require_relative "ref_utility" module Metanorma module Standoc module Refs def iso_publisher(bib, code) code.sub(/ .*$/, "").split("/").each do |abbrev| bib.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "publisher" } c.organization do |org| organization(org, abbrev, true) end end end end def isorefrender1(bib, match, year, allp = "") bib.title(**plaintxt) { |i| i << ref_normalise(match[:text]) } docid(bib, match[:usrlbl]) if match[:usrlbl] docid(bib, id_and_year(match[:code], year) + allp) docnumber(bib, match[:code]) end def isorefmatchescode(match) yr = norm_year(match[:year]) { code: match[:code], year: yr, match: match, title: match[:text], usrlbl: match[:usrlbl], lang: (@lang || :all) } end def isorefmatchesout(item, xml) if item[:doc] then use_retrieved_relaton(item, xml) else xml.bibitem **attr_code(ref_attributes(item[:ref][:match])) do |t| isorefrender1(t, item[:ref][:match], item[:ref][:year]) item[:ref][:year] and **{ type: "published" } do |d| set_date_range(d, item[:ref][:year]) end iso_publisher(t, item[:ref][:match][:code]) end end end def isorefmatches2code(match) { code: match[:code], no_year: true, lang: (@lang || :all), note: match[:fn], year: nil, match: match, title: match[:text], usrlbl: match[:usrlbl] } end def isorefmatches2out(item, xml) if item[:doc] then use_retrieved_relaton(item, xml) else isorefmatches2_1(xml, item[:ref][:match]) end end def isorefmatches2_1(xml, match) xml.bibitem **attr_code(ref_attributes(match)) do |t| isorefrender1(t, match, "--") **{ type: "published" } do |d| d.on "--" end iso_publisher(t, match[:code]) unless match[:fn].nil? t.note(**plaintxt.merge(type: "Unpublished-Status")) do |p| p << (match[:fn]).to_s end end end end def isorefmatches3code(match) yr = norm_year(match[:year]) hasyr = !yr.nil? && yr != "--" { code: match[:code], match: match, yr: yr, hasyr: hasyr, year: hasyr ? yr : nil, all_parts: true, no_year: yr == "--", text: match[:text], usrlbl: match[:usrlbl], lang: (@lang || :all) } end def isorefmatches3out(item, xml) if item[:doc] then use_retrieved_relaton(item, xml) else isorefmatches3_1(xml, item[:ref][:match], item[:ref][:yr], item[:ref][:hasyr], item[:doc]) end end def isorefmatches3_1(xml, match, year, _hasyr, _ref) xml.bibitem(**attr_code(ref_attributes(match))) do |t| isorefrender1(t, match, year, " (all parts)") conditional_date(t, match, year == "--") iso_publisher(t, match[:code]) if match.names.include?("fn") && match[:fn] t.note(**plaintxt.merge(type: "Unpublished-Status")) do |p| p << (match[:fn]).to_s end end t.extent **{ type: "part" } do |e| e.referenceFrom "all" end end end def refitem_render1(match, code, bib) if code[:type] == "path" bib.uri code[:key].sub(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, ""), **{ type: "URI" } bib.uri code[:key].sub(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, ""), **{ type: "citation" } end # code[:id].sub!(/[:-](19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/, "") docid(bib, match[:usrlbl]) if match[:usrlbl] docid(bib, /^\d+$/.match?(code[:id]) ? "[#{code[:id]}]" : code[:id]) code[:type] == "repo" and bib.docidentifier code[:key], **{ type: "repository" } end def refitem_render(xml, match, code) xml.bibitem **attr_code(id: match[:anchor], suppress_identifier: code[:dropid], hidden: code[:hidden]) do |t| t.formattedref **{ format: "application/x-isodoc+xml" } do |i| i << ref_normalise_no_format(match[:text]) end yr_match = /[:-](?<year>(?:19|20)[0-9][0-9])\b/.match(code[:id]) refitem_render1(match, code, t) /^\d+$|^\(.+\)$/.match?