<?xml version="1.0" ?>
Copyright (c) 1996-2016, F5 Networks, Inc., Seattle, Washington. All rights reserved.  

F5, F5 Networks, the F5 logo, BIG-IP, 3-DNS, iControl, GLOBAL-SITE, SEE-IT, EDGE-FX, FireGuard, Internet Control Architecture, IP Application Switch, iRules, PACKET VELOCITY, SYN Check, CONTROL YOUR WORLD, OneConnect, ZoneRunner, uRoam, FirePass, and TrafficShield are registered trademarks or trademarks of F5 Networks, Inc., in the U.S. and certain other countries. 

All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. F5 Networks' trademarks may not be used in connection with any product or service except as permitted in writing by F5.

<definitions name="Networking.STPInstance"

<!-- types -->

	<xsd:schema targetNamespace='urn:iControl'
		<xsd:simpleType name="Networking.STPStateType">
			<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_STATE_TYPE_DETACH">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_STATE_TYPE_BLOCK">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_STATE_TYPE_LISTEN">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_STATE_TYPE_LEARN">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_STATE_TYPE_FORWARD">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_STATE_TYPE_DISABLE">
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePrioritySequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePriority[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPRoleSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPRole[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPState">
				<xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
				<xsd:element name="state" type="tns:Networking.STPStateType"/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPStateSequenceSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPStateSequence[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Common.StringSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='xsd:string[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Common.ULongSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='xsd:long[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePriority">
				<xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
				<xsd:element name="priority" type="xsd:long"/>
		<xsd:simpleType name="Networking.STPInstance.PathCostType">
			<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
				<xsd:enumeration value="PATH_COST_INTERNAL">
				<xsd:enumeration value="PATH_COST_EXTERNAL">
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.PathCostTypeSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.PathCostType[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCostSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCost[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.PathCostTypeSequenceSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.PathCostTypeSequence[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCost">
				<xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
				<xsd:element name="path_cost" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.PathCost"/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Common.StringSequenceSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Common.StringSequence[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePrioritySequenceSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePrioritySequence[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPStateSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPState[]'/>
		<xsd:simpleType name="Networking.STPRoleType">
			<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_ROLE_TYPE_DISABLE">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_ROLE_TYPE_ROOT">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_ROLE_TYPE_DESIGNATE">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_ROLE_TYPE_ALTERNATE">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_ROLE_TYPE_BACKUP">
				<xsd:enumeration value="STP_ROLE_TYPE_MASTER">
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCostSequenceSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCostSequence[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPRole">
				<xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
				<xsd:element name="role" type="tns:Networking.STPRoleType"/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPRoleSequenceSequence">
				<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
					<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPRoleSequence[]'/>
		<xsd:complexType name="Networking.STPInstance.PathCost">
				<xsd:element name="type" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.PathCostType"/>
				<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:long"/>

<!-- message -->

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_listRequest">
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_listResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.createRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="priorities" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="vlan_names" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.createResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.delete_instanceRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.delete_instanceResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.delete_all_instancesRequest">
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.delete_all_instancesResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.set_bridge_priorityRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="priorities" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.set_bridge_priorityResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_bridge_priorityRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_bridge_priorityResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_root_bridge_mac_addressRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_root_bridge_mac_addressResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Common.StringSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_regional_root_bridge_mac_addressRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_regional_root_bridge_mac_addressResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Common.StringSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_vlanRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_vlanResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.add_vlanRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="vlan_names" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.add_vlanResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.remove_vlanRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="vlan_names" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.remove_vlanResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.remove_all_vlansRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.remove_all_vlansResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_active_stateRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="interfaces" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_active_stateResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPStateSequenceSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_requested_stateRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="interfaces" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_requested_stateResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPStateSequenceSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_roleRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="interfaces" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_roleResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfaceSTPRoleSequenceSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_priorityRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="priorities" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePrioritySequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_priorityResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_priorityRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="interfaces" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_priorityResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePrioritySequenceSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_path_costRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="path_costs" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCostSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_path_costResponse">

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_path_costRequest">
	<part name="stp_instances" type="tns:Common.ULongSequence"/>
	<part name="interfaces" type="tns:Common.StringSequenceSequence"/>
	<part name="path_cost_types" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.PathCostTypeSequenceSequence"/>
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_path_costResponse">
	<part name="return" type="tns:Networking.STPInstance.InterfacePathCostSequenceSequence"/>

