module ComfortableMexicanSofa::Fixtures def self.import_all(to_hostname, from_hostname = nil) import_layouts to_hostname, from_hostname import_pages to_hostname, from_hostname import_snippets to_hostname, from_hostname end def self.export_all(from_hostname, to_hostname = nil) export_layouts from_hostname, to_hostname export_pages from_hostname, to_hostname export_snippets from_hostname, to_hostname end def self.import_layouts(to_hostname, from_hostname = nil, path = nil, root = true, parent = nil, layout_ids = []) return unless site = Cms::Site.find_by_hostname(to_hostname) return unless path ||= find_fixtures_path((from_hostname || to_hostname), 'layouts') Dir.glob("#{path}/*").select{|f|}.each do |path| slug = path.split('/').last layout = site.layouts.find_by_slug(slug) || => slug) # updating attributes if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, "_#{slug}.yml")) if layout.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > layout.updated_at attributes = YAML.load_file(file_path).symbolize_keys! layout.label = attributes[:label] || slug.titleize layout.app_layout = attributes[:app_layout] || parent.try(:app_layout) end elsif layout.new_record? layout.label = slug.titleize layout.app_layout = parent.try(:app_layout) end # updating content if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, 'content.html')) if layout.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > layout.updated_at layout.content =, 'rb').read end end if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, 'css.css')) if layout.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > layout.updated_at layout.css =, 'rb').read end end if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, 'js.js')) if layout.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > layout.updated_at layout.js =, 'rb').read end end # saving layout.parent = parent if layout.changed?! Rails.logger.debug "[Fixtures] Saved Layout {#{layout.slug}}" end layout_ids << # checking for nested fixtures layout_ids += import_layouts(to_hostname, from_hostname, path, false, layout, layout_ids) end # removing all db entries that are not in fixtures site.layouts.where('id NOT IN (?)', layout_ids.uniq).each{ |l| l.destroy } if root # returning ids of layouts in fixtures layout_ids.uniq end def self.import_pages(to_hostname, from_hostname = nil, path = nil, root = true, parent = nil, page_ids = []) return unless site = Cms::Site.find_by_hostname(to_hostname) return unless path ||= find_fixtures_path((from_hostname || to_hostname), 'pages') Dir.glob("#{path}/*").select{|f|}.each do |path| slug = path.split('/').last page = if parent parent.children.find_by_slug(slug) || => slug, :site => site) else site.pages.root || => slug) end # updating attributes if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, "_#{slug}.yml")) if page.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > page.updated_at attributes = YAML.load_file(file_path).symbolize_keys! page.label = attributes[:label] || slug.titleize page.layout = site.layouts.find_by_slug(attributes[:layout]) || parent.try(:layout) page.target_page = site.pages.find_by_full_path(attributes[:target_page]) page.is_published = attributes[:is_published].present?? attributes[:is_published] : true end elsif page.new_record? page.label = slug.titleize page.layout = parent.try(:layout) end # updating content blocks_attributes = [ ] Dir.glob("#{path}/*.html").each do |file_path| if page.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > page.updated_at label = file_path.split('/').last.split('.').first blocks_attributes << { :label => label, :content =>, 'rb').read } end end # saving page.blocks_attributes = blocks_attributes if blocks_attributes.present? if page.changed? || blocks_attributes.present?! Rails.logger.debug "[Fixtures] Saved Page {#{page.full_path}}" end page_ids << # checking for nested fixtures page_ids += import_pages(to_hostname, from_hostname, path, false, page, page_ids) end # removing all db entries that are not in fixtures site.pages.where('id NOT IN (?)', page_ids.uniq).each{ |p| p.destroy } if root # returning ids of layouts in fixtures page_ids.uniq end def self.import_snippets(to_hostname, from_hostname = nil) return unless site = Cms::Site.find_by_hostname(to_hostname) return unless path = find_fixtures_path((from_hostname || to_hostname), 'snippets') snippet_ids = [] Dir.glob("#{path}/*").select{|f|}.each do |path| slug = path.split('/').last snippet = site.snippets.find_by_slug(slug) || => slug) # updating attributes if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, "_#{slug}.yml")) if snippet.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > snippet.updated_at attributes = YAML.load_file(file_path).symbolize_keys! snippet.label = attributes[:label] || slug.titleize end elsif snippet.new_record? snippet.label = slug.titleize end # updating content if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(path, 'content.html')) if snippet.new_record? || File.mtime(file_path) > snippet.updated_at snippet.content =, 'rb').read end end # saving if snippet.changed?! Rails.logger.debug "[Fixtures] Saved Snippet {#{snippet.slug}}" end snippet_ids << end # removing all db entries that are not in fixtures site.snippets.where('id NOT IN (?)', snippet_ids).each{ |s| s.destroy } end def self.export_layouts(from_hostname, to_hostname = nil) return unless site = Cms::Site.find_by_hostname(from_hostname) path = File.join(ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.fixtures_path, (to_hostname || site.hostname), 'layouts') FileUtils.rm_rf(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) site.layouts.each do |layout| layout_path = File.join(path, layout.ancestors.reverse.collect{|l| l.slug}, layout.slug) FileUtils.mkdir_p(layout_path) open(File.join(layout_path, "_#{layout.slug}.yml"), 'w') do |f| f.write({ 'label' => layout.label, 'app_layout' => layout.app_layout, 'parent' => layout.parent.try(:slug) }.to_yaml) end open(File.join(layout_path, 'content.html'), 'w') do |f| f.write(layout.content) end open(File.join(layout_path, 'css.css'), 'w') do |f| f.write(layout.css) end open(File.join(layout_path, 'js.js'), 'w') do |f| f.write(layout.js) end end end def self.export_pages(from_hostname, to_hostname = nil) return unless site = Cms::Site.find_by_hostname(from_hostname) path = File.join(ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.fixtures_path, (to_hostname || site.hostname), 'pages') FileUtils.rm_rf(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) site.pages.each do |page| page.slug = 'index' if page.slug.blank? page_path = File.join(path, page.ancestors.reverse.collect{|p| p.slug.blank?? 'index' : p.slug}, page.slug) FileUtils.mkdir_p(page_path) open(File.join(page_path, "_#{page.slug}.yml"), 'w') do |f| f.write({ 'label' => page.label, 'layout' => page.layout.try(:slug), 'parent' => page.parent && (page.parent.slug.present?? page.parent.slug : 'index'), 'target_page' => page.target_page.try(:slug), 'is_published' => page.is_published }.to_yaml) end page.blocks_attributes.each do |block| open(File.join(page_path, "#{block[:label]}.html"), 'w') do |f| f.write(block[:content]) end end end end def self.export_snippets(from_hostname, to_hostname = nil) return unless site = Cms::Site.find_by_hostname(from_hostname) path = File.join(ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.fixtures_path, (to_hostname || site.hostname), 'snippets') FileUtils.rm_rf(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) site.snippets.each do |snippet| FileUtils.mkdir_p(snippet_path = File.join(path, snippet.slug)) open(File.join(snippet_path, "_#{snippet.slug}.yml"), 'w') do |f| f.write({'label' => snippet.label}.to_yaml) end open(File.join(snippet_path, 'content.html'), 'w') do |f| f.write(snippet.content) end end end protected def self.find_fixtures_path(hostname, dir) path = File.join(ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.fixtures_path, hostname, dir) File.exists?(path) ? path : nil end end