describe('Factory: Nutupane', function() { var $timeout, $location, $stateParams, $rootScope, $q, Resource, TableCache, entriesPerPage, expectedResult, Nutupane; beforeEach(module('Bastion.components')); beforeEach(module(function ($provide) { $stateParams = {}; entriesPerPage = 20; TableCache = { getTable: function () { }, setTable: function () { }, removeTable: function () { } }; $provide.value('$stateParams', $stateParams); $provide.value('entriesPerPage', entriesPerPage); $provide.value('TableCache', TableCache); })); beforeEach(inject(function(_$location_, _$timeout_, _Nutupane_, _$rootScope_, _$q_) { $location = _$location_; $timeout = _$timeout_; Nutupane = _Nutupane_; $rootScope = _$rootScope_; $q = _$q_; expectedResult = [{id: 2, value: "value2"}, {id:3, value: "value3"}, {id: 4, value: "value4"}, {id:5, value: "value5"}]; Resource = { queryPaged: function(params, callback) { var result = { page: 1, results: expectedResult, subtotal: 8, per_page: 2, $promise: $q.resolve() }; if (callback) { callback(result); } return result; }, customAction: function(params, callback) { return {$promise: $q.resolve()}; }, page: 1, per_page: 2, total: 10, subtotal: 8, offset: 1, sort: { by: "description", order: "ASC" } }; })); describe("adds additional functionality to the Nutupane table by", function() { var nutupane; beforeEach(function() { nutupane = new Nutupane(Resource); nutupane.table.working = false; nutupane.table.selectAll = function() {}; nutupane.table.getSelected = function() {}; nutupane.table.disableSelectAll = function () { }; nutupane.table.enableSelectAll = function () { }; nutupane.table.allSelected = function () { return true; }; nutupane.table.rows = [{id: 0, value: "value0"}, {id:1, value: "value1"}]; nutupane.table.resource = Resource; }); it("providing a method to fetch records for the table", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged').and.callThrough(); nutupane.query(); expect(Resource.queryPaged).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(nutupane.table.rows.length).toBe(4); angular.forEach(nutupane.table.rows, function(value, index) { expect(value).toBe(expectedResult[index]); }); }); describe("sets query string params of the table's properties", function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn($location, 'search').and.callThrough(); }); it("if paged", function () { nutupane.table.params.paged = true; nutupane.load(); expect($'page', 1); expect($'per_page', 20); }); it("but does not include page information if not paged", function () { nutupane.table.params.paged = false; nutupane.load(); expect($'page', jasmine.any); expect($'per_page', jasmine.any); }); it("by including a search if there is one", function () { nutupane.table.searchTerm = 'hello!'; nutupane.load(); expect($'search', 'hello!'); }); it("by not including a search if there isn't one", function () { nutupane.load(); expect($'search', jasmine.any); }); it("by including the sort properties if provided", function () { nutupane.table.params['sort_by'] = 'name'; nutupane.table.params['sort_order'] = 'asc'; nutupane.load(); expect($'sortBy', 'name'); expect($'sortOrder', 'asc'); }); it("by not including the sort properties if provided", function () { nutupane.load(); expect($'sortBy', jasmine.any); expect($'sortOrder', jasmine.any); }); }); it("providing a method to refresh the table", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged').and.callThrough(); nutupane.refresh(); expect(Resource.queryPaged).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(nutupane.table.rows).toBe(expectedResult); }); it("provides a way to invalidate the table", function () { spyOn(TableCache, 'removeTable'); nutupane.invalidate(); expect(TableCache.removeTable).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("providing a method to perform a search", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged').and.callThrough();; expect(Resource.queryPaged).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("refusing to perform a search if the table is currently fetching", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged'); nutupane.table.working = true;; expect(Resource.queryPaged).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("setting the search parameter in the URL when performing a search", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged'); nutupane.table.working = true;"Find Me"); expect($"Find Me"); }); it("can clear the search", function () { spyOn(nutupane.table, 'search'); nutupane.table.clearSearch(); expect(; expect(nutupane.table.searchCompleted).toBe(true); }); it("updates a single occurrence of a row within the list of rows.", function() { var newRow = {id:0, value:"new value", anotherValue: "value"}; nutupane.table.replaceRow(newRow); expect(nutupane.table.rows[0]).toBe(newRow); }); it("removes a single occurrence of a row within the list of rows.", function() { var row = {id:0, value: "value2"}; nutupane.removeRow(; expect(nutupane.table.rows.length).toBe(1); expect(nutupane.table.rows).not.toContain(row); }); it("decrements num