<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_versionRequest">
<message name="Networking.STPInstance.get_versionResponse">
	<part name="return" type="xsd:string"/>

<!-- portType -->

<portType name="Networking.STPInstancePortType">
	<operation name="get_list">
 Gets a list of all spanning tree instances.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_listRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_listResponse"/>
	<operation name="create">
 Creates the specified spanning tree instances.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.createRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.createResponse"/>
	<operation name="delete_instance">
 Deletes the specified spanning tree instances.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.delete_instanceRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.delete_instanceResponse"/>
	<operation name="delete_all_instances">
 Deletes all spanning tree instances.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.delete_all_instancesRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.delete_all_instancesResponse"/>
	<operation name="set_bridge_priority">
 Sets the bridge priorities of the specified spanning tree instances. Each bridge in a
 spanning tree instance has a priority value, which controls the topoloty of the spanning
 tree chosen by the protocol.  The bridge with the lowest priority value will become the
 root of the spanning tree. Priority values range from 0-61440 in steps of 4096. Hence,
 the supported priorities are:
      0       16384       32768       49152
   4096       20480       36864       53248
   8192       24576       40960       57344
  12288       28672       45056       61440

 The default bridge priority is 61440, which will prevent BIGIP from being chosen as the root
 bridge.  If the specified bridge priority is not one of the allowed values listed above, it is 
 rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.set_bridge_priorityRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.set_bridge_priorityResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_bridge_priority">
 Gets the bridge priorities of the specified spanning tree instances. Each bridge in a
 spanning tree instance has a priority value, which controls the topoloty of the spanning
 tree chosen by the protocol.  The bridge with the lowest priority value will become the
 root of the spanning tree. Priority values range from 0-61440 in steps of 4096. Hence,
 the supported priorities are:
      0       16384       32768       49152
   4096       20480       36864       53248
   8192       24576       40960       57344
  12288       28672       45056       61440

 The default bridge priority is 61440, which will prevent BIGIP from being chosen as the root
 bridge.  If the specified bridge priority is not one of the allowed values listed above, it is 
 rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_bridge_priorityRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_bridge_priorityResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_root_bridge_mac_address">
 Gets the MAC addresses of the root bridges.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_root_bridge_mac_addressRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_root_bridge_mac_addressResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_regional_root_bridge_mac_address">
 Gets the MAC addresses of the regional root bridges.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_regional_root_bridge_mac_addressRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_regional_root_bridge_mac_addressResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_vlan">
 Gets the lists of VLANs the specified spanning tree instances are associated with.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs automatically
 belong to spanning tree instance 0.

		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_vlanRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_vlanResponse"/>
	<operation name="add_vlan">
 Adds/associates VLANs to the specified spanning tree instances.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs 
 automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0.

		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.add_vlanRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.add_vlanResponse"/>
	<operation name="remove_vlan">
 Removes VLANs from the specified spanning tree instances.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs 
 automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0, and they can not be deleted
 from it.

		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.remove_vlanRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.remove_vlanResponse"/>
	<operation name="remove_all_vlans">
 Removes all VLANs from the specified spanning tree instances.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs 
 automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0, and they can not be deleted
 from it.

		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.remove_all_vlansRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.remove_all_vlansResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_interface_active_state">
 Gets the STP active states for the specified STP port objects.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_active_stateRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_active_stateResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_interface_requested_state">
 Gets the STP requested/configured states for the specified STP port objects.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_requested_stateRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_requested_stateResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_interface_role">
 Gets the STP roles for the specified STP port objects.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_roleRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_roleResponse"/>
	<operation name="set_interface_priority">
 Sets the priorities for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 These priority values influence which interfaces are chosen to carry network traffic. Interfaces with
 numerically lower values are favored to carry traffic. Interface priorities have values in the range 
 from 0-240 in steps of 16. Hence, the supported priorities are:
      0        64       128       192
     16        80       144       208
     32        96       160       224
     48       112       176       240

 The default interface priority is 128.  If the specified interface priority is not one of the allowed
 values listed above, it is rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_priorityRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_priorityResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_interface_priority">
 Gets the priorities for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 These priority values influence which interfaces are chosen to carry network traffic. Interfaces with
 numerically lower values are favored to carry traffic. Interface priorities have values in the range 
 from 0-240 in steps of 16. Hence, the supported priorities are:
      0        64       128       192
     16        80       144       208
     32        96       160       224
     48       112       176       240

