# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'test_helper'

class IfElseTagTest < Minitest::Test
  include Liquid

  def test_if
    assert_template_result('  ', ' {% if false %} this text should not go into the output {% endif %} ')
    assert_template_result('  this text should go into the output  ',
      ' {% if true %} this text should go into the output {% endif %} ')
    assert_template_result('  you rock ?', '{% if false %} you suck {% endif %} {% if true %} you rock {% endif %}?')

  def test_literal_comparisons
    assert_template_result(' NO ', '{% assign v = false %}{% if v %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% assign v = nil %}{% if v == nil %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}')

  def test_if_else
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if false %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if true %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if "foo" %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}')

  def test_if_boolean
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => true)

  def test_if_or
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if a or b %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => true, 'b' => true)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if a or b %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => true, 'b' => false)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if a or b %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => false, 'b' => true)
    assert_template_result('',      '{% if a or b %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => false, 'b' => false)

    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if a or b or c %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => false, 'b' => false, 'c' => true)
    assert_template_result('',      '{% if a or b or c %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => false, 'b' => false, 'c' => false)

  def test_if_or_with_operators
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if a == true or b == true %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => true, 'b' => true)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if a == true or b == false %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => true, 'b' => true)
    assert_template_result('', '{% if a == false or b == false %} YES {% endif %}', 'a' => true, 'b' => true)

  def test_comparison_of_strings_containing_and_or_or
    awful_markup = "a == 'and' and b == 'or' and c == 'foo and bar' and d == 'bar or baz' and e == 'foo' and foo and bar"
    assigns      = { 'a' => 'and', 'b' => 'or', 'c' => 'foo and bar', 'd' => 'bar or baz', 'e' => 'foo', 'foo' => true, 'bar' => true }
    assert_template_result(' YES ', "{% if #{awful_markup} %} YES {% endif %}", assigns)

  def test_comparison_of_expressions_starting_with_and_or_or
    assigns = { 'order' => { 'items_count' => 0 }, 'android' => { 'name' => 'Roy' } }
      "{% if android.name == 'Roy' %}YES{% endif %}",
      "{% if order.items_count == 0 %}YES{% endif %}",

  def test_if_and
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if true and true %} YES {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if false and true %} YES {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if false and true %} YES {% endif %}')

  def test_hash_miss_generates_false
    assert_template_result('', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => {})

  def test_if_from_variable
    assert_template_result('', '{% if var %} NO {% endif %}', 'var' => false)
    assert_template_result('', '{% if var %} NO {% endif %}', 'var' => nil)
    assert_template_result('', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => false })
    assert_template_result('', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => {})
    assert_template_result('', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => nil)
    assert_template_result('', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => true)

    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => "text")
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => true)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => 1)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => {})
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => [])
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if "foo" %} YES {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => true })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => "text" })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => 1 })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => {} })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => [] })

    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => false)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}', 'var' => nil)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if var %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}', 'var' => true)
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if "foo" %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}', 'var' => "text")

    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => false })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => true })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'bar' => "text" })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => { 'notbar' => true })
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}', 'foo' => {})
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if foo.bar %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}', 'notfoo' => { 'bar' => true })

  def test_nested_if
    assert_template_result('', '{% if false %}{% if false %} NO {% endif %}{% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if false %}{% if true %} NO {% endif %}{% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if true %}{% if false %} NO {% endif %}{% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if true %}{% if true %} YES {% endif %}{% endif %}')

    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if true %}{% if true %} YES {% else %} NO {% endif %}{% else %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if true %}{% if false %} NO {% else %} YES {% endif %}{% else %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result(' YES ', '{% if false %}{% if true %} NO {% else %} NONO {% endif %}{% else %} YES {% endif %}')

  def test_comparisons_on_null
    assert_template_result('', '{% if null < 10 %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if null <= 10 %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if null >= 10 %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if null > 10 %} NO {% endif %}')

    assert_template_result('', '{% if 10 < null %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if 10 <= null %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if 10 >= null %} NO {% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('', '{% if 10 > null %} NO {% endif %}')

  def test_else_if
    assert_template_result('0', '{% if 0 == 0 %}0{% elsif 1 == 1%}1{% else %}2{% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('1', '{% if 0 != 0 %}0{% elsif 1 == 1%}1{% else %}2{% endif %}')
    assert_template_result('2', '{% if 0 != 0 %}0{% elsif 1 != 1%}1{% else %}2{% endif %}')

    assert_template_result('elsif', '{% if false %}if{% elsif true %}elsif{% endif %}')

  def test_syntax_error_no_variable
    assert_raises(SyntaxError) { assert_template_result('', '{% if jerry == 1 %}') }

  def test_syntax_error_no_expression
    assert_raises(SyntaxError) { assert_template_result('', '{% if %}') }

  def test_if_with_custom_condition
    original_op = Condition.operators['contains']
    Condition.operators['contains'] = :[]

    assert_template_result('yes', %({% if 'bob' contains 'o' %}yes{% endif %}))
    assert_template_result('no', %({% if 'bob' contains 'f' %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}))
    Condition.operators['contains'] = original_op

  def test_operators_are_ignored_unless_isolated
    original_op = Condition.operators['contains']
    Condition.operators['contains'] = :[]

      %({% if 'gnomeslab-and-or-liquid' contains 'gnomeslab-and-or-liquid' %}yes{% endif %}))
    Condition.operators['contains'] = original_op

  def test_operators_are_whitelisted
    assert_raises(SyntaxError) do
      assert_template_result('', %({% if 1 or throw or or 1 %}yes{% endif %}))

  def test_multiple_conditions
    tpl = "{% if a or b and c %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}"

    tests = {
      [true, true, true] => true,
      [true, true, false] => true,
      [true, false, true] => true,
      [true, false, false] => true,
      [false, true, true] => true,
      [false, true, false] => false,
      [false, false, true] => false,
      [false, false, false] => false,

    tests.each do |vals, expected|
      a, b, c = vals
      assigns = { 'a' => a, 'b' => b, 'c' => c }
      assert_template_result(expected.to_s, tpl, assigns, assigns.to_s)