require 'generators/rspec' require 'rails/generators/resource_helpers' module Rspec module Generators # @private class ScaffoldGenerator < Base include ::Rails::Generators::ResourceHelpers source_paths << File.expand_path('../helper/templates', __dir__) argument :attributes, type: :array, default: [], banner: "field:type field:type" class_option :orm, desc: "ORM used to generate the controller" class_option :template_engine, desc: "Template engine to generate view files" class_option :singleton, type: :boolean, desc: "Supply to create a singleton controller" class_option :api, type: :boolean, desc: "Skip specs unnecessary for API-only apps" class_option :controller_specs, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Generate controller specs" class_option :request_specs, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Generate request specs" class_option :view_specs, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Generate view specs" class_option :helper_specs, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Generate helper specs" class_option :routing_specs, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Generate routing specs" def initialize(*args, &blk) @generator_args = args.first super(*args, &blk) end def generate_controller_spec return unless options[:controller_specs] if options[:api] template 'api_controller_spec.rb', template_file(folder: 'controllers', suffix: '_controller') else template 'controller_spec.rb', template_file(folder: 'controllers', suffix: '_controller') end end def generate_request_spec return unless options[:request_specs] if options[:api] template 'api_request_spec.rb', template_file(folder: 'requests') else template 'request_spec.rb', template_file(folder: 'requests') end end def generate_view_specs return if options[:api] return unless options[:view_specs] && options[:template_engine] copy_view :edit copy_view :index unless options[:singleton] copy_view :new copy_view :show end def generate_routing_spec return unless options[:routing_specs] template_file = target_path( 'routing', controller_class_path, "#{controller_file_name}_routing_spec.rb" ) template 'routing_spec.rb', template_file end protected attr_reader :generator_args def copy_view(view) template "#{view}_spec.rb", target_path("views", controller_file_path, "#{view}.html.#{options[:template_engine]}_spec.rb") end # support for namespaced-resources def ns_file_name return file_name if ns_parts.empty? "#{'/')}_#{ns_suffix.singularize.underscore}" end # support for namespaced-resources def ns_table_name return table_name if ns_parts.empty? "#{'/')}/#{ns_suffix.tableize}" end def ns_parts @ns_parts ||= begin parts = generator_args[0].split(/\/|::/) parts.size > 1 ? parts : [] end end def ns_prefix @ns_prefix ||= ns_parts[0..-2] end def ns_suffix @ns_suffix ||= ns_parts[-1] end def value_for(attribute) raw_value_for(attribute).inspect end def raw_value_for(attribute) case attribute.type when :string when :integer, :float @attribute_id_map ||= {} @attribute_id_map[attribute] ||= + attribute.default else attribute.default end end def template_file(folder:, suffix: '') target_path(folder, controller_class_path, "#{controller_file_name}#{suffix}_spec.rb") end def banner self.class.banner end def show_helper(resource_name = file_name) "#{singular_route_name}_url(#{resource_name})" end end end end