 The default interface priority is 128.  If the specified interface priority is not one of the allowed
 values listed above, it is rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_priorityRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_priorityResponse"/>
	<operation name="set_interface_path_cost">
 Sets the path costs for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 An interface path cost represents the relative cost of sending network traffic through that interface.
 In calculating the spanning tree, the algorithm tries to minimize the total path cost between each point
 and the root bridge.  By manipulating the path costs of different interfaces, it's possible to steer
 traffic toward paths that are faster, more reliable, and/or more economical.  Path costs have a range of
 1-200,000,000, and the default path cost for an interface is based on the interface's maximum speed (not
 the actual speed).
      Max interface speed         Default path cost
          10 Gb/s                 2,000
           1 Gb/s                 20,000
         100 Mb/s                 200,000
          10 MB/s                 2,000,000

 The default path cost is a function of the interface's maximum speed, not its actual speed, so the default
 path cost of a 10/100/1000 Mb/s interface will be 20,000 even if the interface is running at 10 Mb/s.
 Changes in link speed don't cause path costs to change.
 Link aggregation doesn't affect the default path cost, i.e. a trunk of four 1 Gb/s interfaces will still
 have a default path cost of 20,000.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_path_costRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.set_interface_path_costResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_interface_path_cost">
 Gets the path costs for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 An interface path cost represents the relative cost of sending network traffic through that interface.
 In calculating the spanning tree, the algorithm tries to minimize the total path cost between each point
 and the root bridge.  By manipulating the path costs of different interfaces, it's possible to steer
 traffic toward paths that are faster, more reliable, and/or more economical.  Path costs have a range of
 1-200,000,000, and the default path cost for an interface is based on the interface's maximum speed (not
 the actual speed).
      Max interface speed         Default path cost
          10 Gb/s                 2,000
           1 Gb/s                 20,000
         100 Mb/s                 200,000
          10 MB/s                 2,000,000

 The default path cost is a function of the interface's maximum speed, not its actual speed, so the default
 path cost of a 10/100/1000 Mb/s interface will be 20,000 even if the interface is running at 10 Mb/s.
 Changes in link speed don't cause path costs to change.
 Link aggregation doesn't affect the default path cost, i.e. a trunk of four 1 Gb/s interfaces will still
 have a default path cost of 20,000.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_path_costRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_interface_path_costResponse"/>
	<operation name="get_version">
 Gets the version information for this interface.

		<input message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_versionRequest"/>
		<output message="tns:Networking.STPInstance.get_versionResponse"/>

<!-- binding -->

<binding name="Networking.STPInstanceBinding" type="tns:Networking.STPInstancePortType">
	<soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
	<operation name="get_list">
 Gets a list of all spanning tree instances.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="create">
 Creates the specified spanning tree instances.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="delete_instance">
 Deletes the specified spanning tree instances.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="delete_all_instances">
 Deletes all spanning tree instances.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="set_bridge_priority">
 Sets the bridge priorities of the specified spanning tree instances. Each bridge in a
 spanning tree instance has a priority value, which controls the topoloty of the spanning
 tree chosen by the protocol.  The bridge with the lowest priority value will become the
 root of the spanning tree. Priority values range from 0-61440 in steps of 4096. Hence,
 the supported priorities are:
      0       16384       32768       49152
   4096       20480       36864       53248
   8192       24576       40960       57344
  12288       28672       45056       61440

 The default bridge priority is 61440, which will prevent BIGIP from being chosen as the root
 bridge.  If the specified bridge priority is not one of the allowed values listed above, it is 
 rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_bridge_priority">
 Gets the bridge priorities of the specified spanning tree instances. Each bridge in a
 spanning tree instance has a priority value, which controls the topoloty of the spanning
 tree chosen by the protocol.  The bridge with the lowest priority value will become the
 root of the spanning tree. Priority values range from 0-61440 in steps of 4096. Hence,
 the supported priorities are:
      0       16384       32768       49152
   4096       20480       36864       53248
   8192       24576       40960       57344
  12288       28672       45056       61440

 The default bridge priority is 61440, which will prevent BIGIP from being chosen as the root
 bridge.  If the specified bridge priority is not one of the allowed values listed above, it is 
 rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_root_bridge_mac_address">
 Gets the MAC addresses of the root bridges.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_regional_root_bridge_mac_address">
 Gets the MAC addresses of the regional root bridges.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_vlan">
 Gets the lists of VLANs the specified spanning tree instances are associated with.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs automatically
 belong to spanning tree instance 0.