(code[:id]) or docnumber(t, code[:id].sub(/[:-](19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/, "")) conditional_date(t, yr_match || match, false) end end # TODO: alternative where only title is available def refitemcode(item, node) m = NON_ISO_REF.match(item) and return refitem1code(item, m).compact m = NON_ISO_REF1.match(item) and return refitem1code(item, m).compact @log.add("AsciiDoc Input", node, "#{MALFORMED_REF}: #{item}") {} end def refitem1code(_item, match) code = analyse_ref_code(match[:code]) ((code[:id] && code[:numeric]) || code[:nofetch]) and return { code: nil, match: match, analyse_code: code, hidden: code[:hidden] } year = refitem1yr(code[:id]) { code: code[:id], analyse_code: code, localfile: code[:localfile], year: year, title: match[:text], match: match, hidden: code[:hidden], usrlbl: match[:usrlbl], lang: (@lang || :all) } end def refitem1yr(code) yr_match = /[:-](?<year>(?:19|20)[0-9][0-9])\b/.match(code) yr_match ? yr_match[:year] : nil end def refitemout(item, xml) return nil if item[:ref][:match].nil? item[:doc] or return refitem_render(xml, item[:ref][:match], item[:ref][:analyse_code]) use_retrieved_relaton(item, xml) end ISO_REF = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<usrlbl>\([^)]+\))?(?<code>(?:ISO|IEC)[^0-9]*\s[0-9-]+|IEV) (?::(?<year>[0-9][0-9-]+))?\]</ref>,?\s*(?<text>.*)$}xm.freeze ISO_REF_NO_YEAR = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<usrlbl>\([^)]+\))?(?<code>(?:ISO|IEC)[^0-9]*\s[0-9-]+): (?:--|&\#821[12];)\]</ref>,?\s* (?:<fn[^>]*>\s*<p>(?<fn>[^\]]+)</p>\s*</fn>)?,?\s?(?<text>.*)$}xm .freeze ISO_REF_ALL_PARTS = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<usrlbl>\([^)]+\))?(?<code>(?:ISO|IEC)[^0-9]*\s[0-9]+) (?::(?<year>--|&\#821[12];|[0-9][0-9-]+))?\s \(all\sparts\)\]</ref>,?\s* (?:<fn[^>]*>\s*<p>(?<fn>[^\]]+)</p>\s*</fn>,?\s?)?(?<text>.*)$}xm.freeze NON_ISO_REF = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<usrlbl>\([^)]+\))?(?<code>.+?)\]</ref>,?\s*(?<text>.*)$}xm .freeze NON_ISO_REF1 = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> (?<usrlbl>\([^)]+\))?(?<code>.+?)</ref>,?\s*(?<text>.*)$}xm .freeze def reference1_matches(item) matched = ISO_REF.match item matched2 = ISO_REF_NO_YEAR.match item matched3 = ISO_REF_ALL_PARTS.match item [matched, matched2, matched3] end def reference1code(item, node) matched, matched2, matched3 = reference1_matches(item) if matched3.nil? && matched2.nil? && matched.nil? refitemcode(item, node).merge(process: 0) elsif !matched.nil? then isorefmatchescode(matched).merge(process: 1) elsif !matched2.nil? then isorefmatches2code(matched2).merge(process: 2) elsif !matched3.nil? then isorefmatches3code(matched3).merge(process: 3) end end def reference1out(item, xml) case item[:ref][:process] when 0 then refitemout(item, xml) when 1 then isorefmatchesout(item, xml) when 2 then isorefmatches2out(item, xml) when 3 then isorefmatches3out(item, xml) end end def reference(node) refs = node.items.each_with_object([]) do |b, m| m << reference1code(b.text, node) end reference_populate(reference_normalise(refs)) end def reference_normalise(refs) refs.each do |r| r[:code] = @c.decode(r[:code]).gsub(/\u2009\u2014\u2009/, " -- ") end end def reference_populate(refs) results = refs.each_with_index.with_object( do |(ref, i), res| fetch_ref_async(ref.merge(ord: i), i, res) end ret = reference_queue(refs, results) noko do |xml| ret.each { |b| reference1out(b, xml) } end.join end def reference_queue(refs, results) refs.each.with_object([]) do |_, m| ref, i, doc = results.pop m[i.to_i] = { ref: ref } if doc.is_a?(RelatonBib::RequestError) @log.add("Bibliography", nil, "Could not retrieve #{ref[:code]}: " \ "no access to online site") else m[i.to_i][:doc] = doc end end end end end end