selected if removed row is selected.", function() { var row = nutupane.table.rows[0]; row.selected = true; nutupane.table.numSelected = 1; nutupane.removeRow(; expect(nutupane.table.rows.length).toBe(1); expect(nutupane.table.rows).not.toContain(row); expect(nutupane.table.numSelected).toBe(0); }); it("provides a way to check if the table supports pagination", function () { expect(nutupane.table.hasPagination()).toBeTruthy(); nutupane.table.resource.subtotal = null; expect(nutupane.table.hasPagination()).toBeFalsy(); }); it("provides a way to tell if on the first page", function () { nutupane.table.firstPage(); expect(nutupane.table.onFirstPage()).toBe(true); }); it("provides a way to get the last page", function () { expect(nutupane.table.getLastPage()).toBe(4); }); it("provides a way to tell if on the last page", function () { spyOn(nutupane, 'load'); nutupane.table.lastPage(); expect(nutupane.table.onLastPage()).toBe(true); expect(nutupane.load).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("provides a way to see if a page exists", function () { expect(nutupane.table.pageExists(2)).toBe(true); expect(nutupane.table.pageExists(4)).toBe(true); expect(nutupane.table.pageExists(23524)).toBe(false); }); it("provides a way to get the page start based on offset", function () { expect(nutupane.table.getPageStart()).toBe(1); nutupane.table.rows = []; expect(nutupane.table.getPageStart()).toBe(0); }); it("provides a way to get the page end based on offset", function () { expect(nutupane.table.getPageEnd()).toBe(2); }); describe("provides page navigation", function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(nutupane.table, 'changePage').and.callThrough(); spyOn(nutupane, 'load'); }); afterEach(function () { expect(nutupane.load).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("to the first page", function () { nutupane.table.firstPage(); expect(nutupane.table.changePage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1); }); it("to the previous page", function () { = 3; nutupane.table.previousPage(); expect(nutupane.table.changePage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2); }); it("to the next page", function () { = 3; nutupane.table.nextPage(); expect(nutupane.table.changePage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(4); }); it("to the last page", function () { nutupane.table.lastPage(); expect(nutupane.table.changePage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(4); }); it("to an arbitrary page", function () { nutupane.table.changePage(3); expect(; expect(; }); }); it("sets the array of page sizes that includes the default setting from rails", function () { expect(nutupane.table.pageSizes).toBeDefined(); expect(nutupane.table.pageSizes).toContain(entriesPerPage); }); it("provides a way to update the page size", function () { spyOn(nutupane, "query"); nutupane.table.updatePageSize(); expect(nutupane.query).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("provides a way to add an individual row", function() { nutupane.table.rows = new Array(8); nutupane.table.addRow(''); expect(nutupane.table.rows.length).toBe(9); }); it("provides a way to enable select all results", function(){ nutupane.enableSelectAllResults(); expect(nutupane.table.selectAllResultsEnabled).toBe(true); }); it("provides a way to select all results", function() { nutupane.enableSelectAllResults(); spyOn(nutupane.table, 'selectAll'); spyOn(nutupane.table, 'disableSelectAll'); nutupane.table.selectAllResults(true); expect(nutupane.table.selectAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); expect(nutupane.table.disableSelectAll).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(nutupane.table.allResultsSelected).toBe(true); expect(nutupane.table.numSelected).toBe(nutupane.table.resource.subtotal); }); it("provides a way to de-select all results", function(){ nutupane.enableSelectAllResults(); nutupane.table.numSelected = 0; spyOn(nutupane.table, 'selectAll'); spyOn(nutupane.table, 'enableSelectAll'); nutupane.table.selectAllResults(false); expect(nutupane.table.selectAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false); expect(nutupane.table.enableSelectAll).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(nutupane.table.allResultsSelected).toBe(false); expect(nutupane.table.numSelected).toBe(0); }); it("provides a way to get deselected items", function(){ var deselected; nutupane.enableSelectAllResults(); nutupane.table.rows = expectedResult; angular.forEach(nutupane.table.rows, function(item, itemIndex) { item.selected = true; }); nutupane.table.rows[0].selected = false deselected = nutupane.getDeselected(); expect(deselected.length).toBe(1); expect(deselected[0]).toBe(nutupane.table.rows[0]); }); it("provides a way to retrieve selected result items", function(){ var results; nutupane.enableSelectAllResults(); nutupane.table.selectAllResults(true); nutupane.table.searchTerm = "FOO" angular.forEach(nutupane.table.rows, function(item, itemIndex) { item.selected = true; }); nutupane.table.rows[0].selected = false; results = nutupane.getAllSelectedResults('id'); expect(results.excluded.ids[0]).toBe(nutupane.table.rows[0]['id']); expect("FOO"); }); it("provides a way to translate scoped search queries", function() { var translated, data = [{label: 'bar', category: 'foo'}, {label: 'bar2', category: 'foo'}]; translated = nutupane.table.transformScopedSearch(data); expect(translated.length).toBe(3); expect(translated[0].isCategory).toBeTruthy(); expect(translated[0].category).toBe('foo'); expect(translated[1]).toBe(data[0]); expect(translated[2]).toBe(data[1]); }); it("provides a way to change the searchKey", function() { nutupane.setSearchKey("keyFoo"); expect(nutupane.searchKey).toBe("keyFoo"); }); it("autocompletes using the original resource if possible", function() { var data; Resource.autocomplete = function() {return ["foo"]}; spyOn(Resource, 'autocomplete').and.callThrough(); data = nutupane.table.autocomplete(); expect(Resource.autocomplete).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(data[0]).toBe("foo"); }); it("autocompletes using fetchAutocomplete if resource doesn't support autocomplete", function() { var data; nutupane.table.fetchAutocomplete = function() {return ['bar']}; spyOn(nutupane.table, 'fetchAutocomplete').and.callThrough(); data = nutupane.table.autocomplete(); expect(nutupane.table.fetchAutocomplete).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(data[0]).toBe("bar"); }); describe("provides a way to sort the table", function() { it("defaults the sort to ascending if the previous sort does not match the new sort.", function() { var expectedParams = {sort_by: 'name', sort_order: 'ASC', search: '', paged: true, page: 1, per_page: entriesPerPage}; nutupane.table.resource.sort = {}; spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged').and.callThrough(); nutupane.table.sortBy({id: "name"}); expect(Resource.queryPaged).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedParams, jasmine.any(Function)); }); it("toggles the sort order if already sorting by that column", function() { var expectedParams = {sort_by: 'name', sort_order: 'DESC', search: '', paged: true, page: 1, per_page: entriesPerPage}; nutupane.table.resource.sort = { by: 'name', order: 'ASC' }; spyOn(Resource, 'queryPaged').and.callThrough(); nutupane.table.sortBy({id: "name"}); expect(Resource.queryPaged).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedParams, jasmine.any(Function)); }); it("sets the column sort order and marks it as active.", function() { var column = {id: "name"} nutupane.table.resource.sort = {}; nutupane.table.sortBy(column); expect(column.sortOrder).toBe("ASC"); expect(; }); it("refreshes the table by calling query()", function() { spyOn(nutupane, "query"); nutupane.table.sortBy({id: "name"}); expect(nutupane.query).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe("Nutupane should", function() { beforeEach(function() { nutupane = new Nutupane(Resource, {}, 'customAction'); nutupane.table.working = false; nutupane.table.allSelected = function () {}; nutupane.table.selectAll = function () {}; }); it("provide a method to fetch records for the table via a custom action", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'customAction').and.callThrough(); nutupane.query(); expect(Resource.customAction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("naming the URL search field based off the action", function() {'*'); expect($['customActionSearch']).toBe('*'); }); it("provide a method to add params", function () { nutupane.addParam('test', 'ABC'); expect(nutupane.getParams()['test']).toBe('ABC'); }); it("be able to disable auto-load", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'customAction') nutupane = new Nutupane(Resource, {}, 'customAction', {'disableAutoLoad': true}); expect(nutupane.disableAutoLoad).toBe(true); expect(Resource.customAction).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("be able to load results after initialization", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'customAction').and.callThrough(); nutupane = new Nutupane(Resource, {}, 'customAction', {'disableAutoLoad': true}); expect(nutupane.disableAutoLoad).toBe(true); nutupane.refresh(); expect(Resource.customAction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("be able to enable autoload", function() { spyOn(Resource, 'customAction').and.callThrough(); nutupane = new Nutupane(Resource, {}, 'customAction', {'disableAutoLoad': false}); expect(nutupane.disableAutoLoad).toBe(false); expect(Resource.customAction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("when there was an error loading the resource", function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(Resource, 'customAction').and.callFake(function() { return { $promise: $q.reject('internal server error') }; }); nutupane.load(); $rootScope.$apply(); }); it("ensures the table is not in 'refreshing' state", function() { expect(nutupane.table.refreshing).toBe(false); }); it("ensures the table is not in 'working' state", function() { expect(nutupane.table.working).toBe(false); }); }); }); });