}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}default-values.rb only-arg") assert_equal({:choice => 'default', :name => 'only-arg'}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}types.rb --must-be-integer 3 argument") assert_equal({:arg => 'argument', :must_be_integer => 3}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}switches.rb 1 2") assert_equal({:switch=> false, :args => ['1', '2']}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}switches.rb --switch 1 2") assert_equal({:switch=> true, :args => ['1', '2']}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}switches.rb -s 2 1 ") assert_equal({:switch=> true, :args => ['2', '1']}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}switches.rb --no-switch 1 2") assert_equal({:switch=> false, :args => ['1', '2']}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}switches.rb 1 2 3 4") assert_equal({:switch=> false, :args => ['1', '2', '3', '4']}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}two-args.rb 1 2 ") assert_equal({:args => ['1', '2']}, val) val = evalue("#{EX}postprocess.rb 1 2") assert_equal({:infile => '1', :outfile => '2', :args => ['1', '2']}, val) end def test_multiple_sources_xml xml = "greetings" with_local_config_file("ms-config.xml", xml) { val = evalue("#{EX}multiple-sources.rb") assert_equal({:names => [], :ordinary_choice => 'greetings'}, val) } with_local_config_file("ms-config.xml", xml) { with_environment_vars("ms_ordinary_choice" => 'hi') { val = evalue("#{EX}multiple-sources.rb ") assert_equal({:names => [], :ordinary_choice => 'hi'}, val) } } with_local_config_file("ms-config.xml", xml) { with_environment_vars("ms_ordinary_choice" => 'hi') { val = evalue("#{EX}multiple-sources.rb --ordinary-choice hello") assert_equal({:names => [], :ordinary_choice => 'hello'}, val) } } end def test_multiple_sources_yaml yml = "ordinary_choice: greetings" with_local_config_file("ms-config.yml", yml) { val = evalue("#{EX}multiple-sources.rb") assert_equal({:names => [], :ordinary_choice => 'greetings'}, val) } with_local_config_file("ms-config.yml", yml) { with_environment_vars("ms_ordinary_choice" => 'hi') { val = evalue("#{EX}multiple-sources.rb ") assert_equal({:names => [], :ordinary_choice => 'hi'}, val) } } with_local_config_file("ms-config.yml", yml) { with_environment_vars("ms_ordinary_choice" => 'hi') { val = evalue("#{EX}multiple-sources.rb --ordinary-choice hello") assert_equal({:names => [], :ordinary_choice => 'hello'}, val) } } end def error(klass, args) capturing_stderr { with_pleasant_exceptions { with_command_args(args) { } } } end def test_error_checking assert_match(/missing argument: --choice/, error(CommandLineExample, "--choice")) assert_match(/invalid option: --other/, error(CommandLineExample, "--other 3 -- choice")) assert_match(/--a-or-b's value must be one of 'a' or 'b'.*'not-a' doesn't look right/, error(TypesExample, "--a-or-b not-a argument")) assert_match(/--must-be-integer's value must be an integer/, error(TypesExample, "--must-be-integer 1d argument")) assert_match(/0 arguments given, 1 expected/, error(TypesExample, "")) assert_match(/2 arguments given, 1 expected/, error(TypesExample, "argument extra")) assert_match(/1 argument given, 2 to 4 expected/, error(SwitchExample, "1")) assert_match(/5 arguments given, 2 to 4 expected/, error(SwitchExample, "1 2 3 4 5")) assert_match(/1 argument given, 2 expected/, error(TwoArgExample, "1")) assert_match(/3 arguments given, 2 expected/, error(TwoArgExample, "1 2 3")) end def test_bad_xml xml = " '3') do assert_match(/There are 3 connections./, `#{TUT}tutorial1.rb `) assert_match(/There are 999 connections./, `#{TUT}tutorial1.rb --connection 999`) end with_environment_vars("myprog_connections" => 'hi') do assert_match(/Error in the environment: myprog_connections's value must be an integer, and 'hi' doesn't look right/, `#{TUT}tutorial1.rb 2>&1`) end output = `#{TUT}tutorial1.rb --connections hi 2>&1` assert_match(/Error in the command line: --connections's value must be an integer, and 'hi' doesn't look right/, output) assert_match(/Usage: ruby.*tutorial1.rb/, output) end end def test_tutorial_command_line_behavior_section assert_match(/SSH should be used/, `#{TUT}tutorial2.rb --ssh`) assert_match(/SSH should be used/, `#{TUT}tutorial2.rb -s`) assert_match(/-s,\s+--\[no-\]ssh/, `#{TUT}tutorial2.rb --help 2>&1`) output = `#{TUT}tutorial3.rb arg1 arg2` assert_match(/:files\s*=>\s*\["arg1", "arg2"\]/, output) yaml = " connections: 19 files: - one - two " with_local_config_file(".myprog-config.yml", yaml) do output = `#{TUT}tutorial3.rb cmd` assert_match(/:files\s*=>\s*\["cmd"\]/, output) output = `#{TUT}tutorial3.rb` assert_match(/:files\s*=>\s*\["one", "two"\]/, output) output = `#{TUT}tutorial4.rb 1 2 3 2>&1` assert_match(/Error in the command line: 3 arguments given, 1 or 2 expected/, output) output = `#{TUT}tutorial4.rb` assert_match(/:files\s*=>\s*\["one", "two"\]/, output) end assert_match(/:infile=>"1"/, `#{TUT}tutorial5.rb 1`) assert_match(/Error in the command line: 0 arguments given, 1 expected./, `#{TUT}tutorial5.rb 2>&1`) assert_match(/\{\}/, `#{TUT}tutorial6.rb`) end def test_tutorial_touchup_section output = `#{TUT}tutorial7.rb one two` assert_match(/:infile=>"one"/, output) assert_match(/:outfile=>"two"/, output) assert_match(/:files=>\["one", "two"\]/, output) end end