		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="add_vlan">
 Adds/associates VLANs to the specified spanning tree instances.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs 
 automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0.

		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="remove_vlan">
 Removes VLANs from the specified spanning tree instances.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs 
 automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0, and they can not be deleted
 from it.

		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="remove_all_vlans">
 Removes all VLANs from the specified spanning tree instances.
 This method may be used only in MSTP mode.  In STP or RSTP mode, all VLANs 
 automatically belong to spanning tree instance 0, and they can not be deleted
 from it.

		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_interface_active_state">
 Gets the STP active states for the specified STP port objects.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_interface_requested_state">
 Gets the STP requested/configured states for the specified STP port objects.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_interface_role">
 Gets the STP roles for the specified STP port objects.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="set_interface_priority">
 Sets the priorities for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 These priority values influence which interfaces are chosen to carry network traffic. Interfaces with
 numerically lower values are favored to carry traffic. Interface priorities have values in the range 
 from 0-240 in steps of 16. Hence, the supported priorities are:
      0        64       128       192
     16        80       144       208
     32        96       160       224
     48       112       176       240

 The default interface priority is 128.  If the specified interface priority is not one of the allowed
 values listed above, it is rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_interface_priority">
 Gets the priorities for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 These priority values influence which interfaces are chosen to carry network traffic. Interfaces with
 numerically lower values are favored to carry traffic. Interface priorities have values in the range 
 from 0-240 in steps of 16. Hence, the supported priorities are:
      0        64       128       192
     16        80       144       208
     32        96       160       224
     48       112       176       240

 The default interface priority is 128.  If the specified interface priority is not one of the allowed
 values listed above, it is rounded down to the next lower value in the list.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="set_interface_path_cost">
 Sets the path costs for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 An interface path cost represents the relative cost of sending network traffic through that interface.
 In calculating the spanning tree, the algorithm tries to minimize the total path cost between each point
 and the root bridge.  By manipulating the path costs of different interfaces, it's possible to steer
 traffic toward paths that are faster, more reliable, and/or more economical.  Path costs have a range of
 1-200,000,000, and the default path cost for an interface is based on the interface's maximum speed (not
 the actual speed).
      Max interface speed         Default path cost
          10 Gb/s                 2,000
           1 Gb/s                 20,000
         100 Mb/s                 200,000
          10 MB/s                 2,000,000

 The default path cost is a function of the interface's maximum speed, not its actual speed, so the default
 path cost of a 10/100/1000 Mb/s interface will be 20,000 even if the interface is running at 10 Mb/s.
 Changes in link speed don't cause path costs to change.
 Link aggregation doesn't affect the default path cost, i.e. a trunk of four 1 Gb/s interfaces will still
 have a default path cost of 20,000.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_interface_path_cost">
 Gets the path costs for the specified network interfaces in the specified spanning tree instances. 
 An interface path cost represents the relative cost of sending network traffic through that interface.
 In calculating the spanning tree, the algorithm tries to minimize the total path cost between each point
 and the root bridge.  By manipulating the path costs of different interfaces, it's possible to steer
 traffic toward paths that are faster, more reliable, and/or more economical.  Path costs have a range of
 1-200,000,000, and the default path cost for an interface is based on the interface's maximum speed (not
 the actual speed).
      Max interface speed         Default path cost
          10 Gb/s                 2,000
           1 Gb/s                 20,000
         100 Mb/s                 200,000
          10 MB/s                 2,000,000

 The default path cost is a function of the interface's maximum speed, not its actual speed, so the default
 path cost of a 10/100/1000 Mb/s interface will be 20,000 even if the interface is running at 10 Mb/s.
 Changes in link speed don't cause path costs to change.
 Link aggregation doesn't affect the default path cost, i.e. a trunk of four 1 Gb/s interfaces will still
 have a default path cost of 20,000.
 In STP or RSTP mode, only STP intance 0 is valid.
		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

	<operation name="get_version">
 Gets the version information for this interface.

		<soap:operation soapAction="urn:iControl:Networking/STPInstance"/>

<!-- service -->

<service name="Networking.STPInstance">
 *IMPORTANT* This entire interface has been deprecated (as of
 11.0.0), due to a change from using numeric identifiers to
 using names to identify STP instances.  Please use the
 STPInstanceV2 interface.

 The STPInstance interface enables you to work with the definitions and attributes associated with an STP instance.  

	<port name="Networking.STPInstancePort" binding="tns:Networking.STPInstanceBinding">
		<soap:address location="https://url_to_service"/>